In Darkness- Faded Memory

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Thick blood- Hot iron- Charred flesh- Burnt hair-

Cloying and clinging to the back of my throat.



Bitter cold- Numb mind- Dim eyes- Last beat-

Forever drawing me towards those green eyes.



Overwhelming empty- Soundlessness-

Screaming in my mind until naught else remains.


Not even the gasp of the last frantic attempts,

trying to keep the body alive even as it choaks.

A torrent of blood, of ash, of regret, and of snow.



When the Fury took me... I did not imagine it to be like this. I don't know what I expected I guess. Just not this- I didn't think that I would feel the blood slipping through the gaping wound... drop by drop.

Memory by Memory.

Memories... of her, of Life.

Of Love.

Last Memories: AI-Generated
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