Chapter Three

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The mall closed at ten o'clock, so it wasn't exactly a late night. But the constant activity of handing out candy, posing for pictures, taking pictures, and talking to people about the VFW had exhausted the three men by the time it was over. 

"Can we just leave the booth up and go home?" JJ whined.

"Nope. It's got to come down tonight." Alex was already working on disassembling it.

"You go on  home," John offered, "we'll get this done." Half of his tin man costume had torn or ripped off, so he looked more like a cyborg than a tin man; or a crazy person.

"No, I'll help," he sighed.

It only took them about fifteen minutes to tear everything down and load it back into the bags they had brought it in. John helped them carry it all out to Alex's Explorer and load it up. 

"Alex," a high-pitched voice yelled from across the parking lot.

"Oh yay," Alex said sarcastically, "it's Alisha."

"What do you think?" she asked, prancing towards him, which was quite a feat in the six inch heeled boots she was wearing.

"Oh look," Alex said, giving JJ an 'I told you so' look, "a sexy cheerleader zombie."

"I knew you'd love it," she squealed, latching onto his arm.

"We're just on our way to a Pagan ritual," he told her, hoping that would scare her off. He should have known better, of course.

"Real Witches?" she asked, "that's amazing! I can't wait!" And with that she leapt into the front passenger seat of his SUV and buckled herself in.

"Dug in like a tick," JJ said, "well I guess that means she's coming along, eh?"

"A Pagan ritual?" John asked, somewhat confused.

"Yeah. Our friend Kris is a Witch, and her coven is doing a Samhain ritual tonight."

"Really? Not meaning to sound like a parasite, but do you think they'd mind if I tagged along?"

"Not at all. The more the merrier. We can take my SUV if you want a ride." 

"Great. Thanks."

"Are they a couple?" John whispered to JJ in the back seat, seeing Alisha still clutching Alex's arm as he drove.

"Depends on who you ask," he chuckled quietly. Seeing John's puzzled look he added, "She has a huge crush on him, but he doesn't really care."

"And he hasn't just told her that?"

"Of course he has. But he also doesn't stop her from doing shit like this."

"I see."

Alex suddenly turned the radio up for the news bulletin, "the so-called 'Party Poppers' asteroid cluster have been confirmed to be on a collision course with Earth. Experts say that they expect them to burn up in the atmosphere, leaving little chance that there will be any kind of impact. But there should be an impressive asteroid shower once they arrive."

"Well at least we're safe from another extinction-level event I guess," JJ said.

"Another?" John asked.

"Yeah. The last one killed off all the dinosaurs."

"Oh, that one."

City Park was in the center of town, and there wasn't a lot of parking, but every space was filled with vehicles ranging from a broken down old Pinto to a shiny new Escalade, and everything in between. They had to park on a side street and walk two blocks to get there.

It wasn't difficult to figure out where it was happening. The shelter on the east side was surrounded by dozens of people, with torches and lamps adding to the meager light of the streetlights. Two barbeque grills were going full tilt, and most of the tables were filled with dishes brought by the participants. Cookies and cakes, salads and casseroles, and two large platters of freshly grilled hotdogs and hamburgers, all laid out for anyone who was hungry.

"Wow," John exclaimed, "are all of them Pagans? Or Witches? Whatever."

"Most of them," Alex said, "the members of the coven are in that circle off to the side. They're still doing their ritual, I think."

"Are we supposed to join in?"

"No," he laughed, "if you're not in it from the beginning, then you don't get in."

"Who goes there?" a giant man with a large metal spatula in either hand said from behind one of the grills as they approached.

"Hey Kel, it's Alex and JJ."

"You may only pass if you answer me these questions three," Kelvar said, "what is your favorite color?"


"What is your quest?"

"I seek the Holy Grail."

"What do you prefer; hamburgers or hot dogs?"

"Bratwurst, actually."

"Answered well and true. You may pass."

Alex and Kelvar shook hands, then pulled each other into a back-slapping hug. Alex wasn't exactly a huge man, but neither was he tiny. Kelvar stood a good head taller than him, and maybe twice as wide at the shoulders. Even with her heels, Alisha was barely as tall as his chest. And there was a subtle, yet distinct look of jealousy on her ashen face.

"Where ya been, bud?" the giant asked with a jolly smile.

"Poisoning the children, of course," he answered.

"Awesome. What every good Witch does on Samhain. Who's this?"

"This is Alisha," he said as she grabbed his arm again, "waitress at Bob's Diner."

"Nice to meet you, Alisha."

"And this is John. He's a professor at K-State."

"Well hello there," Kel said, extending a hand, "it's definitely a pleasure to meet you."

"Uh, nice to meet you too," he said as his hand was firmly shaken for just a little bit too long. Alisha's scowl evaporated into a smile as if it had never been.

"What's that table for?" John pointed to a single folding table that had a black tablecloth draped over it. Places were set as if it were a dinner table, and each place was labeled with a place card with the names written in fancy calligraphy.

"That's the Silent Supper table," Kelvar explained as he continued flipping burgers on the grill.

"Okay," John said, looking to Alex for help.

"It a table for remembrance," he said, "you set a place at the table for any loved ones who have passed. Then you set it with their favorite foods and leave it there all night. The idea is to invite their spirit to join the supper."

"Do you set a place for anyone?"

"Not here. I have a table at home that I set fifteen places for."


"Yeah," Alex said sadly as he turned and walked away.

JJ filled him in, "he lost his entire platoon in Afghanistan last year."

"Oh my."

"We thank you, Spirits, for joining us here tonight," the High Priestess called out, "on this night of Samhain when the spirit world is so close to our own."

"Seyla," everyone in the circle intoned as one.

"We ask that you help us to live our lives as we should," she continued, "and resist the temptation to cheat and take shortcuts in our lives; to live honestly and sincerely."


"Go if you must, stay if you will. You will forever be welcome at our table. Blessed Be."


Raising her arms, she said, "and now to the feast! Everyone enjoy the food, whether you brought anything or not. We all share and support each other; Wiccan, Christian, Atheist or otherwise."

The circle broke up as they all headed towards the shelter and the food that awaited them within. Kris ran over to to the newcomers in her high heeled boots and flowing black dress, a peacock mask covering her face with feathers rising up over her head on one side.

"You made it," she squealed as she threw he arms around Alex. Alisha held firm.

"I didn't want to let them in," Kelvar jested, "but they answered the pass questions."

"Look!" Someone shouted; "It's the Party Poppers!"

"They're beautiful!"

"It's the Spirits coming to join us!"

Lookin up, the cloudless night sky was pierced by at lease a score of fiery streaks. Leaving glowing trails across the stars, they blazed their way towards the Earth at shattering speeds. Their flaming coronas seemed to expand as they slowed down.

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