Deity ka_jan
Jan Kaltenecker

Table of Contents

Dedication A Journey North Wonders of Iverbent

In the world of Island Inquest

Visit Island Inquest

Ongoing 1046 Words

Wonders of Iverbent

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Laide had spent the last Months traveling North towards the City, and each Night she would feel like she could make out more details, envisioning another marvelous tower or glass window behind each gleam of light.

When she finally staggered through the white marble-lad gates, she could only gasp in awe. Every house, every statue, stooped over her like a castle on its own while the crowds of people pushed her through the streets like blood travels through a heart.

"You're an Adventurer, or something?" a reserved voice asked from within a small cutout in the side of a gate, Laide was passing. Surprised, she turned towards the speaker who appeared to wear an uniform: "No, but I'm looking for work."

The guard stepped out of his cubby and explained: "I'd lose the shield, spear, and armor then."

Looking down on herself, she realized that her travel clothes must appear like those of a warrior, despite their sorry state.

With a friendly, thoughtful nod, she excused herself from the conversation and moved on.

Reaching the Middle of the Capital, the Smells and Noises from the Center of Commerce brought her back to more mundane problems. Quickly she placed her Arms over her growling stomach in an attempt to silence it, but she knew that she had to fill the void within her soon, which meant she needed money.

What she had had, was all used up on the travel to replace the few things she hadn't been able to go on, a new water canteen and a set of actually working fire Steele instead of the use-up she had owned before. Nothing she could live without or dared to sell for stale bread.

Another growl of her belly and the accompanying pain made her stop in her tracks. Like a dog, it had found a stall selling sweet rolls and other delicacies and, Laide noted to herself, the Store Owner was ill observant of his goods.

Someone else had made the same observation, but hadn't been as reserved with outright theft as she had been. Watching the person in a long robe casually but obviously with well-trained movements stow a considerable amount of food stuffs in various pockets, she couldn't help but look on in amazement.

"STOP! THIEF!" the call dragged Laide out of her trance, two guards of the city had detected the skilled scoundrel, as had the stall-owner. Time seemed to grind to a halt as the figure, thrown off by the scream, was grabbed by the shroud of his robe. "I will teach you what wages thieves earn at my humble store!" stated the stall-owner through gritted teeth and reached for a butchers-axe beneath the counter.

Before she was sure of her thoughts, Laides Body had decided, and with a great leap brought her between the scoundrel and the merchant. As the axe connected with her Shield, she had managed to shove before the robed figures head, the impact broke the merchants grip and all three stumbled apart.

Suddenly, the robed figure sprang into action and grabbed Laides arm: "Quick, we need to leave!" it hissed, and they made their way towards the houses and many dark allies between them. 

Their escape had maybe taken five minutes but probably less than ten, but it still felt like a small eternity. With heaving chests from exertion and coughing, they stopped in a small little courtyard. "I must extend you my thanks, unknown savior." said the robed figure and removed its hood.

Laide studies the face of the man she had just saved, they both were the same age probably, his features just as emancipated as hers, but his eyes seemed to glow from within with a greenish hue. "The Name's Robbing, as in Robbing the Rich, or as in Robbing Blind." he grinned and extended a Hand. Laide snorted at this and stated coldly: "My Name is Laide, like Lay these Buns on the Floor before you or so Magic help me."

The Smirk Robbing had on his face changed into a dimwitted stare, and he asked: "Did you just save me because of the Bread I extracted from the Breadman?" Laide rubbed the Shoulder of the Arm in which she carried her shield, still feeling the axe hitting hard, and with a small sigh of pain she explained: "No. I couldn't watch a Man be killed because he stole a days worth of grub. Still, if you think I shy away from extracting the food from your unconscious body, try me."

After a moment of bewilderment, Robbing's smile returned and with a slight shake of the head, he produced a handful of rolls for both to eat, and they sat down, leaning against one of the walls facing inside the courtyard.

"What are you going to do now?" Robbing asked between bites. "I don't know yet. I hope no one saw me well enough to make me trouble. I need work, anything will do." Laide answered without meaning to, but before she could get angry at herself for answering truthfully, she added: "I guess we are in the same boat? Know of something, mighty Robbing Blind?"

The thief laid his head in his back and turned inward to think. Laide looked at the last of her buns and turned it from side to side, she was still hungry, should she keep it for tomorrow, or eat it now? Before a decision was made, she was distracted by Robbing shouting out an exclamation: "Mistress Troufles, the Expeditionist! She's looking for grunts to accompany her!"

Laide stood up and stowed the half-eaten bread with the rest of her belongings: "Alright, let's go there and hope the watch doesn't recognite us." The scoundrel appeared to be surprised by Laide's zest for action: "What, just like that? Are you not going to ask why she looks for grunts?" But she was already wrenching him up and shoving him towards the street, with a smirk she explained: "No, and it's not like we have much of a choice. Also, because you owe me one, you will keep me company."

Despite his best efforts to dissuade Laide from her plan, they made their way towards the cities quest board, to get information where to find one Mistress Troufles.

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