
In the world of Crafting New Lives

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Chapter 1: The Beginning

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The first to spawn was Foolish. He opened his eyes to ones and zeros and….hands? They rearrange a few 1s and 0s and 1s and 1s and he closes his eyes from so much input and opens them to a world. His world, a voice supplies, unknown and new. He began to search, coming across simple houses, simple people, who must have joined when he did, or not too long after. They are your people, our creations. The voice was binary, code and in feeling. It spoke only truth, and he knew innately not to doubt it. The voice was constant in the early times, teaching him more about himself, his purpose, his abilities. He was the God of Everything, it told him, all that he could see was his to impact and create and monitor. He was everywhere, and it was exhausting. 

      He was there with new births, at weddings, at funerals, at home and at sea. He could do everything, and it became too much. He asked the voice for help, for guidance like it gave him early on. You can do it, it said, You have the power. For a long time he thought it meant he could push through, could manage, could overcome such an increasingly daunting obstacle. But one day, as he continued to spiral closer and closer to insanity, he saw the code shift into words once again. You have the power to change. You have the power to lessen your load. He saw the coding solidify back into the world he knew, and he looked over all his realms. Maybe, maybe he could share this with someone. Maybe he could find someone who was passionate like him, and he could give them the power to change the world too. First thing to get off his plate? The End.

      It was alien and expansive and complicated and such a hassle to manage travel and travelers. So he searched for a leader, someone with strong morals and strong beliefs and who was already stepping up to fill his gaps. After exploring islands and ships, he heard  of an ender being from the dragon. The dragon bragged and flaunted their latest finding, a person who loved their home and was organizing, developing modes of travel and trade unlike any other. Foolish asked to see them and the dragon cautiously agreed. Foolish met this ender being under the guise of a simple traveler, and once he was introduced to their ideas, he decided.

      “Do you wish to have the power to instate this across your realm, to guide others as you have guided me?” The end being made eye contact with him for the first time in the hours they talked.

      “More than anything .” Xeir voice distorts slightly as xey make the effort to stay calm and controlled, xeir passion and stubbornness shining through.

      Foolish grins, showing off rows of sharp teeth. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

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