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Chapter 1: Birth of Home Front

In the world of Ages of Justice

Visit Ages of Justice

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Chapter 1: Birth of Home Front

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The hallway was dark and smoke-filled, men in suits and uniforms walking up and down, a few women, very few. Along the wall, the normal posters, loose lips sink ships, buy war bonds, other bad us good. Sitting next to an unmarked door, a short, bulky man sat smoking a large fat cigar. Under his Sergeant uniform top was a large thick kilt, not standard edition for sure. He had a rough and beat-up briefcase. He leaned back, letting out a cloud of smoke from his cigar. 

The door opened, and a young man in a very formal uniform stuck his head out. "Sergeant"

"Hellion, just call me Hellion." The man smirked, the cigar still in his mouth as he gave a toothy smile. The young soldier turned with a blank expression as he led the man deeper in, past a room filled with different desks and men working away on something, past to another unmarked door opening it and stepping to the side. Hellion walked in, the cigar still in his mouth, to the small, understated office. He tossed his briefcase onto the desk with a thud knocking some papers away, the general looked up, adjusting his hat. 

Hellion smirked and took a seat. "General Anderson, great to see you again."

Anderson gave a soft, forced smile, took the briefcase, spun it around, and opened it. "So, did you finish the mission I sent you on?"

Takes a long pull from his cigar, stalling the answer for just a moment, "You mean the glorified research order? yea, I found a good collection of possible recruits for you."

With a nod, the general continued to look through the paperwork, flicking back and forth as Hellion looked around the room "So why such a low-key setup?"

"Security, the HomeFront project is starting on thin ice., even internally, good patriotic men who don't trust these masked types and trust the so-called meta's even less, especially with what is going on in the war."

Hellion nodded, reached over to a decanter, and poured himself a small drink. "You are talking about those crazy meta warriors the Nazi got going, eh?"

Anderson nodded and leaned back "I do think they can work. They can boost morale and provide security against any strange threats that may get thrown our way by desperate axis bastards who can't handle this country's power"

Hellion nodded as he sipped the drink and leaned back a bit "I just hope my part is done in this I got you the candidates, you pick 'em and send them on to do what you need right"

Anderson put the papers down as he leaned back in his chair "Come on, You know what is coming next Hellion"

Hellion finished the drink, putting it down, as he pulls a new cigar out of his pocket, prepping it and lighting up "You want a hand on the wheel you can trust, and that hand is me"

Anderson nodded creating two piles from the papers, sliding one forward "Here are my choices, and I want that kid we got down at the research camp to be the face, get something out of that clusterfuck of a project"

Hellion grabbed the stack of documents as he pulled a long drag of his cigar as he nods slowly "How many did that vanity project cost us in men?" 

Anderson rubs the side of his head for just a moment "At least 100, about half-dead, and I don't know if I trust the reports"

Hellion crushed the papers in his hand for just a moment "Hopefully not a complete waste. Well, I will be in touch General."

Base Redoubt secret development and research. 

Hellion sat in the back of the jeep, smoked his cigar, and looked around. He glanced out to the southern countryside as they drove, he hated being escorted about like this. The jeep rolled past the gates, entered the compound, and, not long after, parked in front of the main structure. 

Hellion got out and, with a smooth motion, tossed two packs of cigarettes behind him. "Enjoy 'em, boys."

The two nodded with a smile as the jeep turned to leave. Hellion put his cigar out on the ground, grinding it down with his boot before he pulled out a new one. Looking around as he prepped and lit up the next one. He walked up towards the guards, pulling out his authorization paperwork. 

"This place gives me bad feelings."

"It used to be a prison work camp that was secretly being run by some strange cult."

Hellion looked over to see the woman who had spoken, wearing a white mask, black gloves, and a lab coat flicking against the ground. Hellon took her in "Not what I was expecting; who are you?"

The woman sighed. "Dr. ... Shadow, one of the scientists working at this facility on the Genisis project."

Hellion gave a shrug handing over the paperwork "Well, I am looking for the results, the lone success story from what I read of this giant money pit"

Dr. Shadow took the paperwork and looked it over briefly. "Well, it is out of our hands. Come with me to meet your recruit"

Hellion followed along, looking about for something to give him a hint of what really was going on at this old compound. Turning back forward as they walked down the hallway. "Not often see a scientist in heels like that."

Without turning around, "Not often, I see Americans in Kilts."

Hellion laughed. "Well then, so where are we going, Ms. Shadow."

"Dr. Shadow, let us keep up the formalities, and we are almost there. We are meeting with the head researcher and the Success."

Hellion lowered his eyes on the doc before him, trying to figure her out, but the mask and the rest really gave a mysterious look, guess can tell the appeal of this masked stuff. Soon, they get to a large set of double doors, which seems to be a staging area of some sort. Inside was a small crew of men working on some large machines, and in the middle was a large board with a series of charts and many pictures of young recruits. Standing before were two men, one much older than the other. The older of the two scientists stepped forward, hand out. 

"Ah, Dr. Shadow, and this must be the man from the Government"

Hellion chomped on his cigar a bit as he took the man's hand "Hellion, here under the authorization of General Anderson, I met your... uh compatriot here, she is interesting"

The man laughed as he turned back to the table, grabbing a binder and rubbing the front of it lightly. "Yeah, she a firecracker, but was critical in translating the New Janissary Project, really quickened our results... as they were"

Dr. Shadow walks past as the old man turns to hand the binder to Hellion. The Old man smiled a bit. "Well, here are the basics of our results, including the many unfortunate failures. My name is Dr. Schloestein, formally of Germany, here to put my skills to better use; my young friend is Dr. Sabaton from your great northern neighbor."

Hellion nodded, grabbing the binder. "Well, I guess I have to learn to trust ya, at least for now."

Dr. Schloestein gave a nod. "I understand many mistrusts a German, and I can not blame them"

"No, I meant the Canadian."

Dr. Sabaton smirked, "Yea, you Southern boys are still salty about us kicking your can in 1812."

Hellion laughed, clamped down on his cigar as he started flipping through the book quickly. "So tell me about this New Janissary Project"

Dr. Sabaton nodded "It was an attempt by the Ottoman Empire to create an entire Division of Super Soldiers to try and turn their fates around, they made some progress but didn't succeed" 

Hellion nodded continuing to flip through the binder listing, as Dr. Shadow made a bit of noise as she put down a stack of syringes filled with an off-colored liquid "We had success, we just ran out of time, the empire could not last despite our work."

Hellion looked over at Dr. Shadow, his eyes going over the strange masked woman who rolled the cigar in his mouth. "Wait, if you worked on this project in the last war, how old are you, Dr. Shadow?"

A charming voice from behind him came, "Don't you know, never ask a woman her age."

Hellion turned around to see the massive man wearing standard-issue military pants, but it seemed something had happened to his shirt. Hellion released a small cloud of cigar smoke up around him. "So take it you are the success story."

The man nodded with a smile and saluted, "Yes, Sir. Private Stevens, the sole success of Project Minute Men, but ready to serve my country."

Hellion walked over and gave an inquisitive eye at him "According to that fancy binder you used to be a rather baseline troop, as middle the road as they were"

Stevens nodded at the assessment. "Yes sir, born in the midwest, my dad was a steel worker, my mom kept the home."

Hellion nodded as he looked over the super-soldier. "So why don't we see what you can do."

Dr. Shadow tapped her mask with a quick tsk as the men turn to focus on her "Yes, we have a training course he can run if you need to see him work up a sweat if you are not sure of our results already."

Hellion turned to her with a smirk. "Lead the way."

Standing in the observation stage, watching Private Stevens's performance below them. Hellion watched a bit impressed but kept slowly rolling his cigar between his teeth. Turning to the scientist, "So, how come this is the only one of these Minute Men? Why are some of the boys who volunteered for this crippled, and others were sent home in bags?"

Dr. Sabaton cleared his throat. "The process is difficult both physically and mentally; the rapid muscle and bone growth is difficult to moderate and would go wrong, along with the extremely high cost. We never hid the risk; we made each very well aware they may be signing up to die for their country."

Hellion let out a cloud of cigar smoke as he looked up. "Guess, risk of death in everything in the military; plenty of men met an end just in training. Well, so how close are we to getting this perfected and getting a division of this guy."

"Never," Hellion turned to Dr. Shadow, who had let much more of her Turkish accent through. She turned to adjust her mask just a bit "We are in the process of wrapping up, our budget has been gutted, and that man is, for at least now, the end of this project. We are going to make a final run of all our compounds for deep storage and all our research turned over to the government where it will get tossed into a warehouse and never to be seen, rendering all we have done pointless"

Hellion lowered his cigar for a moment. "Well, that is a bleak outlook, but can't say it won't be true."

Dr. Schloestein cleared his throat "So satisfied with what you can see here today?"

Hellion looked down as Private Stevens was tossing a group of soldiers around like playthings as part of this course. "Yeah, tell him to pack his bags. He is getting sent to Liberty City for his next deployment."



"Quick, with the guards taken care of, nothing can stop us from our goals now, brothers!"

"Hail Solarus"

Quickly, the group of men wearing gold-colored masks went around the museum as they tried to break into the different exhibits. In the middle, holding a staff with a sun idol at the tip was their leader, the High Priest Valcov. His large golden sun masks a truly impressive display. arms up, he leaned back, looking towards the ceiling. "Mighty Solarus, we will soon be blessed again by your light"

"Well, I am sure Ra can show you some light."

The cult turns up to see standing at the top of stairs leading down to the display stood the masked Egyptologist hero Anubis!

Valcov turned to the interfering hero and pointed his staff towards him. "Get him!"

Anubis gave a wave as he grabbed his staff and ducked down behind the half wall as the cultists started to fire from revolvers. Anubis sat for a moment, unclasping the holster of his old pistol to be ready and staff in hand, waiting for the cultists to blow their rounds. 

"Go up the stairs and slay that heathen who tries to deny us the light of the true sun!"

The cultists began to move to run up the stairs to the ledge where the interloper was hiding. Anubis slide a small cup out of his utility belt, starting to click it. "Let the alchemy of the Ancients show you the light."

Standing up, he turns towards one of the stairs, aiming the cup forward as it erupts in blinding light, causing the cultists to stumble. Anubis runs down, smashing the cultists with his staff, holding the bright light. "Feel the light of Ra, you desecrators of history!"

Anubis turns around, drops the light, and pulls out his gun. With a smirk, he started to fire at a large display banner; able to strike the ropes; it collapsed onto the cultists, who ran up the other set of stairs. The cultists panicked as the massive banner collapsed onto them. Anubis gave a smirk "Now you are as blind as your faith."


Anubis turned to see Valcov holding a revolver and releasing a shriek  "YOU WILL NOT STOP OUR LORD SOLARUS!"

Anubis smacked a bit of rubble caused by the clumsy attempts at breaking into the exhibits. Volcov holding their hand up to block the rubble firing wildly missing Anubis. With a smirk the hero turned aiming true "See you across the river"


Valcov head jolted back as his mask split in half, sending him tumbling over, hitting the floor. Anubis walked over looking down at Valcov groaning "Good you didn't skimp on the helmet"


With a firm swing, he cracked the head of Valcov with his staff to make sure he was out cold. With a smirk, he turns giving a little prayer as he turned around and the police burst in. He gives a wave "Good to see ya boys in blue, you can collect these heretics"

As the police rushed down to arrest the cult Anubis walked towards the exit of the museum.

"Impresive work Anubis, you were outnumbered by at least ten to one and was victorious"

Turning to look he sees the stout military man smocking a thick cigar. "Excuse me, sir, you have me at a disadvantage, I don't know who you are"

With a smile chewing down on his cigar a bit "Name is Hellion I been looking into you, see me and some top brass are wanting to form an official organization for people who, go above and beyond in their own unique way."

Anubis looks over to try and figure the guy out "You serious sir? It got to be an interesting plan"

Hellion nods with a large smile handing him a card "Hey, lets get some food, and I can explain the details to you"

A dark shadow cast over the room, broken only by the light of a single cigarette held between the fingers of a beautiful vamp leaning against the desk. She took a long draw and released a cloud of smoke around her as she looked towards the door opening. Lowering the cigarette she moves a hand across her waist. 

"Surprised to see me doll?"

Slowly opening the door, the detective nodded his hat, as he leaned against the door frame. He was wet and injured holding a wound on his side, his other hand aiming his pistol. He gave a cough struggling to keep the pistol focused on the woman. 

She smiled pushing some hair out of her face "What do you mean Detective Hunt, I was worried you wouldn't get back here for the drinks I poured"

He gave a laugh before giving another cough "Let me guess they poisoned. I know it was all a setup doll"

With a quick motion, the woman slides off the table revealing a small pistol aimed back at the man "This was supposed to be simple, if you just played the game right it all worked out"

Coughing again he moved his pistol up readying it to fire "I never was good at playing games, not like you dames play with hearts"

She smiled softly as thunder clapped, the window now showing a mighty storm. She took one last drag on the cigarette "I did love you, It was just business"

He nodded slowly "I know doll"

Outside the window a lightning bolt matched with the shot of a gun. 

The screen blacked as the movie ended, the title coming on 'Of Lead and Lace' the audience stood and clapped at the daring ending. The director walks onto the stage in front of the screen bowing and calling up the stars. The first is the established action hero Jack Castion, he gives a smile as he then holds hands to call up his younger co-star Eva Beydoux! She walked onto the stage with a long black silken dress covered in bird motifs and a small masquerade mask on. She gave a wave as the crowd stood and clapped. She gave a bow and accepted some flowers from Castion. She blew a kiss before leaving the stage to let the director speak. Walking back she hands the flowers off to someone as she heads to her dressing room opening the door slowly as she removes her lace mask as she notices someone in her room "Que Diable"

Hellion lowered his cigar "Nice accent, you really are the dark french beauty of the silver screen"

She walked over to her mirror with a frown as she starts to remove some of her makeup "I am guessing you, someone important to be let in, and not just a crazed fan"

Nodded as he emptied some ash into a tray "You are correct, Names Hellion here with some government stuff, It took a lot to figure ya out, that the new rising starlet had such a dangerous hobby"

Eva turned to pull out a cigarette for herself, lighting it quickly before her guest got any ideas "What are you wanting me to sing at some show for the troops, or some pin-up tripe to keep their morale up?"

Hellion gave a smile as he takes a puff from his cigar "I am sure the boys would love for that, but no... more your bird watching"

She reaches up to her chest pulling from her dress a raven amulet "Let's drop the pretense, I don't know how you figured me out"

Hellion shrugs "I got sources, you are pretty skilled with it, read some reports, people think you are a myth"

She nods as she stands walking behind a room divider "Well not good enough as you figured it out"

Hellion nodded with a laugh as he hear her starting to undress behind the divider "Well I had help, but look I know you probably only do this for kicks between parties and movie premiers."

Eva's hand appears over the divider putting her dress on it "I am not doing it for kicks, I help the people of this country who have been so good to me. I only wish could be doing more."

Hellion leaned over a bit looking at the room divider and the barely visible outline of Eva on it "Well, that's very interesting cause I am actually here with an offer to allow you to do more"

Eva leaned around the divider with a curious smirk "All right army boy, tell me what you are pedaling for me then"

Hellion gave a smile bitting down, this job has benefits, he reaches down into his pocket and pulled out a card "I have been put in charge of gathering a group of skilled and gifted people who can be put to use to do some good, keep people hopeful, and maybe save some people"

Ducking back behind the divider "Well that is interesting to hear, but I can't stop my acting, I know that I have a niche that doesn't have a long shelf life" 

Hellion clears his throat a bit "I am sure we can figure out how to make it work"

Eva stepped out, a black hooded cloak over her body, a tight black body suit, as her fingers tipped with talons adjusted putting her mask on "Well then guess Noir Corbeau is at your service"

"Come back here you damn crazy dame!"

Bullets ring out from the two cars chasing the motorbike driven by the young woman known as Miss Fortune. She turns looking over her shoulder sticking her tongue out at the gangsters as they speed through the city streets. A shot bounces off a manhole cover hitting a chain holding a sign for a butcher shop, sending it to swing out and breaking the other chain. As the lead car of the gangsters zoomed ahead a massive pig sign swung in smashing into the engine of the car the other slamming into its back when it turns crashing from the impact.

Miss Fortune stopped her bike, looking back at the wreck "Oh, well guess done chasing me" 

She sticks her tongue out at the wreck before taking off down the street. The wind ran past her hair as she giggled to herself reaching into the bikes saddle bag and pulling out a book "A lot of people are going to have a really bad weekend"

With a smile Miss. Fortune took off again speeding away.

Soon she arrived at the house of a young detective, pulling up and parking her bike. She grabs the book and then starts throwing rocks at the window as she swayed about her skirt covered in a wide range of symbols of luck flowing back and forth. The door opens and a tired man steps out "Who the... Miss Fortune was it, what on earth are you doing here"

She waves a little as she skips forward towards him "I got a gift for you, I think you will really like"

He stepped forward, rubbing the top of his head tired "You know how late it is"

Miss Fortune shrugs "Not really, I live my life without worrying about such things"

"What on earth you crazy broad, why are you here"

Miss Fortune tosses the book over, and the young detective barely catches it, looking in confusion. Miss Fortune spins around heading towards her bike "Come on you got peepers right?"

The young detective looks down opening the book "This is an accounting book... wait I know those names"

Sliding her leg over the bike she gives a smile "That be the ol' bribe book, should be enough dirty cops, judges, and others in there to keep ya busy for a while"

The detective just flipped through the book stunned at it all, this would be the biggest anti-corruption case in the city's history by far. Before he could say anything Miss Fortune had driven off waving as she did. Racing through the city on the WW1 surplus bike, her dress flapping in the wind. She pulls up to a 24-hour dinner hopping off and walking in tossing keys to the man behind the counter "Thanks for the bike Joe"

The large man grabbed the keys "I need to stop taking wagers with you, it never ends well"

She gives a laugh walking down to her regular spot where a small plate of food was already waiting for her "Awww Joe already got my favorite ready for me"

She smiles taking a bite of the small stack of hotcakes smiling as she put her purse on the table. She just nodded enjoying it, even with the rationing this place has the best hotcakes. She paused for a moment, pulling her pistol out of her purse standing and turning around quickly aiming at the stocky soldier boy with a cigar being chomped. "Don't sneak up on a lady in the big city, be surprised how many of us are packing"

Hellion gave a smile holding his hands up a bit "I ain't here to fight, just got to talk to ya"

Miss Fortune raised the gun a bit sliding her finger off the trigger along the side of the pistol "So, you not from the mob?"

With a laugh, he pointed at the bars on his shoulder "Nah a Sergeant in the good ol' US army"

She rocked on her hip looking at him with a smirk "Those two things are way less mutually exclusive than you may hope"

With a nod Hellion walks up to the table, waiting for Miss Fortune to sit down before doing the same. he reached into his pocket and pulled out the card, handing it over. Leaning back spinning her pistol in her finger she grabbed the card looking it over "So this some government thingy? I am supposed to what, wave in front of the troops and sell war bonds?"

Hellion shook his head "No, the idea is that there are some things normal police not great at and that having some extraordinary people here showing the homefront is going to be fine will help with morale."

Miss Fortune stared forward at Hellion locking eyes, not turning away as she slowly picked up her glass of orange juice drinking from it. Hellion's eyes darted away for just a moment to try and figure out what is going on exactly. Miss Fortune slams the orange juice down and gives a thumbs up "Sure why not, be a nice little diversion, meet some new interesting people"

Hellion walked down the street with his tossing his old cigar butt into a trash can before getting his next one out and lighting it up. He walked down the dim streets of Liberty City, Enjoying the crisp night air of late spring. He turned down the alley to a small poorly lit door, opening it and hearing its old hinges creaking as they gave way. Inside the smoke-filled hole in the wall were just a few men at the bar and some empty tables, save one in the back with almost no lighting except the glint of glass. Hellion walked to the bar getting himself a bottle and two glasses of ice. Tossing the money on the bar before heading to the back table, places the glasses down filling them from the bottle. Hellion slides it over across the table, a hand coming from the shadow grabbing the glass. "Thanks for the drink Hellion"

Hellion nodded toasting with the other man "Good to see you Shadow Sleuth, you really helped with finding my little crew, your reports on the prospective recruits was great"

Hellion turned the light up a bit bringing Shadow Sleuth into view, his goggles glinting and the black cloth covering his face "Well, I make a point of being thorough on my jobs. Some were pretty difficult to crack."

Hellion nodded in agreement, sliding forward a think envelope. Shadow Sleuth opens it up. "Nice some extra ration books... and this is more than we agreed."

"Well, I was wondering if you be willing to join the team. You've been doing this mask stuff for over twenty years with that magic cloth you found in the last war, and those special bullets of yours."

Shadow Sleuth leans back, his hand running over the cloth covering his face, it shifting to look like a young man. "What you mean I am just a young whipper snapper with a fresh face and an apple to shine."

Hellion took a long drink from his glass, leaning back "Look I got 4 basically kids who I am going to throw out there to fight here on the home front, and you could be a good source of experience and grounding"

Shadow Sleuth flipped through the stack of money, leaning back and thinking as his mask returned to cloth. He leans forward, nodding. "Sure, I don't know how long I will last in the job, but why not"

Hellion gave a smile as he stood up, sliding a small packet towards the man as he exhaled a puff of smoke "Glade to see you are willing to do the good work. That has the information you need, come at the date in the packet and let see what we can do to change the world, or at least keep a small part of it safer"

Shadow Sleuth gave a chuckle taking the packet and looking as Hellion walked away. "Well, see what we get into. Ready to write the last chapter of my story"

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