
In the world of Bogowie

Visit Bogowie

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Chapter 2

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「The record resumes few hours later...」

Nathalie has felt that she needs soon stay somewhere to get some rest and food. Most of the day was spend on the travelling through the mountainous road and she didn't have much occasion to satisfy her hunger, as the food rations have been running out. The horse and the raven also were in need of some feeding. She remembered that a city should be placed somewhere around here. This was supposed to be the last, when going in the western direction, major settlement of the people of the Yama region, located furthest away from the Central Sea. She wasn't even sure if it is still part of that country, after all, it lied beyond the mountain range that is usually used to defined it's western border. Nonetheless, apparently, the locals were supposed to speak the same language as the people of Yama. Just like them, the inhabitants of that city also seemingly liked to call themselves "Yamajin". For all those reasons, everyone has treated them as part of Yama, even if it technically outside of the boundaries. 

Nathalie has finally managed to spot some sort of the building far away to the north. It had the appearance of the walls located on the piece of the elevation. She has looked around and had noticed in between the hills what seemed to be a body of water in the same direction. She has remembered that the city was supposed to be nearby the huge lake, after which it carried its name - Kosui. She has stopped. All signs around has been pointing out that this is in fact the place she was looking for. She had need some preparation, however. Nathalie knew she might not just be let inside the city. Her appearance were not resembling that of a local, her knowledge of the language was far from perfect and her pronunciation was "armed" with the heavy foreign accent. Someone like that, travelling alone, would probably cause some suspicion. Nathalie was sure that she will stopped and asked about few things, for example about the goal of her visit, but that's not what she has feared the most. The thing causing the most unease for her was prediction that someone might check her things and discover that they are related to the magical arts. As the gods were not fond of them, to say the least, it would be safer to not assume that practicing them would be legal by default. For sure not by the mysterious foreign stranger. Even if it would be legal, she wouldn't be looked fondly at by the locals. Despite her travels in Yama lasting for some time already, this is the first time she has encountered the problem like that. The leader of her mage clan, working under the cover of the Marbot family, by a lucky chance happened to be the close and trusted friend with one of the ministers serving the emperor of the Empire of Ryuudou Machi the overlords of most of the region. The magical nature of the clan she was a part of naturally was being kept secret, so Nathalie was presented as just the regular daughter of her superior. Then, she has received the official permit of the Ryuudou Machi signed with the emperor's seal allowing her to enter any city without questioning or searching. Since the most of the Yama was acknowledging empire's supremacy, she was visiting all the settlements with very little issue. This time was different, however. Nathalie knew that the city Kosui was independent from the Ryuudou Machi so she doubted the permit would be any help. She was also aware that the settlement was actively resisting the empire, seeing it as a threat, so if this document would affect anything, it could cause even more troubles on top of the issue of the possession of the all of that magical equipment. 

Fortunately for her, she suspected that the moment like that could arrive one they, so she was prepared. While most of her pockets were hidden, a few of them were located in such places on her body that they won't be noticeable from outside even after filing them up. She has already put some soft materials in them to give the illusion of a body if someone tried to touch them, while searching for the illegal materials. Most of the rest were also not visible with the items spread that much, but the closer inspection could reveal them much more easily. Those special ones, however, were even harder to access, so Nathalie didn't used her on the journey, until now. The walls on the north were so far away that they couldn't see her in any details. She has looked around. Not a sign of a person on the road. The mage was safe to open up her coat and start the process of hiding the equipment. Inside of one of those pockets, she has stuffed all the crystal needles and the power detector. Inside of the other - the codex containing the ritual descriptions and the vials with her own blood. In the third - the folded empire's permit. She would possess desire to put in there everything, but she knew that she won't manage to fit all the things in there. She also couldn’t leave all of it in her regular hidden pockets, since it could be discovered upon the inspection. The fact she had those secret parts of her clothing at all could make her more suspicious and could lead to more detailed searching, which would inevitably show what needed to stay out of sight. Therefore, she decided to keep in the open all of the equipment that could have the perfectly normal explanation for the alone traveller. She took off the piece of the chalk out of the pocket and has put it in a bag near the saddle, together with the stone tablet. The dagger was tied up on the side of her belt, in a spot everyone would expect it to be. Normally, it was more hidden, since the weaponry itself had some ornaments depicting magical signs, but she didn't plan to have it on display for long enough to anyone to notice, unless she would have the misfortune to meet the guard who would happen to have an extensive knowledge about her profession. When finishing the entire processed, Nathalie has sighted with the relief. She was now ready. The lone traveller was now approaching the walls on the hill, while the sky above was slowly turning orange as the sunset was coming closer.

Nathalie was correct about her speculations regarding the structure. When the distance shrunk, it became clear that there was walls made out of the white stone bricks located on the elevation. Moreover, she realized that the defensive structures are more complicated around the gateway, effectively forming a small fortress. Unsurprisingly, there seem to be soldiers stationing there. 

The two men came outside, armed with the bronze spears. Nathalie knew she was spotted, she sighted out of the stress and approached the warriors trying to act normal. Both of the soldiers pointed out their spears at her, as she was coming closely, clearly signalling for her to stop. She noticed that their armour made out of bronze weren't resembling that of the one present among the rest of the people of Yama. It was looking much more scaly and their helmets were looking similar to the pointy domes. Overall, it made her think of the Północni people living the north of the region. Their weaponry was still distinctively characteristic of the Yamajin, same like the sandals on their feet. Nathalie desperately try to keep the cool, while facing the two men, both seemingly towering her while being armed with the long-reach spears and covered mostly in metal. She knew she could only run if they wanted to harm her in way, with no actual means of the defence. One of the soldier has spoken loudly, in the language of the Yamajin:

"What are you looking for here, traveller?"

Nathalie responded, trying to not to think about what would happen if her answer wouldn't be satisfactionary:

"I am the lonely traveller. My journey was long. Now, I'm tired and hungry. I am visiting the city the first time. Please, let me pass. I do not have anywhere nearby to go."

Her sentences were of the relative simplicity, but she was afraid they were hard to understand for the native speakers due to being spoken with the very heavy foreign accent.

"So, you're telling us, you just want the place to rest and eat... But what is with your horse, traveller? Did your chariot or carriage got broken and you had the idea to do this dangerous thing out of the desperation? Or is it normal to sit on your horses where you're coming from?"

"Normal. I don't have chariot. I don't have carriage. I was trained. I know it is rare around  here, but it more common in my homeland."

"Where are you heeding from, anyways?"

"I'm from the city of Bethune, dear soldiers. My name is Nathalie. I'm a daughter of the Marbot family."

"Bethune... you've came quite far from the south, don't you. Your Kitsune language is not that bad for someone from there."

"Thank you, dear soldier. Can I enter the city?"

One of the warrior came closer and said:

"Sorry, but we need to first check what you are bringing with you. I don't think you're that suspicious, but, you know, it's better to be safe."

"Naturally, dear soldiers", Nathalie responded and let herself to be inspected. She was ready to make the complain if they came close to discovering her hidden secrets, but for now she focused on looking on their faces. They were looking like the most of the Yamanohito people. Their skin was of the darker olive colour, similar to her own, only a bit lighter tone,  noses were a bit flatter than her own, bright eyes were possessing the slight monolid. They are lacking the appearance more typical for the wealthy Yamajin... yet their equipment is looking rather expensive... are they not part of the elites, or just the 'pure' Kitsune blood is not as common among the nobles in this city?, she was wondering about the differences between the Kosui and the rest of the Yama. 

At first, the soldiers has decided to look closer into the luggage that was attached to the horse. One of them was about to ask about something, but he has noticed a long piece of wood attached near the bag. One tip of it was covered in leather. He took it off to check what's inside. It has looked clearly like a spearhead made of bronze. The warrior decided to ask:

"I hope that this is polearm here serves for the self-defence purpose."

"It does", she responded truthfully, "I'm not big like you. When I'm on the road alone, I need something for keeping the distance."

"It's fine, I'm honestly amazed that such lady like you doesn't have an escort at all, you must be really brave... there doesn't seem to be more weaponry here, so for sure you're not supplying someone inside the city with the arms illegally.", he has put the leathery cover back on the head of a spear.

"What about the raven?" the other one has asked.

"My companion. Are birds illegal?"

"I don't know about it. However, it's better ask just in case the answer would happen to cause seemingly unrelated issues. I also have found the unusual stone plate and a piece of chalk in the bad. What are those for?"

"I'm writing things that I need to remember in there. When there is no need anymore, I clean it to use later."

"I see", he responded,  "well everything else there seems like a regular travel equipment. Or did you found anything else notable nearby the horse?" the soldier asked the other one.

"Also, nothing there. However, he didn't check her directly yet, only what's on the animal."

"Right. Dear traveller, come out of the horse."

"Just don't touch me in any more way than it would be needed to check.", she responded, "Also, before you ask, I have a dagger near my waist", saying that she brought out the blade and showed it over,  "useful as a knife and as the immediate mean of the self-defence. Now, check the rest."

Nathalie tried not to shiver from the nerves. The fear was creeping in. Her mind was painfully telling her she will be done if the idea of her to hide suspicious things will fail. She was still in the control of her body, but she felt she could break in any moment, while the soldier's fingers were touching her coat in the search of anything. The heart stopped beating for a short moment when one of the soldiers opened his mouth:

"I think we're done."

"Done?", the second one asked, "So, we're letting her like the others?".

"That's right.", Nathalie's heart resumed the beating like usual, "She's just a single person, not a trader with a cargo, after all."

"If you say so... I think I agree."

The soldiers has stopped checking the hidden mage, while her mind was overtaken by the feeling of the relief. One of them has said:

"That concludes it, dear traveller. You can now the city of Kosui. We'll inform our superior about your description so you'll be more known. You've told us you want to rest and eat. In the our city, you can fulfil you needs for both of these inside of the Great Temple. It provides a shelter for the homeless and the travellers, including the horses. It's one of the most important buildings of the city, so you can easily ask someone inside about it."

"Thank you!", Nathalie responded happily, "The Great Temple... I will remember. I have one question. What god is worshipped there?"

"Oh right, this is something you should know. The Great Temple is dedicated for the goddess we refer to as Mizu. She's a patron of our city. She shares this role with her brother Sakusen. There is the Marvelous Temple dedicated to him in the Kosui as well. They both are often called by us collectively as 'the divine siblings'. I'm sure they will tell you more details about them in the temple."

Nathalie has thanked the soldiers once more and has watched how the gate in the stone wall is being opened. She mounted her steed, then proceeded to enter the small fortress. The few moments later, she has crossed the second gate, letting her into the area that was  considered to be the City of Kosui.

Since the defence structures were located on the elevation, there was the descent on a way to the proper settlement. Nathalie could easily see the giant lake in front of her eyes, and the numerous buildings on a land below the hills she was on top of. The city was mostly placed on the shores of the small peninsula that was cutting into the huge body of water. The majority of it was walled off by the natural elevations, previously obstructing the mage's view, on top of which man-made walls were made in order to provide even better defences. The settlement was making the impression of relying greatly on its harbours. Nathalie has looked closely below her, while descending down with the pathways. The city was seemingly quite big, for what she has seen in the country of Yama, but it wasn't as big as the Bethune she came from. The vast majority of the buildings were rather low height and were making the impression of having one, maybe two levels at most. Only a few man-made structures clearly were pointing out from the mass of the constructions made out of the clay and wood. What exactly were those, she could only guess - some temples or shrines, the estates of the aristocrats or wealthy merchants, there were many possibilities, but it was hard to say which one is which from that distance. There was an exception, however. Nathalie's attention was grabbed by the two buildings with comparatively bigger volume than the rest, with the plan of a rectangle. The rooftop on the both of them was two-sided. On the one side of it, the outer walls were becoming narrower, while the neither of the roofs changed its shape with them. In those spots, these rooftops were supported by the layer of numerous columns. Each of the buildings was also having a huge square-shaped tower on side without the columns, walls of which were decorated on the all sides with the sloped rooftop on the each level. With the exception of the wooden roofs, both of them seemed to constructed primarily with the stone, unlike most of the other buildings around. She knew what those two should have been. There was a little doubt that they must be the Great Temple and the Marvelous Temple, dedicated to the divine siblings - Mizu and Sakusen, patrons of the City of Kosui. One of the buildings was located near the open space that Nathalie was guessing was the main marketplace, the other was closer to the harbour. Now, she just needed to get to know which one of them is her intended destination.

She rode down the hill. The width of the pathway leading from the fortress was increasing in size with the each calm step of her horse. The rays of sunlight coming from the west were covering the whole scenery in a vibrant, orange colour. One of the few darker elements that Nathalie could see was the black, straight, thin line, which was the body of the Celestial Serpent, cutting the sky into the two zones. After the few moments of riding, the pathway could now be called 'road' without any questions, it was wide and paved with the cobblestone. Nathalie was seeing from above that it lead directly into the square that were looking like a marketplace, nearby the one of the temples. Eventually, the steed with its rider were surrounded by the buildings and people on the both sides. The Kosui was there.

One of the first things that Nathalie has noticed was that she was grabbing a lot of the attention from the locals. Some of them seemed to react in the confusion on the sight of a foreigner sitting on a horse like that. Many others were clearly intrigued by the custom that was considered to be exotic by them, especially since the rider didn't look exactly like them. As she thought, vast majority of the Yamajin in the Kosui were visiually ressembling the soldiers she has met. Their complexion has been of the olive tone, slightly lighter than her own. Their noses were flatter, to varied extent, than those of the Bethunians like her or the Północni inhabiting the land North from there. Their eyes were having the monolids that were clearly noticable, yet in most cases subtle enough to not make them instantly recognisable when put next to the representatives of the peoples devoid of them. Their irises were much brighter and had much greater diversity of colors than that of the other nations living on the western side of the Central Sea. In the same vein like the all of them, however, their hair were nearly exclusively black, although way more straight. She was also noticing some Kosuians having lighter, even pale in ther case of the few, complexion. Those could have been the examples of the Yamajin with more 'pure' ancestry from the Kitsune Folk. People like that were much more numerous among the rest of the cities of Yama, usually, but not exclusively among the upper classes, but those few here were happened to be spottted in a distance too far away for Nathalie to look closer at their faces in order to confirm that speculation. After all, those two soldiers before the entrance were wearing armor styled after those used by the Północni, so the possibility of some locals having this kind of ancestry as well wasn't out of the question, as those northerners also had lighter skin tones, just like the 'pure' Kitsune. Even if that speculation was correct, they were as black-haired as the rest. This trait also wasn't something unusual among the 'pure' Kitsune of Yama. That fact has always been a disappointment for the Nathalie. In the Bethune, she has heard that the Kitsune Folk can have hair in multiple of colors way more often than the rest of the peoples anywhere. Blondes or gingers among them were apparently the norm, not the rarity, they said. She has dreamed of visiing the place where they live one day in order to see thise variety of colors. Maybe some of them could have even more unusual ones like green or blue? Yet, when she finally managed to visit the entire nation of the Kitsune living the closest to the Bethune it turned out that they has been nearly completly black-haired. Even if the sayings are true, I bet those with more colorful hair haven't left their homelands on the eastern shores of the Central sea. The only ones that settled in Yama centuries ago, of course, happened to be nearly completly black-headed. Why else you can hear their language here and spot most of their features including their hair shape, yet their hair color is completly out of the picture? Or just they are just the stories..., she was often thinking about the subject, hoping to travel the one day to the homeland of the Kitsune Folk, on the other side of the sea to see how actually they are looking there. When it comes to the clothing of Kosuians, it ressembled that of the other Yamanohito, mostly consisting of kimono-style outfits of vibrant colors, the zori sandals that were worn sockless and the hats made primarily of the straws. As a cover, the simple cloak, were wore, ressembling a bit that of the Nathalie's, although way shorter and made out of the lighter fabric. A few wore elements of the clothing that she would think of as more typical of the northern people's joining the soldiers as the example of borrowing outfi style from the other nations.

When riding accross the crowds of people, Nathlie decided that she could try to make herself sure about the direction. She has asked a person that happened to be close by - a short woman with the skin tanned from the sunlight, wearing the poor-looking clothing was far from being considered anything close to the high class anywhere in Yama, but it allowed for the mobility. Both her wide hat and her sandals were made out of the straw. Her black hair were styled into the single braid placed on her back.

"I'm sorry. This is my first time in this city. Where can I find The Great Temple?", Nathalie has asked calmly.

"The Great Temple... You can try going this road staight into the marketplace. There you can find one of the biggest buildings in the city. It's not the Graeat Temple, but it looks similar to it. This building is called the Marvelous Temple. Now, go past it and just follow the closest road to it that leads in the nor-west direction. Going there, you will be approaching the harbor. There will be the second square on the way. In that place there should be another building looking like the Marvelous Temple, this will be the Great Temple. Was it clear?"

"Understood. Thank you."

"It's all good. Even foreigners should be able to visit the house of the great Mizu if they want to. Although... I won't lie, foreign lady, the way you're moving around with your horse was looking rather weird for me intially."

"I've heard that it is rare here. In my city of Bethune it is more common."

"Bethune... you've came quite a long way, foreign lady. I'm a simple woman, I didn't travel far in my life, so I don't know about much about Bethune, but I've heard it's huge... Anyways, good luck on your way, I need to come back home. I cannot talk that long. Oh, this reminded me, somewhere around the Great Temple there should be some stables where the travellers can leave their horses and carriages when they're staying, as far as I remember. It might be useful for you there. Again, good luck on your way!"

"Have a nice life!... Are you supposed to say that? I messed up farewell? Nevermind, I'm grateful for you. This's nice to meet such people as you on a way in a foreign counry. Farewell!"

After saying that, Nathalie continued her way, this time having much more idea where to go and what to search for. And even she would get lost again, she could hope that there could be a helpful local that could point out to the direction. She felt happiness in her heart. It looked that things were going in a right way. The few minutes later, she was leaving the wide road and entered the market square. It was a sunset, so the plaza started being emptied, yet there were still many people present. The crowds of the locals, the stalls with varied goods and loud noises has quickly managed to overwhelm Nathalie. She took much greater effort than usual with controlling her steed in fear that it could trample a person by accident. She tried to think of the fact that veery soon it should become more empty and directed her gaze above. She knew she needed to find the Marvelous Temple. Fortunately for her, it was an extremly easy task. This building could not be missed by the sight of a human standing on the plaza in any imaginable way. It dwarfed anything and anyone in front of it by it's majestic size. It was standing on the several levels of stairs, not letting it's image to be covered by the crowds and the stalls. It looked like Nathalie has seen from above. It's column lines made of the dark gray and polished rock were like the strong trees, making the impression that every person looking at it is nothing greater than a little mouse looking at the oak tree. Above the entrance, and below the rooftop her eyes has noticed a bas-relief depicting a man in the center. His figure was painted. The hair that could be seen undearneath the bronze helmet were of the dark-blue color. His outfit was befitting a strong warrior and a general. In his right arm he was holding the spear and his feet were completly bare. Nathalie wasn't able to focus much more on a bas-relief however as she has looked further above. The tower was like a massive trunk  sprouting from the back of the building. The rooftops decorating the walls of the each level were making the whole structure ressembling an enormous fir tree. Overall, the color of the whole temple was dark, in the shades of gray and blue, which only strenghtened the imposing impression. After the several seconds of the more intense heartbeats, Nathalie calmed down a bit and was able to peacefully think about the building. One of the first thing she noticed once the first impression tamed down was that it wasn't naturally as massive as to make her literally feel like a mouse just by the columns alone. Structure ths big would clash with the fact that it didn't look that way when compared to the other buildings from afar. That said, it definitely was quite gigantic. Nathalie also quickly guessed that the man depicted on the bas-relief could be the Sakusen, one of the Divine Sbilings and that she's looking at the Marvelous Temple dedicated to him. Everything was confirming the validity of the description she has got. She has turned towards the building, searching for the road close to it, going in the north-western direction.

The warm summer air has already cooled enough, as the crimson-colored disc of the sun was approaching the horizon. Nathalie has finally arrived on a small plaza located in the rough proximity to the harbor. She immediately recognized that the received instructions were completly right. Just like the Marvelous Temple, this building was gaint and imposing. It was impossible to miss it from there. It has followed nearly identical design, with the rows of columns and the tower in the back, but the colors were different. While the temple dedicated to the Sakusen was made mainly of the darker stone, this one was looking like it was done of the nearly while marble. The impression on the nathalie was also extremly simmilar. Brighter tones, however has made it looking much more majestic and friendly in her eyes than the previous temple.The mage has looked above the entrence. A painted bas-relief was present also there. It depicted a woman with the long, flowing hair of the light blue color. In her right arms she has holding a sword, painted dark blue. On her body there was present nearly white dress, looking quite different from the usual Kitsune-style clothing common among the Yamanohito. Just like the man on the previous building, the woman had no footwear of any kind. Nathalie had no doubt about it. She was looking at the Great Temple of the goddess Mizu, her destination, in the language of the locals: "Daishinden".



The traveller has spotted that the plaza in front of the building is mostly empty, with the exception what seemed to resemble a stables located at the opposite side of the square. There were barely any people around. There were mostly present few young women wearing what looked to be some sort of the uniform outfit in the style typical for the low-rank girls serving in the shrines or temples of the Yama, following the traditional Kitsune-style of the clothing. On their torsos, they were wearing white kosode. From the waist below the light-blue hakada was present. Both girls were wearing straw zori sandals with no socks. Their black hair were tied up in a single pigtail flowing on their backs. Both seemed to be of a bit lighter complexion than the Nathalie's dark olive, one slightly more than the other. Their eyes were equally bright, of the brown and blue colours. They seemed to be quite younger than Nathalie, for sure neither of them was older than twenty, but she had the problems estimating anything more specific beyond the fact they clearly were no longer children. In their arms, they were holding the brooms, sweeping the paved floor of the plaza and chatting with each other.

Nathalie has finally decided to approach them, riding the horse closer and asking:

"Is this building Daishinden?"

One of the girls has stopped weeping, upon hearing the question. The second one quickly followed. The first one has answered:

"That's correct. This is Daishinden. What's the reason for searching it, dear lady? We both are working in there, so we are at your service."

"Thanks! I am a traveller from the city of Bethune, not in Yama. I am looking for place where me, my horse and my raven can sleep and eat in peace. I was told that Daishinden is the place that provides those for the travellers and homeless."

The same girl as before, the one with slightly darker complexion and bright, blue eyes, has responded:

"This is also correct. We have prepared the shelter for those who are unlucky enough and cannot find their place to go. Naturally, we can offer you the shelter in the house of the goddess Mizu. Of course, there are also some... formal requirements. First, I have a question to make: for how long are you staying?"

"I don't know... How important is the information?"

"Quite important. You see, if you're staying for a time period at most 5 days long, you're treated as just the visitor. If you're here longer, than our temple will become your temporary home. In the former case, the formal requirements are way more relaxed, as you will be gone soon anyways and the next visitor will come. In the case of the latter, you will need to have some rules to follow and you will need to be much more involved with someone higher in the temple hierarchy. So, for how long you're staying?"

"Hard to say... I think longer. Week? Month? I don't know. But longer."

"Thank you.", the girl turned to her companion with the lighter complexion and bright, brown eyes and said:

"Ikena, can you go inside for a priestess and tell that we have the new inhabitant?"

"Consider it done, Marika. I'll be right back."

"Ehmm...", the girl that was called Marika clearly was troubled and was blushing a bit,  "Ikena, can you just not shorten my name in front of the guest? I feel embarrassed."

"That's your problem that you have picked a name as absurdly long as 'Mizutamarika' for yourself. I could have use your birth name, but you seem to hate it. There is nothing wrong about shortening it to 'Marika', than. Am I right, traveller lady?"

Nathalie has thought for a short moment, troubled by the situation of needing to choose between the two and has finally answered:

"Maybe it's my skill, but I agree with... Ikena, right? That name is log, so is hard for me. You can hear, I am not great with my Kitsune language. Marika sounds short and nice."

Ikena has smiled and said to her friend:

"Did you hear that? Anyways, I'll be going for a moment. A priestess won't be informed on her own!"

After saying that, she immediately threw her brush on the floor, run up the stairs, and has disappeared behind the columns entering the temple building itself. The girl that was called 'Marika' has continued her formal talking with her cheeks being very red.

"I think we can move on from that... Well, you didn't tell us your name yet."

"Sorry. My name is Nathalie. I am a daughter of the Marbot family from Bethune. Is this enough?"

"Yes, it is. Now, I will tell you few basic rules. First, no entering the temple with the horse... oh right, I need you to ask. Not a requirement, just my own curiosity. Forgive me if I'm rude. Is it normal in Bethune to use the horses like that?"

"It is not very common, but yes, it is considered normal."

"Good to know... well, at least you won't be taking much pace at the stable if it will be just the horse and not the whole chariot or carriage as it is usually the case. Of right, please, you can leave the horse at the stable. During your first visit there you need someone from the temple to accompany you. The keepers of that place need to know you are not just the unknown person. You can leave your horse there and they will take care of its basic needs. You will get a sort of a token pointing out which horse is yours which will allow it to visit it and take it when you show it to the keepers. Besides it, you should of course return the token when you will leave the temple for good. Is this fine?"

"Leaving the horse in stable. Getting the token. Horse taken care. Got it. What about the luggage I have with the horse?"

"Our staff will move it for you to your quarters. If you wish, I could be one for those who would do it for you. Oh, and one more thing - don't assume that what you can see in front of you is the whole Daishinden."

"Why is that?"

"This building is just the main part of the temple, but well... we, servants of the goddess Mizu, are living here and are providing the important services to the whole city of Kosui. We also have other buildings nearby, with the sleeping quarters, the hospital, the dining table, the storages, the gardens and the other things like that. This is the whole estate and our home. So, yeah... there might be some rules to tell you. If you were a visitor, I could have complete the formalities, but since you're staying for longer, now you will be given to a priestess. She will tell you the details. But after that, if you want to meet me and my friend again, ask around for the Miko Mizutamarika... or just Miko Marika and the Miko Ikena."

"Thank you! I think I will ask later. Are you... sisters?"

"Kind of? Well, everyone here in the temple get a different name than they were born with and the rank is part of that. The rank of mine and my friend is both 'Miko' so we're both referred in the Daishinden by this title."

The two women has waited peacefully until from beyond the rows of columns, Ikena has run off. Just when she was approaching Marika, just behind her another woman has showed up, looking clearly older than both of the girls. The priestess has arrived.

Nathalie has immediately turned around to meet with her. She was wearing white kosode, just like the two Mikos, but with the dark blue hitoe on top of it. The outerwear of light blue haori with the white floral pattern also was present. The lower part of the body was covered with the kosode of the similar colour as the haori above. What has surprised Nathalie, the head of the woman was accompanied by the flowery garland, untypical for the Kitsune. On her feet, the priestess has worn sockless the same straw zori sandals as the girls. She also was of the clearly lighter skin complexion and, as expected, Nathalie has noticed that she was obviously one for the person with greater amount of the ancestry from the Kitsune settlers, just like the has observed before in the rest of the Yama. The priestess' facial features were overall softer and her nose bridge was more flat than that of the most of Kosuians. Her monolids were much more prominent, to the point of them making her brightly green eyes looking more narrow in comparison. Besides those features, her face were rather round with rather low cheeks, which were decorated with the numerous freckles. Nathalie's heart started beating a bit faster out of the jealousy when she has looking at the priestess' long, black and beautifully lustrous hair that were shaped into the two braids which were put in the front of her torso.

The green-eyed woman has said to the traveller:

"I've heard that you don't have anything to go and want to stay with us for a longer time, stranger lady. Is this right?"

"It is.", Nathalie responded, "I hope this can be done."

"It can, if you would follow certain rules, but first, I want to know your name."

"I have told it to the Ma... Mizuka...Mizuta... "

"Miko Mizutamarika?", the priestess asked.

"Yes. I'm sorry, I've learned the language recently...  Anyways, if you ask... My name is Nathalie from the Marbot family. I am from the city of Bethune. You can refer to me by either the family name or my personal name. It wouldn't make a difference for me."

"So, a Bethunian... We don't have any guest from there right now... Interesting."

"Is there something wrong... dear... how call you?"

"Kannushi Aoko."

"Kannushi is your rank, am I right?"

"Yes, you are. Good, you learn things quickly just by talking with the girls here. Maybe they should explain it more?"

"It is the role of the Kannushi, Kannushi Aoko.", said Ikena, "Maybe if she would be just for a short time... but we, Mikos are not worthy of such honour of introducing the temporary resident."

"You can put your performative humility aside, Miko Ikena.", reacted Aoko, "I know perfectly well that you two were happily chatting with lady Marbot and the only thing that has stopped you from going further with this were the formal requirements."

Both of the Mikos has quietly bowed down their heads as the result of the scolding. Nathalie were looking on the whole situation troubled a bit.

"Lady Marbot, what you were told about by those two up to this point?", Aoko asked.

"Basic things about stables. And also that there are more buildings."

"Good. Enough for the start. Since you have horse and... not a single vehicle... It's been like ten years since I've seen anyone sitting on a horse like that... anyways, what I mean is that we can begin the whole formal process by leaving the horse in the stable. Miko Mizutamarika, Miko Ikena go with us. You will bring the luggage of the lady Marbot that is currently attached to her horse."

"Kannushi Aoko...", said Mizutamarika, a bit nervously "Aren't we having like a whole division of girls for the busywork like that. Like those who are already managing the stable?"

"I don't care. It will teach you humility"

After this shut down, all four of the women have aimed their steps in the direction towards the stable. Aoko has come close to the small widow in the side of the wooden building and has said something to the person sitting behind, while pointing from time to time in the direction of the Nathalie. After the few minutes, the door placed near that window has opened and the another woman, wearing clothing in green and white, has come out, approaching the horse.

"Follow me with your horse, dear guest, I will lead."

Nathalie has listened to her and all of the woman there proceeded to enter the stables, taking the horse with them. Very quickly, the guide has opened a box for the steed. 

"The horse goes there", she said.

When it was done, she has followed:

"Please, take your luggage with you. We only take care of the horses and the carriages."

"Miko Mizutamarika, Miko Ikena, please take them.", Aoko has commanded. The girls quietly proceeded with executing the order. Nearly immediately, however, Ikena has said:

"This looks like a weapon."

"Yes, it is a weapon.", Nathalie has responded, "It's my spear. Good for defence when you travel alone. The guards let me take it."

"Lady Marbot, you can have your spear in the city, but any form of the weaponry is completely forbidden on the temple grounds, unless it's wielded by of the our caretakers or the other authorized individual like the priests of the Sakusen.", Aoko has explained.

"What should I do, then? Are you going to confiscate it?"

"Not confiscate it, just keeping it safe as long as you are present in the Daishinden, that's all. The storage for it is located nearby the entrance to the main temple building. You will simply receive the authorization to take your  weapon any time you want when leaving the temple grounds. It's just you need to deposit it again, after coming back."

"Understood.", said Nathalie, having unpleasant thought that between this and the horse, the priestesses are making a way harder for her to potentially just flee the scene with all of her things. Maybe I won't need the sudden evacuation,  she  has hoped in her heart.

When both Mikos too all of the luggage, the box  was closed and Nathalie has received a small piece of the wood with the sign carved on it on the one side and the seal on the other. Aoko proceeded to instruct:

"It's this token you were told about before. If you want to take back your horse, just give it to the lady in front of the window and you will be let in and lead here."

"Kannushi Aoko, I think I know what to do. I was being told about it enough."

"I'm sorry, but better  be safe, well than, we can proceed to enter the Daishinden directly."

Nathalie, together with the Kannushi  and the two hauling Mikos has left the stables and went on the other  side of the plaza,  in order to walk up the stair and go beyond the columns  inside of the Great Temple. The mage desperately tried to maintain control over her own body in order to not show just how much excitement  she was feeling when she approaching the majestic mortal house of the divine.

They crossed the entrance and has entered the relatively dark room, wide for the most of length of the outer wall, but very short. It was equipped with thee numerous wooden chests and the benches. At the centre there was the massive door. Aoko has quickly pulled out four pairs of the geta sandals out of the containers. the footwear were also made out of wood, of the same type as the one that could be found on the floor of this room. Kannushi has gave the shoes to the rest of the women and said, directly to the Nathalie:

"Please, take off the sandals you came here from the outside. Wear those when you are on the territory of the Daishinden. It really reduces the need of cleaning the floor greatly."

The Mikos have already replaced their straw zori with the wooden geta. They've put their outdoor footwear to the other chest. Nathalie sat down on of the benches and proceeded to take off her sandals, while she asked:

"What to with them? I guess those straw ones you all wear, they are for the common use when you go outside. But this pair is mine."

Aoko has responded:

"Your guessing is right... well, keep them somewhere close. Right now, Miko Mizutamarika and Miko Ikena can haul it for you with the rest of your things. Speaking of which... once you will have the proper sandals on your feet we will with that spear of yours."

Few moments later Nathalie was walking in the wooden geta. The new footwear was making the clacking noises with the each step. She didn't have many occasions to wear something like this and she frankly was having a bit of problems with maintaining the balance. Having staps go right between her toes was also something she wasn't used to. Trying to learn how to properly take steps, she was walked slowly into the proximity of the Kannushi Aoko, who was already holding her spear. They both went through the smaller door that were present in one of the side walls. It turned out to be weapon deposit, managed by a woman in white-green robes, just like the stable. Few moments later and Nathalie has left her spear in the place, leaving with the piece of scroll authorizing her to take it back while she would leave the Great Temple. Great, I have to take more unplanned things with myself, I hope that won't become an ever-growing list, she has thought.

When both of the women came back to the awaiting girls, Aoko has reached her hand in the direction of the entrance. The giant doorway slowly has opened, revealing the enormous hall, filled mostly with the darkness. Nathalie’s eyes were immediately drawn to the only source of the light located far in the middle of the room, sticking out like the island of brightness located in the ocean of shadows. That intense lightening was the result of the numerous burning olive lamps located nearby giant bare feet made out of stone, The luminosity above them was creating the shape of a naked woman with the hair of unpredictable shape. Nathalie had no doubts this is the statue of the goddess Mizu. It's majestic size and the beauty of the one depicted was completely captivating for the mage's gaze. She couldn't stop looking at the perfection that was the goddess' image, even is barely visible due to the darkness. In fact, the relative lack of light has made the statue the only thing immediately visible, preventing the observer to be distracted by anything else. However, Nathalie knew it couldn't last forever. She and her companions were making steps on the seemingly identical wooden floor with the clacking noises and her eyes were starting to notice something else. At first, just a few seconds after the doorway opened and her heart became instantly captivated by the state, she has spotted that the lights were also present below the olive lamps. There was something that looked like a surface of water under the feet of the goddess' image. Less than a half of the minute after that, Nathalie's eyes got used to the darkness much better and she was able to roughly notice how the room was really looking like. The hall was giant in size, exactly like she was imagining it would be from the outside. The floor next to the walls was covered in something that seemed like the same polished wooden planks they were walking on, created sort of the pathway around the centre. Most of the room was covered in the crude looking stone. In roughly central part of it, there was placed the shallow pool, filled with water. Next to it, as she noticed before, was standing the enormous marble statue of a naked woman with unusual hair shape. On the dark walls, the mage was spotting something resembling small lines and the colourful shapes. It seemed to be the paintings, but any detail was really hard to spot due to the lack of light. After this short observation, all the Nathalie's attention went back to the statue of a goddess. She realized she was barely blinking, glueing her eyes onto the stone portrait, but she didn't want to stop. She only was hoping that the rest won't notice her behaviour.

"You didn't see anything like that in your life, isn't that right, lady Marbot?", the voice of Aoko suddenly has stopped the silence. Nathalie nearly jumped out of the surprise:

"Ah! Ehh... I've seen, but it's true that it makes the great impression on me. the goddess Mizu is wonderful..."

"Stick with us and maybe you will be able to see out patrons in person.", Aoko added, "They are not showing up very often, but it happens."

"Oh, they can come?", Nathalie asked enthusiastically, realizing that they might not be eager to meet her, given what profession she's practicing. She has doubt that she could hide that from the gods. She decided to ask further to not awkwardly get silent after that burst. "Where they are present most of the time? Is it known?"

"The Divine Siblings can be found on the top of the mountain called Shinyama, located on the mountain range nearby. They have their own palace there. Only the few of us has managed to see this and only because they allowed it, so please, don't try to climb in there."

"I didn't..."

"I can notice your admiration for the gods quite easily. Good. I hope your stay will bring something for the Daishinden... speaking of which, I need to tell you one very important thing. In the main hall of the temple, please try to walk mainly on the wooden pathway next to the walls. The centre, with rocky floor and the pool is the place where all the rituals are conducted. Better don't go there without any important reason no not disturb it. Also, if you do, please take off any footwear you have. You should also better to wash your feet. There is small canal and the water pump in the interval between the wood and the rock installed there solely for this purpose, so please, use it."

"It sounds strict"

"It's because it is. While with the rest of the Daishinden, the rules concerning footwear are primarily for the hygienic reasons, but nothing that bad will happen if it will be broken occasionally, we will simply have a bit more cleaning. In this case, however, we are talking about the sacred ground. Not even a bit of the dirt can touch it as the cleaning of it of any kind should never be needed. So please, if you go there, be barefoot and wash your feet first. It doesn't matter if you are in the hurry or not, this rule you cannot break under any circumstances. Understood?"


The four women proceed to walk alongside the wooden pathway nearby the wall, eventually disappearing into the door placed in the back of the hall. Nathalie has realized that they've entered a much smaller, and much more brighter corridor. It diverged into the several paths. The mage didn't know where to go next.

"Lady Marbot, please don't go anywhere else than I'm guiding.", said Aoko, "As both temples dedicated to the Divine Siblings are forming the basis for the Kosui's government, this part of the building is mostly serving for managing duties and also for storage of materials related to the rituals... well, there is also a library with a huge collection of the scrolls high in the tower. Anyways, please don't go anywhere there without any priestess supervision. Of the rank higher than Miko", she said, looking judgmentally on Marika and Ikena, "Those are all rooms where people are working, so don't disturb it like that. Well, I don't think the caretakers will let you in alone anyways, but it is better to inform beforehand."

"Caretakers?", Nathalie asked.

"Daishinden women that wear clothes resembling ours, but with the yellow colour in the place of the blue.", explained Ikena with the tired voice from hauling the luggage, "They tend to stand still in important places, with weapons. No way you didn't notice any. They are so hard to miss. They might be a bit scary, being pretty much the only ones here that are armed, but well... they keep order among the guests and make sure the rules are followed, I guess. Still, a bit scary."

"I think I've seen. A few. I didn't notice, as I wasn't paying that attention. But when you say that, I'm sure. How dangerous they can be?"

"Ikena, can you please not try to scare our dear guest away?", said Marika, also visibly tired, "She will be afraid of doing anything and might just leave. I didn't have the opportunity yet to talk more with someone from such famous city as the Bethune, don't waste it... Now, lady Marbot... Nathalie... how to call you?"

"Nathalie is fine", the mage responded. While speaking that, all four of the women has walked outside of the temple through the back door, into the grounds of the Daishinden  inaccessible in the other way. Nathalie reminded herself that the road to the smaller plaza was surrounded by tightly buildings, with no real gaps in between them and no door leading inside. Now, she realized why it was that way. The way into them was here, on this pathway hidden from the outside city. All the clacking steps in the geta sandals were still being made on the path made of the same wood. In this case, there was no transition between the outside and the inside. Nathalie's eyes also kept spotting the women in the clothing usually coloured in white and the one of the three dyes - blue, yellow and green. Those with yellow were being armed from time to time. Besides that, few people of both genders could also be seen, in the outfit clearly not resembling that of the Daishinden staff. The mage was honestly surprised by the sheer amount of the guests hosted here.

"Nathalie, when it comes to the caretakers," Marika has resumed her explanation, "you really shouldn't fear them. They are not as harsh as Ikena's words might make them and they won't be doing anything bad to you if you keep following the rules..."

If I won't get caught, you mean, Nathalie has thought, This place already looks too promising to not break any. Naturally, she has kept those thoughts to herself. Otherwise, she could into a trouble really fast... besides that, the girls first need to hear some stories about my Bethune, don't they? I bet telling them that would be fun.

"... and because of that, you can ask them for the medical help if you need any..."

Oh no, I've missed something. Nathalie decided to not do anything with that, however. Telling that would be considered rude as it was essentially admitting of not paying attention. 

"Can you stop talking?", the Marika's extensive lecture about the importance of the caretakers for the whole Daishinden was brutally interrupted by the Aoko. The young Miko was slightly disappointed by this, but Nathalie has felt only a relief. She has missed so much of it, that it would get more and more embarrassing if this continued. "We have arrived.", said Aoko pointing out to the door of the nearby building, "Please, go inside. The room of yours will be there. Also, remember to take off the shoes at the entrance. There is the mat floor inside, so you are supposed to go barefoot here."

"I know the custom, Kannushi Aoko", said Nathalie, "I was travelling in Yama before."

"Good. Now, go inside."

They all went through the door and took off the sandals. Then, Aoko proceeded to guide them through the corridors. Nathalie was noticing few people around that weren't looking like the Daishinden staff. After the short bit, the priestess has stopped in the front of the door.

"This is where you will be sleeping, lady Marbot.", Aoko explained, "Remember this sign on the entrance. Now, I'll tell you few important things. First, you are staying for longer so you are located in the same building as the Daishinden dormitory, just in a different wing. Since this is your temporary home, and not just the place where you sleep for the few nights, it's expected from you that you integrate partially with our lives. You are using the same room for dining as the rest of us, so you are expected to go there at the set hours. Similar rule concerns bathing. The bath is in the building nearby, so just follow it. Don't worry about the men among the other guests, there is specially designated part of the bath for them. Besides it, you are under mine supervision. If you do something wrong, I might be considered partially responsible for it.  On the flipside, you can always try find and ask me if you needed some information or help. Of course, you are also recommended asking the local caretakers what you are allowed without the supervision."

"So, follow the priestess with the food and bath, information of you... from you... I mean getting information from you. Understood."

"That's not all, lady Marbot. Besides it, you are mostly free, just remember what you shouldn't do. First, do not disturb the rituals. You can walk nearby it, when it is happening, but don't do anything on the sacred ground, unless you are asked for it. Naturally, walking of said scared ground with the footwear of any kind is forbidden as well, but I've told you that before. And while you have your own room and there are some men there as well, please do not get physically close with them. Oh, don't get close in that way with the women as well. We had the few... incidents of some girls thinking they can do those things, just because it is not with men. Well, if you had the desire of that kind, just do it on your own, in the private. If you do it, please, remember to clean after yourself. In fact, you should clean your own room anyways, no matter the reason. Outside of the room, you are not cleaning anything. Of course, bearing weapons in the Daishinden is forbidden without the permission."

Better for them to not discover my dagger, Nathalie thought.

"And finally, do not insult the goddess Mizu or her brother Sakusen in this place in any way. Understood?"


"Can we go inside finally? It's getting heavy.", said Ikena, barely holding to the Nathalie's bags.

"Of course, Miko Ikena. Oh, just one final thing: there are the few toilet spots in the building. If you would have problem finding any specific room here, just ask any member of the Daishinden staff. Now, please enter the room."

They all went inside. Nathalie has noticed that it's rather small and mostly empty, seemingly without much of the furniture. It was rather typical for the Kitsune-style rooms she has visited before. She knew that some of the walls are sliding open and that there should be the straw futon in there for her to sleep. She has tried to mentally imagine where she will put her own things, while Aoko was explaining the obvious, for her, information on where is everything in the room. Ikena and Marika has put all of the things on the floor, with the exception of the Nathalie's sandals, as they were put on the shelf for the shoes, with the sigh of relief. When the Kannushi stopped her lecture, she said:

"Well, Mikos, lady Marbot, I think it's the time for the evening dinner. We have finished the formalities, so we can go there."

"I hope that you will like our food, Nathalie", Ikena said.

"And of course that you'll tell us something interesting about your homeland or your travels.", Marika added.

"I hope all of those things as well.", Nathalie has responded, "You can tell me details of things here. In less formal way."

"Of course we will. Right, Marika?"

"I've told you Ikena, next to the guest it's Mizutamarika... oh, you're right. I guess this guest will be closer to me than the most, so Marika is fine..."

"Are you wanting for me to be your friend?", Nathalie asked "Just because I'm from the Bethune? You don't know me much."

"This will change soon. I bet during this dinner. Yes, I am interested. Ikena is as well. But well, you're just interesting. You travel alone, while you're not looking big or strong. You have that raven of yours and you sit on your horse without a carriage. You're from the famous city on top of that. You might think this is shallow of the reason for wanting to befriend someone, but why not to try?"

"Are you not afraid that I might do something for you?"

"You have no weapons, and there are caretakers there. This is the whole reason for this rule of no arms on the temple ground without the permission... You aren't the most trustworthy, aren't you?"

"I will change it!", Ikena enthusiastically announced.

"When you travel alone, you learn that you can rely only on yourself, that's it. I will try be friends with you, though."

"Hurray!", Ikena said, happily and loudly.

Although, it would be really better for you to not trust this one particular guest. Nothing to do with my lack of trust towards, you. It's your trust towards me that is rather unfortunate., Nathalie has thought.

Suddenly, the shouts undoubtably made by the Aoko has reached them:

"Why are you still chatting? You will have the opportunity to talk on the dinner. We are all getting late."

"We're deeply sorry, Kannushi Aoko, we're going right now!", Marika said.

The temporary life of the Nathalie in the Great Temple of the Kosui has officially begun.

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