A plan?

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Act 2: Optimism prevails

A few hours had now passed since the experiment prone to change the lives of the siblings succeded and the euphory of success dissipated. They got so blinded by their self-induced blinkers, that they never even considered thinking past the moment of final success.
Bianca sat restlessly on a small pile of books at the table, the backside of one of the anatomy papers in front of her. Her mind was just as empty as the pen she repeatedly clicked in and out. She was well aware that this old pen wasn't writing anymore, but she felt oddly calmed by the annoying noise it made.

Denton was restive; using every space available in their little room he dug himself a pathway through the papers and was now circling Bianca like an orbit. The papers on the ground were already quite dirty from him repeatedly walking over them.
He was constantly muttering to Khõra seemingly trying to find a solution together.

Galen, who remained silent the past hours finally regained his voice, his tone ashamed that he as well didn't lose one single thought on how to get the research results to people with influence.

<Bianca, hun. I feel you are quite dissatisfied with the situation, believe me, I am as ->

Bianca rolled her eyes, she was annoyed by her stupidity, but not regarding Galen; he deserved being idealess for once:

<Look, Galen. This is just a minor setback, we will figure something out to get our blueprint into the right hands.>

A wave of concern for her filled Bianca's mind, her spirit was worried sick about the situation. He attempted multiple times to speak, but his words got cut short by further concerns. Eventually, after what seemed to be minutes, he finally resumed the dialogue.

<I-I am just concerned for you. We didn't realize how important our discovery was. We literally can't trust anybody physically stronger than us. I can see us already on a rack getting tortured to spill our secrets for the benefit of those, who don't follow the pious way. We are easy prey, regardless of our arcane powers. I wish ... I could have given you some arcane ways of self-defence at least. I->

The pencil clicking got faster and faster with every word thought up by Galen. Bianca grew seemingly annoyed by Galen's pit of doubt:

<I set we will figure something out, Gal. Do not lose your head about it ... you are driving me insane doing such.> The waves of her thoughts levelled themselves after she took a deep breath: <We are well aware of how dangerous our surroundings are. We grew up in the slums for Bronze's sake. But you are right, our options in getting influential aid to our undergoing are slim, there are only a few people I am in contact with I even remotely consider trustworthy.>

"Den? You are always the crafty one. Tell me you know who we might demonstrate our work towards?"

The albino stopped in motion after hearing his name but took his sweet time answering smoothing down his formless loincloth. After feeling himself presentable he turned to Bianca uncertainty written all over his face.

"I mean ... I do know where we would have surefire success if they are interested in our discovery. But I have no idea how to get to them while we are looking as we do. I mean look at our clothes or better the lack of proper ones. We are peasants, and are not fancy-looking enough to even get in the outer city of Leaston."

Bianca dug her claws into her old and rugged skirt, feeling the tendons of the cheap cloth aching under her frustrated stretching of the fabric.

"And what do you suggest? Don't tell me you are thinking about acquiring better clothes ... we can't afford that, remember? Also who the heck would be so out of reach for us to not walk towards them? The dean of the university? He will throw us into detention as soon as he sees us ... we still are in his debt, unable to pay his study fees."

"No, not that old Salamander. I am talking about none other than the Triumvirate themselves. If we perform our discovery to the highest, our ticket into a better life is assured, don't you think?"

Bianca burst out into a peal of joyless laughter, but then she realized Denton was serious about it. The gears started turning in her head and the blossom of an idea was created deep within her unconsciousness. She knew of somebody, who could help them but couldn't recollect who she was thinking of. Seeking aid she looked over with pleading eyes to her brother.

"Please help my memories, Den. I could hit myself for forgetting one of my friends, but ... wasn't there someone, who could gain us access to the inner city? A good friend of mine ...Did it begin with L or S? ... I-I feel so stupid now."

Denton walked over to his sister comforting her. He knew how compassionate she was to many people in Nemthi, hence her glowing bright halo over her head. A halo that only forms if a Cleric utilizes their abilities to heal countless people not discriminating between friend and foe. He knew that in her eyes she was at that moment the only graspable hope for her patient and couldn't therefore simply abandon those at her mercy. Denton was envious of his sister's ability to remain so pure, living in the full absence of the corruption of politics forging their negative views of others. 
He laid his ivory paw on Bianca's head and caressed it softly.

"You are not stupid Bia, far from it. You are smarter than most of those people out there, able to look past what chains us down. Don't beat yourself up over not remembering who that individual was, look I can't even remember what we had two days ago for breakfast, haha!"

"My freshly laid eggs ... like every morning. You are trying to cheer me up, I can feel that ... thanks. But still, the question remains, to whom can we speak about our delicate issue sitting on the table? Nobody will visit us looking at what we are up to, we have to be proactive."

"Yeah-" A sudden noise from outside cut Denton's words short. "Huh? What is going on?"

From beyond the hatch in the ceiling being their exit out of the dirt hole into the slums, thundering applause emerged enchanting the depressing silence with the glimmer of joy and liveliness the main city was known for. Countless feet were suddenly put to action and people started walking towards the source of joy. Someone beloved was arriving, that was for sure. Bianca looked, questions painted all over her green face, over to Denton, but he was just as puzzled as she was.
But the siblings had no time to even consider going outside when suddenly someone started knocking against their hatch and a burst of familiar cheerful laughter echoed through the small room. That familiar rhythmic pattern made Bianca remember who she had forgotten. Her smile grew wider and wider with every syllable spoken by the voice of an old friend.

"Friend Bianca, are you well and home?
It is I, your pal, cladded fully in chrome.
You two should join our joyous huddle.
Lanstein needs to give you a cuddle."

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