Bump in the Night

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Once upon a time...

Recovered from planet P7-9L, the last world that humanity visited before seceding its seat on the galactic council, and retreating to only three systems. Text transcription of video recording.

[recording begins: A mother holding its child]

Child (C): Mother what does father fight.

Mother (M): He fights the stuff of stories long sung by our people.

C: What stories, mother?

M: Shall I tell you one, little one? I warn you they are not for the faint of heart.

[Child seems to be contemplating]

C: I think I am brave.

[Tears roll down the mother's eyes as the sounds of bombs drop.]

M: You are very brave, now listen well my child for I only have time for one story before we must go to bed.

C: Okay.

M: What goes bump in the night?

Sending demons running in fright?

Two legs, and two arms,

and voices filled with charms.

A world of many, known by one,

for they have the fear of their home.

In peace at first, filled with fun,

they will leave their world to roam.


As the shadows, they know,

and name as stories,

we come with scars to show,

and warn you of our worries.


Strength of arms, and power of sight,

are not included in their might,

Wisdom, grace, beauty, and fame,

Are neither theirs to claim.


Fury, wrath, and death abound,

wherever humans are to be found.

So when they come as they surely will,

feel upon your back the chill.


A chill of cold and dark and fear,

for an unknowable predator is near,

they hunted us in eons past,

and though we few fled at last.


We spread this as a ward, warning, and prayer

that when they come, it is not in anger.

These will be our final thoughts,

As we flee what they wrought.


Though we the ancients of the earth,

Have come to you filled with mirth.

If strength within you, prepare for fight,

for it is humans that go bump in the night.


[The sound of bombs can be heard drawing closer]

C: It's not that scary. It's a funny rhyme.

M: It is isn't it. I love you little one.

C: I love you to...

[video files end after sounds that indicate subjects were killed.]

It is worth noting that variations of this story had been seeded throughout societies before the achievement of FTL, in a straight line of systems, leading from the human homeworld of Earth to the uncharted depths of the galaxy.

At this time the Galactic Council has not determined what actions will be taken against the humans, or if any action against them is wise.

These stories are complete!
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