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The Warrior The Dragon The Keep The King

In the world of Neon Shadows

Visit Neon Shadows

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The Dragon

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Code 17-20, the mobilization of Outer Rim sector Guardians - those stationed at the fringes of Æon City. The Valkyries singing certainly means that the droids that have long been undergoing development to take out vampires are now ready to spill blood. Those two points mean Operation Vidar, named after the god of vengeance, is about to happen.

Running the chip through my interface, I can be certain that the Directory will pick up on the activity - which means this can't remain my home much longer as I'll need to move forward with whatever is directed towards me.


Vague and inconsistent images ranging from recreated art of the Valkyries and the Wild Hunt to strange symbols, runes, and profane, Moroi scripts alike.


The audio is cryptic, although discernible after writing down the numbers to process.


"Code 17-20; Green. Valkyries sing. Vidar Awakes." From there, it defines the operation and Agent tasks.


"Agent 3; RDV with Agents 4, 7, 10, and 20 at T.P.; H.H. T. 22. Inv. 05-13-20; 05-25-04; 03-00-00; 07-263-24." Sounds like those five will be going to Hellrise Heights to target something or someone. I'll need to pull out the map and journal to double check. Sounds like they'll be bringing twenty pounds of thermite and four S.I.R.s. Two dozen arachnid droids, too. That will be interesting to see unfold.


"Agents 13 & 16; RDV in T.D. in 0600; E.G. T. 37. Inv. 03-74-04; 02-00-00 for T. 999." The transmission continues on a little longer, referencing their meeting up in Tenth District to move to Evergreen. I'm uncertain on what target 37 is, however "T. 999" refers to hostages. If they're open to choose whatever they feel will get the job done, perhaps this is an extraction op to release fellow slayers captured.


I wonder if those taken on the night of the TransPhix raid are still alive?


As I jot down all of the information, I decipher the encryption to be aware of what's to come.


"Agent 17; RDV in T.D.; T.H. at 00:00; to H.H. T. 6..." Decrypting the message, I'm surprised to be requested to rendezvous with someone at The Hole, my favorite bar, before proceeding to Hellrise Heights. Target six...


Shuffling through my journal for the list of targets, six corresponds with Intellectual Verification's headquarter - a seventy stories high rise where biomedical research and unholy experimentation transpires. The likes of which that pushes limitations of mortal flesh to extents that should never be tested, producing grotesque monstrosities that have been noted to be used as security in passageways and strong arms in major counterattacks on Seventh Shadow Strike units. It's fortunate that Sons of Vengeance haven't been unfortunate to face the surprise assaults.


Continuing further, the transmission dictates that my objective is to assassinate the CEO, the self-professed "Lord" Kensington. I am also granted free range in what is needed to accomplish this arsenal whilst also anticipating to acquire unique classification "001-006" from an agent code name "Blue Jay".


Passively listening to the rest of the transmission, I begin preparation. Midnight is in one hour.


ULR-80 rifle with three magazines of plasma charged ammunition and three magazine of silver tips with wood core in the bullet. The amount of ammo goes the same for my trusted HHE, Handheld Executioner - .45 rounds with a barrel that helps in short and medium range engagements. Four flashbangs and one S.I.R. to ice the cake. Here is to hoping that this can be rigged within Kensington's office to bring the whole portion of the building down.


Last, there is ensuring my gauntlets are loaded up. Hang cord attached to my left gauntlet and a wrist-full of silver darts on the right should be of use.


There's no such thing as being too prepared. Especially for an assassination plot.


I take up my sword, undoing and fixing it to hang from my belt. It's been a few years since she tasted blood.


I am as prepared as I can be with what's here. Now that I have everything here, it's time to secure this information. Placing the journal and loose papers in a dual-encrypted system, finger print scanning with a three dial turn lock, I remove wooden panels to drop it down the hole there. If I make it back, it can be retrieved.


"If"... yeah, that is noteworthy in thought. I'm doubting myself.


I make my way down the stairs from my apartment, which has no trace of me ever residing there. I open the door to Blumberg and look to my right, where the apartment office is. Questionable figures are scanning around the road. The one closest looks to me, staring intently as her nose flairs - her eyes have the predatory watch that alerts me immediately into slipping out without stirring a scene. With the bow of my head, I turn and walk down the sidewalk to slip amidst the closing open air shops and their dying crowds.


Eight blocks north to Rhine St. and then two east will bring me to The Hole. On my way there, I set off the encrypted alert to H.Q. about potential Directory stalks tonight.


Current intel from them is Morse coding in my ear, chiming three Moroi inquiring with locals of Blumberg. One person apprehended for illegally selling pharmaceuticals. The inherit risk of collateral for a Guardian. It is why those who took their oaths against the Moroi often were nomadic to keep ahead of the curve.


As I near The Hole, screams pierce through the buzz of neon lights just ahead. Yells to get on the ground and not move were demanded from a taller figure with two comrades by, what I presume is, his side. He makes a turn to face me, a wry scowl tearing at his lifeless lips.


"Sentinel inbound!" He exclaims as the other two begin to advance on me.


Running a scan with my NavCom, the profile on them, Vordr Dreki. A Drakul notorious with having subverted Sentinel advances on key Directory industries and corporations. If he showed up, Sentinels at best struggled to complete their objectives.


With one last press to my NavCom, I send a pulse to the Guardians comms for any reinforcements to assist and proceed to face down these two.


As I draw the HHE, one Moroi draws a knife as the other pulls out a pistol and quickly aims down. They don't hesitate to make the drop on me, leaving me to throw myself away and roll. With the bound civilians behind the lot, I'm risking human safety to pull my trigger - but it's the Moroi or me.


The one lunging with the knife shadow stepped in the blink of an eye the moment I fire, leaving his ally to take that bullet. In the ensuing moment of the sound registering to me, so too was the piercing pain slicing across my chest. Meanwhile, Dreki shouts to whoever is causing the panic inside The Hole.


A swing of my fist at the Moroi slashing on me, and he's knocked backed.


A second crack in the air breaks everyone's ears and he drops to the ground, blood pooling underneath the head.


Dreki looks to his wrist and appears to press on a touch-based interface. Then, the entire street goes into darkness.


"C'mon, Seventeen!" Dreki says, "Live up to the stories and protect your blood bags under Nyx's shroud! No lights, just what is all natural for the night!" he cackles and makes steps I tune into finding close in.


He can see me and I cannot see him.


Holstering the HHE, my hand moves to the left and rests firmly around the sword. Calm the breath... calm the mind. Silence within, and never mind the silence around - he will relish in this as he has with any other.


Static cackles through the cranial NavCom interface and Dreki whispers, into my head, "Thirty one Moroi, three of them Drakul, and a dozen Dhampirs..." A sigh lingers through it, yet I hear never of it around me - but Dreki was still somehow so close, as he makes a strike at my back, right for the kidneys.


I crumple to the ground and he boasts with delight, "This is the supposed great Agent Seventeen of the terrorist "Guardians"?!" He grips my neck and lifts me up, his eyes flickers from far off light. His lips don't move, yet he returns to speak through the cranial interface, "You, and all humans who dare to oppose the natural course of our right to rule you, will be crushed, one by one, limb by limb."


I gasp for air and try to knock back the taste of blood drowning my taste buds. For as rough as his strike and handling is, it doesn't deter my holding on the sword, I just need to have that opening to draw and strike.


Yelling breaks our focus on each other from the bar. "Harris?" he questions above the uproar, checking on a minion. An eruption rumbles the pavement below us and surrounding buildings before a massive force of fire breaks out from the door and sealed window fronts, throwing people near and inside far away. Vordr stands up in surprise, offering me an opportunity to draw the blade and call upon my Oath's Seal.


From the pitch blackness of the street, to a raging orange inferno, to now a bright, pure light that surrounds the sword, my strike rings true with intent to bring Vordr Dreki down.


His reflexes offers him the chance to bring a hand to slow the strike, however it doesn't stop the sword from hacking into his side, burying the blade. He lets out a wail of rage and agony before backhanding me, forcing the sword out, and vanishing from the scene.


I'm unsure of how long I black out, but I come to what feels like a short time to a familiar, warming voice, "So, Ed, you do live up to at least some of the stories!"
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