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Arrived at the door, he presented the pass to the guard and was introduced into a huge room filled with equipment. In the center stood a three meters high glass cylinder, calibrated and ready for him. As he gazed at the tube, a man stood behind him.

Pyotr Stensov is a man of the same mold as his brother, but with a keen and mischievous eye contrasting with the rightful and smart look of his elder brother.

- You must be Albus? My brother warned me of your arrival.

- It's me, Albus said, shaking his hand. I did not know that Ivan is your brother.

 - My brother did not tell you? He likes to do that kind of surprises, he said with a smile. I guess he did not tell you why you are here?

- He did, he told me I had to undergo a transformation.

- But he did not say why? I imagine that you were not aware of your promotion?

- I was promoted?

 - Yes, to the rank of Special Adviser, outside the hierarchy that goes without saying. You also won a seat in the Council, congratulations, he said, shaking his hand.

- Me, a board member? I have only been here two weeks!

- My brother has faith in you and me, too, if he did not fully trust you, you would not be in this room.

 - He told me he wanted to make me a great man... his equal...

- My brother just found your great potential, which is indeed immense. You will be someone great, there's no doubt. If he precisely chose you, it is not by chance. But he will repeat you all this in detail. Follow me, we have no time to lose.


Pyotr accompanied him to the cylinder and asked him to undress. Once Albus was naked, Pyotr strapped him, fixed electrodes on his body and closed the door.

- If you want to go it’s now, after there will be no turning back, he says mischievously.

- Go ahead, Albus said soberly.

Pyotr then pulled a lever and the room was left darkened. The cylinder shone brightly. The time was suspended and later the light returned gradually to the room and cylinder stopped shaking.

When the transformation was complete, Albus did not notice any visible change on his body but felt profoundly changed. Indeed, the real transformation took place deep within him. His brain was modified by creating thousands of new nervous connections, mana captors had grown throughout his body and his muscles were strengthened to allow him to fly. Albus had just acquired what Ossars called a type 2 body, a stronger human body.

Indeed, Ossars used to be three meters high and have wings, but they left this body for a human body long time ago, because it is more robust and easier to handle than their original form.

Pyotr checked the gauges and saw that everything was normal. The transformation had gone smoothly. He opened the door and unfastened Albus.

- Congratulations, you're one of us. How do you feel?

- Well, thank you. I feel something around me, a kind of field.

- The space is full of magic; your body is not used to it. You should soon receive your gifts.

- My gifts?

- Each Ossar has three gifts. You receive them at birth. These gifts allow us to better understand the magic that surrounds us, to better control it.

- I can perform magic?

- Yes, you need to learn how to do it but you have the potential. Humans also have it, to a lesser extent. Your gifts had been sent to you. You can get dressed.

- Indeed, I do not feel the field.

- Because you are fully a Ossar now. My task is done, my brother awaits.

- So, I’m going.

Albus got dressed and left the room. By the time, he crossed the threshold, Pyotr stopped him.

- Your pass do not forget it.

- Thank you, Albus said recovering it.

Albus bowed and left the room for good. Coming out, he looked at the pass. He saw that it was golden and had a four circled in the right corner. He has been admitted to a privileged circle! He looked at the pass again and jumped for joy.

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