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Chapter 5

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Faylen's View

After a hot dinner, Desmond spent the evening talking with his parents as Akkar and I looked over a map that he'd brought, speaking in Faejesh to be sure we weren't overheard. "How much do you trust these humans to keep their word, Faylen?"

"One of us has to have trust and I trust that they will begin joining us in Gulonde within the next two months. However, for safety and peace of mind, sleep lightly tonight. I will do the same. I trust Desmond's parents not to attack as we sleep, but we both heard Aviryll say that some here are beginning to believe the human king and I am not sure that we were not seen before Collen invited us in his home." Akkar gave me a curt nod.

"I was planning to stand guard in here tonight and at night all the way back to Gulonde. It will ensure the safety of all of us."

"We will change out every night. I will stand guard tonight, you stand tomorrow night. You need sleep, Akkar. To catch us as quick as you did, you would not have been able to sleep."

"Thank you, Faylen. And you are right. I travelled day and night to catch you. We will need to find a spot for the humans to live in Gulonde. Your father will expect a plan already laid out to ensure everyone's safety."

"There is plenty of open housing in the city. We can assign a section to the humans. Any elf that does not wish to attempt trusting them may stay out of their section. The same for the humans that do not wish to trust us."

"Should we post guards between the areas as well?"

"No. That may be seen as completely untrusted. We need to raise our trust and show it for this alliance to work."

"But we must stay safe as well, Faylen."

"I did not say that we would not be on guard. We can have guards walking around our section to keep an eye on things and make sure everyone is getting along. If anyone starts fighting, they are walked back to their area. Once Collen and Aviryll join us in Gulonde, I will have them do the same with the humans. Any fighters are sent to their leader - humans go to Collen and elves come to me."

"But your father-"

"He will not want to be bothered by that and will punish me for leaving Gulonde. I already know he is infuriated at me for asking the Tebury humans for their help because he claims we do not need it. I will take responsibility for my actions before our return and plan to handle any issues that arise between the humans and elves." Akkar looked shocked. "Now do you understand why I left Gulonde to ask these humans for their aid? We need their help in this war and my father does not see it. I know our trust has been thinned but we have to hold on to some of it or we will lose this war and our lives faster than we ever thought possible." Akkar nodded and his gaze slid to something over my shoulder, making me turn around.

"Is everything alright, my lady?" Collen asked.

"Yes, just planning for when we return. My father will demand solutions for living arrangements and such when I get back. Better to make the plans now so they are ready than to say that I need to figure them out." Collen chuckled.

"If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know. We don't want to be a burden on you if we're meant to help."

"Thank you. As of now, there is only one thing that would help, but it would not be until you join us in Gulonde."

"And that would be?"

"Have people walking around the portion of the city where your people will be. I am going to instruct my people that no fighting or harm is to be dealt to your people, but for additional safety, I think it wise that we both have guards walking around our areas. If any are caught fighting, they are sent to their leader - humans to you and elves to me."

"We're going to be separated from the elves?"

"Just until everyone gets to know each other so there are friendships made by willing participants. I do not want to force our people to befriend each other." Collen nodded in understanding.

"That makes sense. Alright. I'll make sure to have a few guards walking around to keep my people from starting any fights." I smiled and gave him a nod in appreciation. "Come. Time for bed and sleep. You look tired and Akkar looks even more tired." We followed him up the stairs while trying to avoid the Monitingo, and saw Desmond walking into a room behind his mother.

"It's like nothing changed in here," he said to her.

"Once you were taken, we didn't have the strength to walk in here and be reminded of you. It was too much for us to bear so we left it alone."

"Here we go, my lady," Collen said as he opened a door. "I'm unsure of the sleeping arrangements for elves, especially where royalty is concerned. I have one more spare room if Akkar is not allowed to sleep in the same room as you." I looked in the room and saw two beds.

"As long as it is not the same bed, we will be fine in the one room. Thank you so much for your kindness, Collen."

"My pleasure. Thank you for saving my son and bringing him to see us. We've missed him these last 20 years. I can hardly believe that he grew up this much," he said as he looked towards Desmond's room.

"We will leave-"

"There's no rush," Collen said, interrupting me. "Take your time to rest and recuperate for your journey home." I smiled and walked into the room. Akkar followed me in and sat on a bed as Collen closed the door.

"Get some sleep, Akkar. I will stand guard for the night to ensure our safety." He nodded and turned to lay down on the bed, letting his breathing even out in mere minutes. I looked out the window at the strange town laid out in front of me while listening to the silence in the house. Hoping to see which humans we would need to be more cautious around, I touched the minds of all in Tebury, feeling the same familiar distance I had felt with Desmond's mind when I rescued him. As the moon rose higher in the sky, I saw a few Monitingos wandering around the street and between the houses. A shiver ran down my spine at the sight of them since elves typically kept a good distance from them. I heard a creak from behind me and spun to see our door opening. As quietly as I could, I drew my small blade and prepared to attack whomever was sneaking in. Collen appeared in the opening and placed a hand just inches over Akkar's mouth. Giving a nod, he stood and turned to my bed, stalling when he saw me standing by the window.

"You should be resting, Princess," he said softly.

"What are you doing?" I whispered with cautious danger in my voice.

"Ensuring the safety of those in my home. I checked Desmond and my wife as well." I scrunched my face slightly in confusion. "If I can feel a person's breath on my hand while they sleep, I know they are alive and safe. If I don't feel their breath, I can begin searching for the reason or killer." We stood in silence for a moment while he studied me. "With you still being up and drawing your blade as I entered, I assume you heard what my wife said?"

"There are some here that believe the human king," I said as I gave a nod, seeing him slouch a bit in defeat. "It would be foolish of me to succumb to sleep and risk being attacked." He motioned for me to come closer but stepped out into the hall.

"We'll go down to the common room and talk. I promise that Akkar will be safe. No one from Tebury will climb the wall to sneak into my home."

"And those that are not from Tebury?"

"Seeing that you didn't enter our town from Giwic Keep, I doubt any outside of Tebury know you're here. We will leave the door open if you wish so you can hear if something does happen." I nodded and sheathed my blade, following Collen down to the common room. "You're rightfully cautious, my lady," he said as he motioned at a chair. I looked at him, suspicious of his meaning. "I don't mean that in a bad way. In any war, one must be cautious of whom they trust. They instinctively trust their friends and family, but must also understand that betrayal can come from the same family and friends they trust. I know I can fully trust Aviryll. She's the one person that I know without a doubt believes a coexistence is possible. Sadly, I cannot trust Desmond in the same unreserved way due to the fact that he was taken at such a young age. While I do believe in a coexistence between our races, I know I would be foolish to blindly trust you."

"This war has thinned your trust as well, has it not?" I asked. Collen nodded his response. "Mine too," I said with a sigh. "We need someone to show a full trust of both our races, Collen. Someone must set the example for the rest of our people."

"Yes, we will need someone to set an example. I would say that we utilize Desmond as the example of coexistence, but some may make the argument that he is only trusting you because of his life vow."

"Which is why you and I should be the ones to set the example." He looked at me warily. "If the one person that is an example of coexistence will not be accepted as such by all of our people, then two who have no binds to the other must set the example." Collen leaned back in his chair and looked at me for a bit.

"Do you feel we can show full trust of the other at all times?" I nodded.

"Yes. We showed it when you invited us in and until you came in the room Akkar and I were in."

"When you drew your blade," he said with a smirk.

"One who sneaks brings foul intent." His smirk softened and became more of a smile.

"You're wise, Princess. Very wise."

"Only because this war has made me wise."

"I don't think so. I believe it's an innate intelligence." He sighed and thought for a moment. "I believe we can set a grand example of coexistence. I will walk you to the edge of town tomorrow when you leave and we will begin our example with a handshake. To my people, a handshake shows trust, and we must have trust to have a coexistence. Will you tell your people of that when you return? It will make things easier when we arrive in Gulonde."

"Of course, but please, I insist on your people calling me Faylen." He smiled and nodded. "May I suggest that you send only a few people through Giwic Keep? Too many traveling through will reveal that you are all leaving Tebury."

"How else are we to get to Gulonde then?"

"Take the Old Road. I will mark it on your map. There are many hardships along the Old Road, but it will be safer for most to travel that way." We went over to a map that he had on the wall and he handed me a piece of charcoal, letting me mark out the Old Road on his map. "Those that travel this way will have to cross the Baste River without a bridge. It will be hard, but Desmond and I did it and Akkar did it on his own. Do not let the surface of the river fool you, though. It is a strong current."

"I'll make sure the map isn't left here where anyone could find it. I don't want outsiders finding out that all in Tebury went to Gulonde to form an alliance with the elves. King Betyn's men would attack the city and leave none alive. I do not want to have any harm follow us, and I refuse to have the death of the elven race on my conscience." I nodded and finished marking out the Old Road on his map. "Come. Let us go to bed, Faylen. You have a long journey home and must get some rest before you leave."

I paused as we turned to head back up the stairs, the sight in front of me reminding me of a concern that all the elves would have. "May I assume the Monitingos will be coming with you to Gulonde?"

"Monitingos?" Collen asked as he turned back to face me. I pointed at the wolf-like creature sitting beside the stairs that was watching me intently. "Oh, we call them Quetzal Jackals. I didn't know the elves had a different name for them. We use them as protection for our homes and the livestock. Many of the children consider them to be a part of their family and don't know life without them so yes, they would be coming with. I've noticed that there's some tension between you, Akkar and Cloud. Is there a reason for that?"

"Elves and Monitingos tend to avoid each other," I said, not taking my eyes off the creature that was watching me intently.


"They cannot sense our energy until we display it so we cannot control them. I have heard stories that some of our people were attacked by them long ago, but I am not sure of the truth to those stories. My father would know better than I about the truth of them. Due to the mutual avoidance between Montingos and elves, none are in Gulonde. I will allow you to bring your Monitingos to Gulonde, but please keep them in the area near the humans. I do not want the rest of the elves to fear attacks from them. Also, expect some changes in their behavior. They will be surrounded by those they normally avoid and that tension may cause danger to any nearby." He nodded and shooed his Monitingo off, letting me breathe easily again.

"What about the Kinkajoo Stallions and the Polar Addaxes. May we bring them as well?" I felt my face scrunch in confusion. "Different names for them, too. Got it. Let's go outside for a moment to make this easier since our races have different names for the creatures of the world," he chuckled out. I nodded and followed him out the front door, seeing a flash of grey run to the other side of the street. "Wow. You both really avoid each other if given the room," he said as he led me to a field behind his house. "Okay, the Kinkajoo Stallions are the tall, light brown ones over there. The males have golden stripes on the bottom of their legs and a light colored mane on their neck and tail while the females have golden stripes around their body with a tail that is darker at the bottom. May we bring them?" he asked as he pointed to a herd of what I knew as Lechore.

"Yes, the Lechore may come. They will be helpful although it may be crowded in the stables."

"If there's room available for another stable, I'm sure my people won't mind helping build it so all the animals have space in them. And the Polar Addaxes? They're the small ones over there and we use them for wool for our clothes," he said as he pointed to a herd of Donoceros. They were a foot shorter than the Lechore, but their white and grey hair was longer and hung off the front of their body, and their antlers were long with only two tips rather than the multiple tips the Lechore had.

"Yes. The Donoceros will be a grand help. Wool is always useful." He nodded and we went back inside. "I believe there is room for an additional stable, but if not we can house the Lechore and Donoceros you bring with the ones already in Gulonde, and leave some out in their field at night. As for the food supplies you bring, you are welcome to store them with ours and take what you need when you need it." He nodded again as he closed the door.

"I'll let everyone know to keep their...what did you call them? Monitingos?" I nodded. "I'll let them know to keep them in or near their house." I nodded and thanked him, and he led me back up to the rooms. I checked on Akkar to make sure he was still fine, then headed to my bed and laid down for a few short hours of light rest.

Collen's View

When the sun rose and we had all eaten a hot breakfast, I stepped outside and called the family leaders to the well in the town center. "An opportunity for all in our town was presented to me last night by an elf, and I accepted it on behalf of us all. However it does mean that for our safety, we will have to leave our homes and travel to Gulonde."

"What kind of opportunity, Collen?" asked Adrion.

"The chance to show a coexistence between humans and elves is truly possible. I intend to travel to Gulonde after completing an early harvest. I need to know now, which of your families is willing to join mine in this."

"Where's the elf? Are we sure this isn't a trick from King Betyn?" Conrauth asked.

"An elf serving that fool? Have you lost your mind, Conrauth? The elves are at war with King Betyn. If he's got one serving him, then it's a human wearing a disguise." I turned and waved to the house, motioning for Faylen to come down to me. Akkar started to follow her, but she turned to him for a moment then started toward me again. A murmur went through the crowd that I was talking to, falling silent as Faylen got closer.

"Faylen, these are the leaders of the families here in Tebury. My friends, this is Pri-" I stalled when Faylen put her hand on my shoulder.

"You all may call me Faylen." I saw some concern on Conrauth's face, but he said nothing.

"Again, I ask you all now. Which of your families is willing to follow mine to Gulonde? We will be leaving after an early harvest. Some will be able to travel through Giwic Keep, but most of us will take another path. A path that is both more dangerous and safer." There was silence for a few moments and I grew worried that no one was going to be willing travel to Gulonde.

"Mine will follow you," said Adrion. "If you feel a coexistence is still truly possible but only achievable by residence in Gulonde, we will do whatever necessary to achieve this. You have our word, Collen."

"Much appreciated, my friend. I assure you all that we will not be harmed by the elves in Gulonde. I have Faylen's word on that. We will have our own area in the city as well where those that do not wish to befriend the elves may stay away from them. Friendships are made and not forced which is why we'll be in a separate area of the city. The elves that do not wish to befriend us will stay in their area as well. Any caught fighting will be sent to their leader and punished accordingly. That means that you all will be sent to me if caught fighting and any elves will be sent to Faylen should they be caught." Slowly, the rest of the families joined Adrion in saying that they would follow us to Gulonde, including Conrauth. "Wonderful to hear, friends. I have been assured that any who wish to join the fighting may do so, regardless of all aspects including gender. I do suggest that you talk among your family members to see what everyone would like to do as there are options other than joining the battle efforts. We will begin harvesting today and as we complete the harvest, I will send some to Gulonde through Giwic Keep. The rest will follow the path I have detailed in my house. We will take all the harvest, supplies, and possessions we can carry. Be sure that once King Betyn learns we have joined the elves, he will burn our town again. If there is anything you want to keep, I suggest you take it when you leave. Faylen, is there anything you wish to say?"

"If there are any that would rather travel to Gulonde with Akkar, Desmond, and myself, please say so. We will be leaving soon. I am willing to take any with us that cannot stay to help with the harvest."

"May I send my daughter with you?" asked Adrion. "She's too young to help with the harvest and I don't want to see her harmed if King Betyn's men capture us on the road." Faylen nodded.

"I will ensure she is kept safe until you join us in Gulonde."

"If I fail to make it there, I want her in Collen's care when he arrives." Faylen nodded again.

"I will ensure it." He turned and headed to his house to get his daughter and her things. No one else spoke up and Faylen turned to me. "I must be going, Collen. We will see you in Gulonde. My father will be expecting me back soon and will want the plans for everyone's safety. I will have soldiers placed at the entrance to Dragon's Veil and at Baste River to help guide those that come along that path. Safe travels, and may no harm follow you."

"Thank you, Faylen," I said as I shook her hand. "We will be on our way as soon as the harvest is done." Faylen went back toward my house and collected her bag and water pouch, then headed down the street with Desmond and Akkar, and stopped at the corner to wait for Adrion and his daughter. Everyone headed back to their house to gather their harvesting tools and inform their families of what was happening as I headed down the street to the corner. "Desmond, you take care of yourself my boy," I murmured as I grasped his hand and tugged him into a hug.

"I will, Father. When can we begin expecting you in Gulonde?"

"Give us two weeks to harvest. Then it is a simple matter of travel time."

"So six weeks and you should begin arriving. Alright. I'll look for you then."

"Mylriel, you listen to them, child. If they say hide, you hide. If they say run, you run. Understand me, my child?" Adrion asked as he walked his daughter to our little group.

"I don't wanna go, Daddy. I wanna stay here with you and Mommy."

"Oh my baby girl," he said as he picked her up in a hug. "They will keep you safe until I arrive. Mommy, your brothers, and I must stay to collect the harvest. We will get there as soon as we can."

"But Daddy-"

"Go with them, Mylriel," he said firmly as he set her down. "You'll watch after her?" he asked as he looked up at Faylen.

"Her safety will be put before mine and she will stay in my room with me until your arrival. We will see you in Gulonde. Come to the castle when you get there and I will bring her to you."

"Thank you." He reached forward and she shook his hand, startling him.

"Safe travels, and may no harm find you."

"To you as well." I looked at Desmond and got a nod before he looked at Mylriel.

"Mylriel, would you like to ride on my shoulders? You'll be taller than all of us and will be able to see further. You can keep us safe," he said as he knelt in front of her.

"I can keep you safe?" He nodded eagerly and Adrion smiled as Mylriel crawled onto Desmond's shoulders. I shook Faylen's hand again and they turned to head to Gulonde as I saw a tear start to glide down Adrion's cheek.

"I know it's hard to see your child leave, Adrion," I said as I saw him wipe away the tear. "Believe me, I know how hard it is. But the sooner we harvest, the sooner you can join her in Gulonde. Let's get to work, my friend," I said as I placed a hand on his shoulder to turn him around.

"Why did Faylen say to find Mylriel at the castle? Is she going to be in the dungeons until I arrive?"

"No. Faylen is the elven princess and Akkar is her protection on this journey. If Mylriel's safety is placed before Faylen's, that means that Faylen must be killed before any harm comes to Mylriel." He nodded and finally let me turn him away from their departing backs.

"What will be the safest path for me, Collen? I want to reach her and watch her grow after we leave here."

"Both are dangerous paths. One places you going through Giwic Keep under the assumption of going to see a sick family member somewhere far away or moving to a different city for better work, but the other has you crossing Baste River without a bridge. If your lie is detected in Giwic Keep, you will lose your freedom and possibly your life, but if your footing is not sure and strong Baste River will sweep you away. Take your harvest time to decide which path you would prefer to travel. I will send you as we near the end of our harvest."

"How well do you trust that elf?"

"I trust her fully. We both want to end the war and have a coexistence between our people. They are traveling the same path that they took to come here, so they know the way. Mylriel will be safe, my friend. Put your worries to work and let them help our harvest," I said as we stopped at his house. He nodded and went inside to get his tools and sons. Over the next two weeks, all the men harvested to allow the women to get everything in the homes and shops packed for travel, and I got asked questions all day for the first week. I finally told everyone that we'd have a town dinner at the blacksmith's shop just before the first were to leave so that all questions could get answered. At the town dinner, all the families brought pots of food and set them on a large table that'd been set up, plates were stacked at one end, utensils were piled near the plates, and there were about a dozen pitchers of water at the other end of the table. I explained that the elves had different names for the animals, passed along the name differences that I had, and then told them that elves and Quetzal Jackals didn't get along.

"They don't get along? Why?" asked Gabruil, the eldest member of the Tancock family.

"Apparently, the Quetzal Jackal can't read the energy of elves until that energy is shown, so the elves can't control them. There's also stories of the elves being attacked by them in the past, but Faylen wasn't sure about the truth to those."

"My sons love our Quetzal Jackal. If we can't take him, they won't be willing to go and I won't leave my boys here to suffer the king's wrath," Gabruil said. A murmur of agreement started to fly around the table, and I held up a hand to silence everyone.

"Faylen is allowing us to bring them with. She only asks that we keep them in the area we'll be in. That means in the house or confined to the human area in some way. We can form ideas on their confinement when we arrive there. Please, my friends, don't worry about having to leave them. Once we arrive in Gulonde, use caution with your Quetzal Jackal. Their behavior may change as they'll be surrounded by a race that they prefer to avoid. The night before Faylen returned to Gulonde, I saw how much avoidance and tension the Quetzal Jackal has when faced with an elf. Ones outside ran to the other side of the street when she stepped out the door, and Cloud wouldn't take his eyes off her and Akkar. He stood guard at my bedroom door all night and I had to nearly push him out of the way to let Aviryll and I out the next morning." I saw a few eyebrows raise at that statement, but everyone nodded. "Are there any other questions about this? I can't answer everything, but I will answer what I can." No one spoke up so I let out a sigh. "Alright. We're nearing the end of our harvest so it's time to start sending people to Gulonde. Ladies, do any of you have all items from the home and shop packed?"

"I do," Gisena said. I nodded.

"Any others? I would rather not send just one lone family." No one spoke up and I nodded again. "Alright. Adrion, Gisena, if you're comfortable travelling alone, I will send you and your boys to Gulonde in the morning so you may be reunited with Mylriel. Adrion, you know the dangers of each path. Have you both discussed and thought about which pathway you'd prefer to take?" Adrion talked quietly with his wife for a few minutes before raising his gaze back to me.

"We're comfortable with travelling alone. We agreed that we should avoid Giwic Keep if at all possible. Some of Gisena's family lives there and will demand to know why they weren't informed of a sick family member. And if we tried to lie by saying that we're going to a different city for more work, they'd keep me in Giwic Keep to build more weapons for King Betyn." I nodded.

"Alright. You'll be following the Old Road and will have to cross Baste River without the use of a bridge. I don't know who will be there to help, but Faylen said she would have someone there to help any on that pathway. Trust the elf or elves there, my friend. I suggest you and your family get a good night's rest. I will see you off in the morning with a simple map to give you directions." He nodded and Gisena spoke up.

"Boys, you should head home and go to bed. Your packs are in your rooms and you only need to put your clothes in them in the morning." They nodded and left the table.

"Would anyone else like to avoid Giwic Keep if possible?" Everyone said yes and I chuckled. "Alright. I'll draw up simple maps for a few groups to use on their journey. I'd like to send larger groups to travel in for safety so ladies, please pack as quickly as possible. Aviryll and I will be last to leave and will take anyone that wants to travel with us or is unable to head out earlier. The next group will be sent out in two days." We all finished our dinners and headed home for the night. I drew up five simple maps and marked the Old Road on all of them.

"I hope Faylen keeps her word that there'll be someone at the river to help us cross," Aviryll said from behind me as I finished the last map.

"She will. She wants our help. She disobeyed her father to come ask us to help the elves, and was already making plans to handle living arrangements and any disputes between our people before they went to bed for the night. Those aren't actions that you'd take if you don't intend to keep your promises." I heard a sigh and turned to look at her, seeing a sadness that I hadn't seen in years. "Missing Desmond again?" I asked softly. She nodded. "He's fine, my sweet. Faylen rescued him from death, so she won't let him get killed if it can be avoided. You'll see him when we arrive in Gulonde. I promise. Only five more weeks to wait." She nodded and took a deep breath, giving me a soft smile as she looked at the map on the wall.

"Gisena and Adrion don't have a Quetzal Jackal to keep them safe. How will they stay safe from the Greywolf Hound if they're travelling through Dragon's Veil?"

"I was thinking about that, too. We're quite safe without Cloud and I'm sure there'll be others that travel with us that have their Quetzal Jackal. Would you be opposed to sending him to protect them on their travels?"

"Not at all. They should arrive as safely as possible." I nodded.

"I'll send him off with them in the morning. Come. Let's go to bed, my sweet." I got up just as the sky was lightening from the sunrise and grabbed a map on my way out the door with Cloud beside me. Stopping at the Old Road, I saw Adrion coming out of his house with his wife and boys which were still rubbing their eyes. Cloud stayed beside me, but walked in circles around me to keep me safe. "Adrion, Gisena. Good morning, my friends," I said as Cloud made his circles larger to protect all of us.

"Good morning, Collen. We're all ready and the house is emptied of our belongings."

"Alright. Here's a simple map of the Old Road. Faylen drew this on the map in my house and I copied it last night. Simply, you'll follow this pathway up to Dragon's Veil, turn west and go to Baste River, follow that north to the Sea of Ikos, then go west again to Gulonde. Take Cloud with you." Adrion looked up at me from the map with surprise all over his face.

"But you and Aviryll need him here for when you leave." I shook my head.

"I'm sure there'll be others that can't leave before then, and most likely they'll have a Quetzal Jackal travelling with them. We'll be fine. Don't worry for us. Would you like to take some Kinkajoo Stallions so you arrive quicker? Any animals we don't take, I'm going to set free." He looked at Gisena but she shook her head.

"We're young and healthy. We can travel by foot. Leave them for the others that will need them." I saw the boys pout and smiled, knowing they'd been wanting to ride them.

"Cloud, come." He came over and sat next to me, looking at Adrion and Gisena before moving his gaze to me. I'd always known his intelligence was high, but I wasn't certain he would fully understand me. "Protect them, boy. We'll see you soon." He licked my hand and moved next to Gisena and the boys, sniffing them and licking their hands as well. "The key with him is to not be nervous. Know what you want him to do and say it firmly. They're smarter than we've been giving them credit for. And you won't need to worry of feeding him, just tell him to go get his dinner and he'll take care of himself." Adrion nodded and set a hand on Cloud's head. "He should be able to jump Baste River. If he doesn't make it, please have the elf or elves there let everyone know the danger for them as they arrive. If he makes it, I'll find you in Gulonde and collect him then." He nodded and we shook hands, with a kiss on the cheek for Gisena.

"We'll see you in Gulonde, Collen. Safe travels, my friend."

"To you as well."

"Let's go, Cloud," Adrion said. They headed down the Old Road and Cloud trotted along behind them, stopping once to turn back and look at me. I nodded and he turned to follow them again, disappearing over the hill as the sun fully rose. A hand landing on my arm made me turn to find Aviryll looking after them with tears in her eyes.

"We'll all be reunited soon, my sweet. Is there anything you need?"

"The return of simpler times," she said softly. I laughed.

"They'll return someday, but for now we have things to tend to. Come. Let's get to work. The sooner we finish things here, the sooner we can reach Gulonde." As the sun started to sink to the horizon the next day, five families told me they would be ready to leave in the morning. I told them they'd be travelling together and that they'd also be taking a few of the Kinkajoo Stallions and Polar Addaxes with them and they nodded, happy for the assistance in travelling. "I'll also send some grains with you. You can use them as you travel, or even just give them as feed, but have any remainders passed along to the food stores of the elves. Faylen said we could add our supplies to theirs and have full use of the stores. I'll see you off as the sun rises." They nodded and headed home for a good night's rest before starting on their journey in the morning. I met them at the same time as I'd met Adrion when he and his family had left, gave them the map and directions, then helped them ready a few of the Kinkajoo Stallions for travel. I strung a handful of Polar Addaxes together and attached the rope to one of the male Kinkajoo Stallions I was sending with them, then went to collect some bags of grain. I tossed them over the back of the males as the older members finally got settled into place on the females. "Are you all set?" They nodded and headed off, their Quetzal Jackals following them and nipping at the legs of the Polar Addaxes when they slowed or tried to stop to eat the grass.

My long days were repeated three more times before I was finally at the last map that was on my wall. There were only four other families in town with Aviryll and I, two of which had Quetzal Jackals. "There's more livestock here than I want to set free. And we can't sell them all without raising suspicion," I said to Aviryll as I leaned on a fence, looking at the dozen Kinkajoo Stallions and Polar Addaxes that were still here. "What do you think would be best? Take them all with us, or only take what we need and set the rest free?"

"Take them all with us. If we run into a Greywolf Hound, there's no certainty that only two Quetzal Jackals will win the fight. I'm sure we'll lose plenty of the livestock on the journey, so we should have more than needed. It will also let us carry more supplies than those you've sent out." I nodded.

"Alright. I'll go ready-"

"You do that in the morning. You need rest, my darling," she scolded. "You've been up early and going to bed late every day this week. Take the one night to fully rest since we leave in the morning. I'm not going to have you kill yourself when you're the one who created this alliance with Faylen." I smiled.

"You always take such good care of me, my sweet," I murmured as I pressed a kiss to her forehead. She smiled and swatted my arm as I backed from her. "Come. You win. We'll take care of the rest in the morning." She nodded and walked me inside to a plate of dinner, then shooed me to bed, joining moments later.

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