
In the world of Zodiak

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Chapter 3

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When the man said that they would try to unlock another of Initor's elements, while she unlocks one for herself. Aless didn't expect that he meant right away, and with an audience. But he told her that her mother helped her father through the same method, it brought her in some way a bit closer to them.

"Let's try to get air, or earth," the man said. Aless stepped towards Initor and lay her hand on his shoulder, she hadn't done that the first time. But maybe it would go easier when there was some form of connection. They both closed their eyes, and he stretched his hand out towards the earth, and she did the same thing. A shot of warm energy passed through them, and the sounds of the forest became louder. The rustling of the leaves, the clapping of powerful wings that rushed towards them. Together with the soft sound of something getting closer. "Wonderful, Initor your air familiar is a powerful eagle. I expected as much, and you unlocked earth Aless." She opened her eyes, and she saw that next to the hedgehog sat a white bunny with floppy ears. It reminded her of the day of the trail, right after her parents were murdered. She was sitting on a wooden bench just outside the courtroom, waiting for the jury and judge to make a decision. There was a boy that was there too, he came towards her and in his hands was a stuffed animal in the shape of a white bunny. He was able to see that she had cried, which happened a lot back then, and he gave her the bunny to cheer her. That is when her grandmother swooped in, grabbed the toy and burned it right in front of their eyes. Aless bowed down and picked the white bunny and white hedgehog up.

"Another white animal, you have a theme." Initor said, his amber eyes rested upon the white bunny. Her memory brought back the image of the boy, he had the same amber eyes. Was Initor the same boy that gave her the stuffed animal? What was he doing there? 

"What do you mean, Initor?" the man asked. He hadn't introduced himself, but it was not hard to guess who he was. There was only one adult at this school who had a bear as familiar, the headmaster.

"She already has a white owl, now she has a white hedgehog and bunny." Initor said. And the headmaster frowned, it was indeed a strange thing if you thought about it. "Thank you, Aless. For your help, you didn't have to do it, and still you did." She felt a smile tug on her lips, and she hoped that he meant it. She closed her eyes for a split second, and then she turned towards the headmaster.

"I want to thank you too, headmaster." she said, and he looked a bit shocked. "When I arrived at this pavilion. I believed that I lost my parents for good, but you brought a part of them back to me." The gaze in his eyes softened.

"I hate the fact that you were believing that in the first place. Both of them were good people, and both of them would have changed the world." he said, and he side glanced towards Initor. It was brief, but she noticed it. "But you are the embodiment of them, I can see the both of them in you. You have your father's curly brown hair and your mother's violet eyes. They were my best friends, and I miss them every day of my life. But my grief has softened now that I know that you are alright." He turned towards the bear and petted it. "Your father, had a hedgehog as a fire familiar and your mother had an owl as her air familiar. But they didn't have a bunny, so that one is all you." 

"What did they have for a water elemental?" she asked, her cheeks started to hurt from the wild smile. She wanted to know anything that was there to know about her parents.  

"They both had an otter." he replied, his gaze went towards the lake. "Ulyn was so glad that she unlocked that element so soon. She was so proud when your father was able to unlock his first element, she was radiant on their wedding day. She was over the elements when she found out that she was pregnant with you, and she shared it with anybody that wanted to hear that you had bonded with your first familiar." Her smile dropped, that was the same day that her parents got killed. And he was right, both of her parents were over the elements that she connected with her first familiar at such a young age. The headmaster most likely saw the change in her, and lowered his head. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. But that is what I will say about it, for now. I also believe that the two of you got some homework to do, we are at a school, after all." He turned away from them and made his way back to the school. Aless gazed towards Initor who had the crab still in his hand and a large eagle upon his arm.

"It is almost time for dinner," he said. She nodded, and they left the clearing. The eagle flew up and went ahead.


The sun was still high in the sky when they arrived at the main building, but it wouldn't be long before they would walk towards dinner in the dark. Initor's eagle landed on the roof of the cabin. Silver flew towards it and sat next to it, the eagle looked at her, but then ignored the little white owl. Aless put the bunny and hedgehog in her room, Initor did the same with his crab. He closed the door with a large smile upon his face, the smile light up his face and made him even more handsome. Wait, what, handsome? Since when did she come to the conclusion that he was handsome? Earlier today, she thought that he was annoying, when he followed her into the library and eavesdropping. But now she was seeing him in a different light. But she was not going to act on it, especially since she didn't know why he was there at the courthouse. She was not going to start that conversation, at least not yet. She smiled back and they both left the cabin. Ixis and Raldor were just outside the main building.

"He, he, he. I was wondering where the two of you were." Ixis said, she sounded a bit annoyed. "Raldor shared with me something he had noticed this morning. The reason why you rushed out of the cafeteria, and I am so sorry, Aless. I didn't realize it at the time." Aless wanted to say that it wasn't a big deal. But Ixis shock her head. "Just let's put this behind us, and from now on let's just sit with the roommates." Raldor nodded in agreement with Ixis. But Aless didn't felt comfortable by this. They were at this school for a year now, and all three of them might have friends of their own. 

"It is also a nice way to get to know you better." Raldor said. Still, this didn't make her feel more comfortable. "Let's see how it goes, we are just going to have dinner." She could live with is this. They entered the building, and went straight towards the last free table. The whole room, smelled amazing. Instead of the large plates with bread and topping, there were plates with one meat dish, one fish, and one vegetarian dish. There were some sauces and ranch, and fries. The counter that had the three large containers, had now two large pots with what seemed to be soup. Aless didn't see any drinks, or glasses next to their plates. But when she looked around, people did have drinks in their hands. She didn't have to wonder for too long when Initor came back with a glass.

"I didn't know what you wanted," he said, and placed the glass next to her plate. "But I believe lemonade is the safest option." She gave him a smile, he was so sweet. Was he always like this, or was this because she helped him? She didn't know, and at this point she didn't care. They took what they wanted from the plates and started to eat.

"I heard that the old fart gave you a lot of homework," Ixis said, between bites. Aless, who just had taken a bite, nodded in response. "That is just so like him." The others nodded. "We are so lucky that we do not have him yet, am I right, Initor and Raldor?" Initor lowered his head.

"Well, I might have him tomorrow." he replied. "I unlocked air."

"You did what!" Ixis screamed. The whole cafeteria turned around to look at them. "You unlocked air, what is your new familiar?" Initor looked at Aless and she nodded.

"An eagle, I also unlocked water. And that is a crab." Initor said. Ixis drew in her breath loudly, they still had the attention of a lot of students.

"Wait an element," Raldor said softly. Maybe trying to calm Ixis down. "You unlocked two elements in one day?" Both Aless and Initor nodded, Raldor's gaze went towards her. "And you were there?" She nodded again. "What is your secret?" Initor glanced around the cafeteria.

"Can we talk about it later?" he asked. Ixis shook her head, in disbelief. Clearly not ready to drop the subject just yet, but Aless grabbed her hand. Ixis blue eyes looked at her, trying to ask a question through that. But Aless in turn motioned with her eyes towards the other tables. Ixis closed her eyes, and sighed deeply.

"Alright then, but after dinner, we are going to the library to collect all the books you two might need for homework and preparation for your new classes." Ixis said. "We need to study." That was something Aless could live with, they eat their dinner and took some extra snacks and large can with coffee with them. Raldor helped Initor pick some easy books, and she did the same. In the meantime, she grabbed some earth books and the book that she needed for her paper. They placed all the books on the coffee table in their cabin. Raldor took his books out of his back and sat down on the floor, Aless did the same thing. "Initor was that your eagle on the roof of the cabin?" he nodded when he took a seat on the couch.

"She is, and the crab is inside my room," he replied. Ixis frowned. "Okay, okay, I will tell you how I unlocked two elements in one day. According to Aless my pure blood heritage is the reason why I struggled at first. Both my parents, and grandparents on both sides, are fire elementals." Both Raldor and Ixis nodded.

"That makes a lot of sense. My mother is water elemental and my father a metal." Raldor said.

"My parents are both earth, but my grandparents are mixed." Ixis said. Aless started to grin, she knew that some might say that the theory was a bit far fetched. But here in their small circle there was proof that it was the truth. "But this explains why you struggled, not how you unlocked two elementals in one day."

"Aless helped me," Initor said. Now both Raldor's and Ixis gaze snapped towards her. Both where forming the question who she was able to help Initor, and really she didn't know how to explain it either.

"According to the headmaster, it was something my mother was able to do. She helped him and my father to unlock elements as well. But I do not know how, but there is one thing we didn't tell you." Aless stood up and walked towards her bedroom door. She opened it, and the bunny and hedsehog walked out. "Apperantly I am able to unlock elements as well, when I help people."

"Wait a second, you unlocked fire and earth while helping to unlock Initor's elements?" Ixis asked, and Aless nodded. "Well this year might get a bit more interesting. Alright Aless, yesterday there was not a lot of time to go over the rules of this cabin." Aless frowned she knew all the school rules by heart. "Well we needed to set some rules with our former roommate, who is now making the lives of their new roommates a nightmare. But she is no longer our problem. The main thing is that we do not get into each other's rooms without asking first. And we do not steal each other's snacks. If you take something that isn't yours, replace it as soon as posible."

"That sounds like comic sense, but alright." Aless said, and all three of them nodded. "Now let us focus on our homework."

"There is one snack that is however off limits, the spicy sausage." Ixis said. "Initor gets those from his parents, and those are not suited for their budget." Aless nodded again, she was not planning on taking anything that wasn't hers. She bowed over her books, and started on her homework. Maybe they all were able to become friends, and somewhere deep down she wanted nothing more. Her grandmother told her that she needed to socialize with only air elementals, but right now she was not able to see the point in doing that. She glanced towards the others, who were in small worlds of their own. Yes she liked to be friends with them. 

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