Grandmaster AStormsong
Alexander Stormsong

In the world of Ravenlight

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Blinding Light

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A tall cascading monolith of stone and brick, that is how it could best be described. A massive prison building with no courtyards, metal fencing, and walls completed with towers at each junction PLUS barbed wire far beyond the main wall. Guards on patrol across the walls and their walkways like castle walls, guards atop the towers with search lights scanning. Units down on the ground both within and beyond the walls. Overall a very basic prison by appearance from the outside, set in a wilderness full of blowing snows and frozen trees.

What wouldn’t be so basic however was that about a kilometer away in the blowing snowstorm, a lone man. Short black hair blowing in the winds, a red and white eye mask with glowing sapphire triangles over where his eyes would be, a black and red coat… and a bamboo stick in his right hand with a handle which he held firmly. He looked blankly forward, stationary.

Behind him, PLENTY of rotting corpses stitched together with glowing red hollow eyes. They were the literal undead, dead skin, rotted partial faces with their bones showing- all of them dressed up though in matching attire, mostly black jumpsuits with shoulder guards. Many snarling, many with crossbows and swords in hand; and a couple handling axes. Some of the figures though wore actual coats, long or otherwise, with their hoods up and eyes glowing a mix of ambers and silvers.

To the left of the eye masked figure approached three uniquely dressed individuals- one grinning, one blank faced, the last looking aggravated. To his right, two women and one man, each with varying expressions. All in all these six to the left and right of the central figure were their own regards of creepy, with one having a completely pierced AND stitched up face- while another had no face at all and simply had a bloody skull face showing and eye balls sticking out fiercely. As for the man at the center of this cluster of freaks, he said nothing, instead just holding his bamboo sword out in front of him- pointing ahead.

Shouts and howls behind the masked figure rose up. The six around him charged ahead immediately, breaking into dead runs whilst streams of the undead and clearly Vampiric behind him stormed ahead. Their steps, imprinting in the snow, storming all around.

{Are these actions just? Are they the only way? Hmph… why am I even questioning my decisions to this point? Humans are not nearly smart enough to be reasoned with.}”

These thoughts surged through his head, the bamboo sword in hand still held out though now beginning to blow and turn black, as if it had become a blacklight itself or even a black laser sword. He swung it back, holding it like a bat with a single hand- his right hand. Then as the left arm stretched over and the hand took hold, he swung. The sword flew forward and fired off an attack, a huge energy slash wave of black energy.

The shot flew hard and fast, screaming overtop the undead troops. Those on patrol turned to face the direction of the attack, hearing both it and the screaming- their expressions freezing.


The shot connected with the wall front and center, and as it did that wall erupted into a mass explosion. Rock and brick went flying, smoking one guard right in the head and splattering the head like a dropped egg. There was no warning as the wall collapsed, several soldiers who had been atop it either being blown off or falling right in and being buried. Those patrolling just beyond the wall were caught up, debris raining down right upon them. One tower and its spot light even blew from beneath, sending half the tower screaming through the air with more soldiers being sent off.

Then they came in, the undead, howling and screaming. The moment the stunned soldiers out in front of the gates turned back around to the source of the attack, BAM, two were immediately toppled by a force slamming into them. CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP. The eye of one bit and torn out, the ear of another bit right off, half the face of another ripped. Screams turned out immediately from those being fed upon by both Undead and Vampire, the latter of whom were busy slamming their fangs into the necks of those left unprotected due to their own failed guards over the attack.

They moved like lightning, storming right through the patrols and immediately right into the ruble, charging up and over the collapsed structure. Some even leapt up high through the air and grappled onto the wall that remained, halfway up, and began to climb. Others, the Vampires in particular, would leap up and over the ruble in an bid to lead the charge and storm right into patrolling units on the other side. Screams from the towers, lights spanning the attacking horde silenced with shots from arrows. A series of explosions followed, and one by one more of the towers fell- then went the metal fence between the wall and the actual facility.

It all went down, the masked man lowering his weapon to his side, his expression unchanged as he began to pace forward. All around the grounds the guards took up positions, raising futuristic-looking white and black rifles, taking aim at the Undead and firing upon them. Bullets did not fly, instead with pew-pews came laser shots of white and yellow. The Undead struck by the shots would go down easily enough with shots to the head or torso, or at least that was the case for most.

Some, decked out in armor much like a knight’s plating, would tank a few hits to the chest before going down. Of course those in the plating were jumping and leaping out of the way here and there, returning fire with laser rifles of their own. Vampires for the most part were evading the shots though those hit would be engulfed in flame right around the point of impact, screaming out and falling back after the strikes. This mostly applied to those hit by the white lights of course, with the yellow not resulting in the fires.

The front doors, doors of metal, were ripped right out by one of the Vampiric and flung. One guard outside of the complex would be crushed, while the heads of two others were struck. In no time at all the Undead flooded right in through the exposed doors whilst guards began to appear atop the prison’s roof. Shots of laser fire flew out and down, striking far fewer of the invaders than those on the ground were striking.

{Mother… what would you say? Would you understand why?}”

The figure moved through the courtyard with his bamboo sword in hand, a slight black glow around it. As laser shots came right at him he swung one-handed, batting one shot and sending it flying right back into the shooter. Then came another two and three, one missing the mark while the figure deflected the others away. One shot that came dead on he swatted with full force, sending the attack screaming back and into the chest of the guard. As he sent that last shot back while his eyes could not be seen, his brows could be seen intensifying as if he were staring angrily, his teeth gritted for a bit.

{What would you think… sis?}”

The thought went through his head. Rain on the streets, concrete sidewalks, old and decaying buildings. Then the scene shifted, the inside of one of the buildings- dark, wood floors, decaying plaster walls, a nearly broken off chandelier. Lying there upon the ground in a pool of her own blood, a girl with long black hair that streamed down to her calves. Her face was obstructed by the hair, her bangs covering the eyes. A hole right through her chest from which blood now cooled, with plenty of blood around the face and nostrils. Beside her a man slumped over on his side, short brown hair, a gun in his right hand- a single shot through the right side of his scalp.

Three bullet casings lay on the ground around them both… and to the far end of the room, a young boy, blue eyes, short black hair that nearly covered his own eyes. Tears streamed down his face, a broken face flushed red.

A guard screamed and went down before the man with the eye mask, his bamboo stick sword having somehow just carved through the body armor and chest of one guard. He stepped over the fallen fresh corpse and swung out, projecting another slash of the same black energy that quickly cut into three more guards. Blood sprayed from their chests as they fell over, no sound coming out of their screaming faces as they hit dirt. As he continued forward the fires and explosions continued, prisoners now out and about smashing clear through the packs of guards, more of that black energy flying from their hands and going right through the guards.

One guard stumbled away from a blast, disarmed, holding both hands out whilst screaming ‘please don’t’ before a fist slammed right through his cracked chest plate and into his body. Blood flew from his mouth and that was it as the attacker ripped their hand out, letting the dead guard fall over. The floor, covered with streaming blood, easily gallons of it from all of the bodies strung all over. And as it continued to flow the masked figure walked right through it, his steps through the blood coating the bottoms of his boots in blood, leading to him leaving bloody footprints behind as he moved forward.

{Humans… are such selfish creatures. This is what they deserve,}” he growled in his own head as again his thoughts shifted.

A dead priest, full of stab wounds. The young man stood there, the knife in hand, staring down with shaken eyes. Right behind him a young girl, covered in bruises, gagged and bound, lying on the ground in a pool of their own blood. Several grown men stood around him and the corpses, slowly moving in. Just as the young man looked around, all of the men flew and slammed into the walls- their necks all snapping in the process before they even fell to the ground, save one who rolled only to have a boot slammed upon their back.

A figure cloaked in white, a mask with a lightning bolt scar over the right eye. CRIIIIICK SNAP- the man was dead as the masked figure pressed down and broke the man’s spine. They looked from the corpse, to the priest, and then to the young boy- the boy of whom now held the knife defensively, fear plastering across his face.

Doors again blew inward, HUGE metal doors like hangar doors. A massive gash was opened up in them as the eye masked figure moved forward into the room with the bamboo sword in hand. The room they now were in, a massive prison block with bars and cells everywhere. And just as the guards within that room took aim, in came the Undead. A fire fight began as the eye mask figure again began to bat shots back, stepping into the room.

Guards again screamed as the ones on ground level were overrun immediately, while those up above were tackled by leaping figures cloaked in back, teeth then sinking into their necks. The eye masked figure stepped forward further into the room, the cells all opening up with the sound of an alarm. Some of the prisoners stepped out, while some were in their cells hung up to machines binding their limbs. It took no time at all for some of the Vampires that came in with the Undead to rush into those cells and get to work unstrapping the people within.

And so he stood there, ‘watching’ the room as it was cleared and the prisoners freed, soon turning and walking away.

If you follow me, I can offer you a better life than this, a life of purpose,” came the voice of Cylux, “I intend to remake the world into what it should be, a free world, a better world. A world in which no one will ever have to worry about being powerless ever again.”

“… why should I believe you?” the boy asked, “It’s impossible- there is no fixing this world, and there’s no way to change it. People can not change!”

It can be changed, and it will- because we will not simply petition for change, we will force it! We as people hold the power to make anything a reality, we simply need to come together for the collective vision to make it happen. If you come with me, Tobias Tazaki, I promise you… freedom.”

Cylux held their hand out, beckoning. Toby looked around Cylux, the down and dead men… and then a look back at the dead girl behind him. It took him only a moment, the knife in hand released, clattering to the ground as he looked back ahead to Cylux.

Never forget Toby, humanity can be-”

Truly… vile,” the older Toby murmured, facing ahead to a lunchroom full of fire and bodies, begging soldiers being ripped apart by the Vampiric or cut down by the Undead.

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