Part 1 - Beginning

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Excerpt from Histories of Gods: Myths and Legends From Beyond Time. by Unknown. Published unknown year before the unification, banned year 50 after the unification...

"Creation Myths distilled

In the beginning, there was Void. An expanse everywhere and nowhere, where nothing and everything existed at once.

From this twisting Void manifested beings of Concept, the greatest of which were Chaos, Law, and Light.

Creatures of singular purpose and conflicting contradictions, these primordial beings further divided their natures. Using only a fraction of their limitless essence they manifested two children each, bound by common roots and opposed by conflicting natures.

Chaos, the first dragon, also known as Ryuugen of Creation and Destruction, produced Yoryuu and Inryuu

Law, the first man, also known as Horon of Protection and Power, produced Hengist and Horsa.

Light, also known as Etoile of Life and Death, Truth and Secrets, produced Soleil and Lune.

As the manifestation of Creation, it was Yoryuu, the Platinum Dragon, who began crafting a world to be separate from the Void, consisting of the five elements of his essence, earth, water, air, fire, and ice. 

His work nearly complete, Yoryuu beseeched the aid of Soleil to give his children life, so they could govern this new world. Soleil, wishing to manifest its own essence, agreed, but knew that nothing can grow endlessly. There needed to be a balance.

So the two gods approached their opposites. Inryuu agreed to assist on the condition that her own children would have a place in this new world. Lune agreed on the condition that all beings born of the world's physical aspects would someday die. 

Yet, it was still not balanced... And so the creators approached the last of the gods, Hengist and Horsa. Looking over the creation, with the magic of the elements running wild, the beings of Law insisted that rules be placed to balance the chaos, immutable laws of physics and reaction. In return for their gifts of order, they asked only that they be allowed to create their own children to inhabit the world.

Powered by the Void and the combined divine essences of its creators, the world manifested a life of its own, Cathbad, who gifted the land with all manner of plants and animals to feed the children of its divine progenitors.

Their labor nearly complete, the gods built a third realm, the heavenly planes, separating the material plane from the Void, now known as the outer planes, from which they could watch over their work.

There, the gods' natures began to work against them, conflict budding between Yoryuu and Inryuu, and Hengist and Horsa. Knowing they could not destroy one another without dooming the world they created together, the symbol of balance between opposing forces soon became a battleground of proxy wars between the gods..." 

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