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Chapter 6

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Just like the rest of his tribe, Suwa didn't eat meat, but he was curious about the rabbits that Belo captured and Moiya cleaned. He wasn't keen on the idea of eating a living thing at first, but as they roasted, the smell released was highly appetizing. Unfortunately, even after tasting it, the reality of meat was still something he couldn't get over—even if the rest of the food was good.

“What do you think it is that makes beasts so powerful?” Sezio caught Suwa off guard with his sudden question; Suwa hadn't realized that his lesson would start as soon as he finished eating.

“Umm, because of their size?”

“That's definitely a part of it. But not all beasts are large. There are some that are quite small; smaller than me or you. Their power comes from era.”

“Era? That's what you were talking about before, right? That's how you made the fire?”


“Then beasts can do something like that too? They can make fire?”

“No, not quite. Though, maybe they could. But era can do much more than make fire, and each beast uses it for a different purpose. Even so, fire is not something I’ve seen other beasts use.”

“Where do we start? With fire, right? How do I do it?” Suwa's enthusiasm was anything but lacking.

“No, not yet,” Sezio laughed. “I admire your energy, but you'll get hurt if you just jump into it. Especially with fire.”

“Then what? Will you give me a weapon like the one you used before?”

“That's also not mine to give. You'll create your own when you’re ready. For now, just listen.”

Suwa stopped talking to pay close attention to Sezio, but none of the others seemed to care. Unlike for Suwa, there was nothing Sezio would say that they didn't already know.

“Era is what this world and everything in it is made of. And the beasts of the world have a connection to it deeply enough that, not only can they sense it, they can manipulate it as well.”

With only this little bit of knowledge, Suwa was already closing his eyes. He didn't fully understand what Sezio was trying to explain, but he did understand that there was something he was supposed to be able to sense that he couldn't. At least, that's what he thought until he heard Sezio laugh.

“I like your enthusiasm, but you won't be able to feel it. Unlike other beasts, it seems gehm are disconnected from the flow of era.”

“What? That's not fair!” Suwa complained while opening his eyes.

“You’re right, but I think now you have a better understanding as to why beasts are powerful. They're capable of something fundamental that we are not.”

“But I saw you use it, too. The fire you created was with era, wasn't it?”

“Oh, so you are paying attention. That's right. When I say that we were given the power to be equal to other beasts, I don't just mean by creating our own form of fangs and claws with the weapons I told you about before. Rather, we’re able to interact with era as well; even if it's only indirectly. But, before I can teach you that, I need to make sure you really understand. For now, I'll just be teaching you the very basics. So, let's get started.”

While Suwa was with Sezio, learning about era, Rena was returning to her work in the village. She believed Suwa and knew his heart was in the right place—that he only wanted the strength to protect his family—but she couldn't bring herself to trust anyone that came from the outside, and she couldn't understand how Suwa seemed so willing to do so, either.

Rena was still lost in such thoughts when she felt a hand grab her by the arm, and at first, she panicked; she was already on edge because of her thoughts. Thankfully, however, when she spun around, she saw Suwa's younger sister rather than some imaginary assailant.

“Are you okay, Rena? You couldn't hear me calling you?”

“No, sorry, Feris. Did you need something?”

“Have you seen Suwa? He wasn't around this morning.”

“So, you're worried about your older brother after all?” Rena teased. “I’m afraid he's already been stolen away from you.”

“What's that supposed to mean?”

“He's become friends with the outsiders he was with yesterday. But don't worry, I was only joking about him being stolen away. Mostly.”

Feris scowled. She wouldn't have been worried at all if it weren't for the way that Rena said that. But then she touched the flower in her hair and thought.

“Suwa definitely found this flower outside, right? So, that must have been when he met the outsiders. I wonder how he could trust them so quickly. Do you think something happened?”

“I don't know, Feris, you'll have to ask him and his friends. I'm sure he'll be back sooner or later.”

“I just hope he's not getting himself into more trouble,” Feris mumbled as she pulled her hand away from the flower. Noticing Feris's apprehension, Rena tried to adjust her manner as best she could to comfort the child.

“Don't worry, Feris. You know Suwa just as well as I do. And we both know that even though he often does stupid things, he's not going anywhere. I'm sure that you and your mom are the only things in his mind.”

“How could you know that?”

Rena bared a bitter smile in response to Feris's question, “Let's just say that I understand him more than I'd like to.” And then, with a distant laugh, she left.

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