Chapter 1

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It was early spring, but still the stingy smell of the cold winter was hanging in the air. A thick layer of snow, lay on the rooftops, trees, on the streets. In short, it was laying everywhere. A shiver went through her spine, she had heard from the long winters that housed here. But never in her wildest dreams would she believed it, she was never planning to come here. But here she was, well, it took a while to come here. She had entered a tavern and a brothel, by mistake. The Madam of the brothel, might have thought that she came looking for work. She was, only not that kind of work. She knew that there was no shame in doing that kind of work, someone needs to do it, it was only not something she was willing to do. But now here she was, in front of the adventures guild of Spheros. The bartender of the tavern was so kind to point her in the right direction. The building was large, and the green with yellow sign made it clear that she was not in the wrong place this time. But still she was hesitant to enter. Would they accept her, she had no money, no papers? The only thing she had, were the clothing that she was wearing and the sword that she had stolen from a soldier's grave. Not her proudest moment, and she needed to kill a duergar to pay for her crime. But she didn't have another option, it was either that or make the long, dangerous road without a weapon. She took a deep breath, here it was the moment of truth. She opened the door, and was welcomed by a nice embrace of warmth. And that was it, there was no one standing behind the counter. There was a door behind it, but that one was closed. She knew that she here a bit on the later side. But the sun was not down yet, so that wouldn't be it. But it gave her some time to look around the place. There was a thick wooden staircase that led from the side of the door to some kind of platform that was placed above the door and the counter. She was able to see a long hallway, with some doors. The smell of something cooking on the stove, made her stomach growl. Yes, she was hungry as a bear right after its hibernation. It was no secret that the adventures guild inside Spheros offered bed and board to its members, one of the reasons why she came here. The other one was, they paid good money. She sighed, what would she do, wait? Or would she leave, and face the possibility that she would starve in the cold outside world. Or, in the case that she was able to survive it, she could go home. Where her mother was waiting for her, to be marrying her off to the next old rich fart that came along. Quickly, she shook her head, she wouldn't go back home. She would rather go back to the brothel and ask for a job there, then to do that.

The door that was behind the counter opened, and a man in armour made of a white metal. stepped through. He didn't look at her, instead he looked at someone inside the room. But that gave her some time, and excuse to take him in. The cape, that was a blue and purple mixture, was hanging on his back. He had short raven black hair, and his pale ivory skin was shinning in the candlelight that was inside the other room.

"Thank you, Madam Ward," his deep voice said. "You know how much he means to me, although he apparently those not." He turned his head, and now he looked at her. First there was a glimmer of shock in his bright sapphire blue eyes, but that quickly turned into a soft smile. "Madam Ward, I think you are also needed here. There is a new arrival." She wanted to turn and run. This man was handsome, really handsome and like with all the other handsome man she had come across he probably knew it. She was burned by the likes of him, more than she wanted to admit. The last one was the whole reason that she had nothing. He stepped aside, and a woman came out of the room. She was short with chestnut brown hair, silver blue eyes who gave her a warm look.

While the woman walked towards her desk. She said, "Oh, hello. Sorry, that you needed to wait. I am Lydia Ward, and I am the leader of this guild. Are you here to enlist?" Madam Ward, didn't break eye contact with her. But it was not in the creepy I am going to kill you way. No, it was, do not worry, I know this might be a bit scary way. "May I have your papers. Then we can begin right away," there it was. Everyone on the road needed papers, and especially adventures. Papers tell, where they came from, what kind of jobs they have done, which kind of creatures they have faced. And the most important one, if they were trouble or not. There was only one problem, she didn't have any. Well, time to spill the beans and hoping that they are willing to help her.

"Uhm," she started. This was not going to be easy, and she knew that. "I do not have any papers," well that was like ripping a bandage from a still healing wound. Painful to say the least. "My ex, the one I was travelling with..." she took another deep breath. This was embracing, but it needs to be done. "He stole everything from me, food, money, weapons, my papers and took off in the middle of the night. The local sheriff from the town I was staying in, didn't want to help me. I was a low live adventure, and above all else, I am a woman." Madam Ward looked at her with a mixture of pity and something else she was not able to describe, she knew that being a woman was an excuse for a lot of law in forcement to do nothing.

"I am so sorry that this happened to you, sweetie," Madam Ward said. But here came it, she knew that it was going to happen. "But I can't admit you to the guild, without any papers. It would be too much of a risk." There it was, it hurt, she was not going to lie about that. But she understood it, which made it all worse. She didn't want to understand, she wanted to scream, and shout to them. That this all was unfair, and that she didn't deserve any of this. But she was no longer twelve, and such behaviour wouldn't fit someone from her age. Her stomach started to growl once again, and her vision was starting to get blurry. She had come all this way for nothing, but a small ember of hope. One that has, being put out, by the late winter cold that was waiting for her outside. She gave Madam Ward, and the handsome unknown man, a soft meaningful smile.

"I understand, thank you so much for giving me this small part of your time. I will be out of your hair," she said. She wanted to turn around, but mid-turn her legs started to wobble. And she was not sure if she was able to step outside, let alone walk out of the town into the forest.

"I wonder, you told us that this man took your weapons. But here you stand with a sword," the handsome man said. She closed her eyes for a second.

"I stole it from a grave, not my proudest moment. I was almost killed by a drought for my trouble, but I needed something to defend myself, and there are not many shops that hand over weapons over for free." She just shrugged and took her first step towards the door, her hand was reaching towards the doorknob, it was shaking like an autumn leaf in a soft breeze. Softly, she bit on her lip and opened the door. The cold late winter air blew in her face, together with some snowflakes. Which didn't make it better at this point. But she was not going to stay somewhere where she was not being wanted. She took another step and her legs gave out. Not only that, her whole vision went black. The cold, hard ground, was not something she wanted to feel on her face.

"Shit, I was already afraid of that. She didn't look that well, and she was shaking. Madam Ward, do you have a room available for her?" He asked. She was able to feel his arms, his strong and warm arms, around her. And he picked her up as if she was as light as a feather. While she has not been eating much, since she made the decision to come here. She caught a rabbit once during the month of travel, and that was not because she didn't know how to hunt. It was part of her profession to know, but she only had the sword. Not her usual bow and arrows, no hunting knife or the tools she needed. And because they are inside the end tail of winter, there were not many plants growing.

"Of course, I have a room," Madam Ward said. But those were reserved for the members of this guild. The people who took a small cut in their pay to afford it. She was not one of them, and this woman, how nice she might be, will never give her one for free. "Follow me," wait, what? She was going to do what? She could feel the man move, the warmth of the building and his body were embracing her stone-cold body. The cracking sound of a door, protesting, reached her ears. They were giving her a room, but she was not a member of the guild. And she had made it clear to tell them that she didn't have any money. But still the softness of the bed, was a small comfort. What was she missing? "I am going to check the venison stew, she might want some once she wakes up."

"Please, do. Madam Ward," The handsome man said. "I wish that there was something that we could do to help her."

"Seriously, Terence Mildenhall. That bleeding heart of yours, will be one day the end of you." Madam Ward said, she was able to hear the mocking tone in her voice. So he was a Mildenhall, he was not only handsome he was also rich, which made it even worse.

"I know, I know," He said, was that a smirk that she was hearing. It was also the last thing that she heard, before the darkness of a dreamless sleep overtook her.


The smell of something salty, and something delicouis started carres her nose. It slowly woke her up, her head was still hurting and stars was still filling her vision. There was candle, on the nightstand, but it was not lite. So that was not a source of light inside the room, it was the moon who shone it silvery light through the window. But all of that those this matter, while she was awake, she needed to eat something. But that wouldn't be as easy as it sounded, everytime she pushed herself up, she fall down on her pilliow. She couldn't remember the time that she felt this weak. The door creaked in protest open, and there he stood. Terence Mildenhall. In all his handsome glory, surrounded by the beaming light of the candles that were light inside the hall. Damn, it made her stomach do all kind of strange things. She wanted to shake her head, and reproment herself. But apperently the lastest burn, was not enough. He didn't wear his armour, this time he wore something simple. A purple blouse, and some pants. There was relieve inside his bright sapphire blue eyes, it were those eyes who did the trick. Take those away, and there gose the handsome face.

"You are awake," He said, there was also relieve inside his voice. "That is a relieve, the doctor was not sure if you ever would." He had called a doctor, that was a blow into her not excisting savings. Doctors, were very expensive and anybody with at least half a brain would avoid calling for one, unles it was a matter of live and death. And maybe in this case it was. But that would only be so, if she believed him. Which was still open for debate. He closed the door behind him, and walked over towards a chair. That is when she noticed the source of the salty smell, he was holding a bowl with stew.

"Thank...," her voice was thick and cracked. "You," she looked at him, to see is expresion. Which was not easy, because of the dark room.

"It really was not a problem," he replied, his voice was also thick with sleep? He was tired. She was able to see the blue berry bags under his eyes. Those were not there when she first saw him. Was he tired, because he have waited for her to wake up? Or was there something else going on? He came out of that room with Madam Ward, saying that he appiciated her help with something, no with someone. He placed the bowl on the nightstand next to the candle, once again she tried to push herself up. But it once again resulted in a faliure. He quickly shot out of his chair. "Here let me help you." 

"Thank you," she repeated herself. He was being nice to her, she fagily remembered that he was the one who picked her out of the snow. After her body gave out, he was the one who brought her to this room.

"Again, it was not a problem, miss...," he said. That was right she hadn't introduced herself to him, or Madam Ward. They have been so nice to her, and they didn't even know her name. Well there was no time as the present.

"Audery Treloar," she said. His thin raven black eyebrows shot up. 

"Are you from the Treloar family in Ventis, the town in the western part of the Sawatis district?" He asked, so he had heard from them. Of course he has. He was a member of the Mildenhall family, a family that qua status was a bit higher then her own family. Only because his family were owners of the city they lived in, and her family was not. "What are you doing so far away from home?" He hadn't waited for her answer, maybe, no most likely it was written all over her face.

"I ran away, after my mother...," there was no point in hiding that part of her history. His family moved inside the same circles as hers, and he might know how it was like. To be sold off to the highest bidder on the market. "My mother made a deal, with an old rich fart, if I had stayed, I would have become his third or fourth wife." He hissed, so he knew what it was like. "I rather go at work inside a brothel, then to go back."

"That is a bit extreme, don't you think?" He asked, but she shock her head. No, it was not. "Alright, then I believe you," he picked up the spoon, it was filled with stew. "Again let me help you," he fed her the stew. Because she was clearly not strong enough to sit up right, let alone to feed herself. Which was not something she would share proudly, but he was not condicending towards her. She was starting to believe that he genuilly cared, which was something new. And not a qaulity that many other handsome men had, or maybe she only has experience with the wrong sort. Which wouldn't surprise her. The stew was perfectly cooked and was the best meal she had in years. The salty smell, said nothing about the flavour. There was salt in it, but also another mixture of spices and the meat was tender. "Well, that was all there was. Now it is time for you, to go back to sleep. You need the rest to built up your strenght." She smiled and closed her eyes, she wanted to thank him once again. But she didn't get the change to do that, the dreamless sleep overtook her once again.

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