The Eternal Hero I - Fall of the First Hero

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In the wake of the terrible war in the heavens, known simply as The Sunduring, the world of Arameia was left in turmoil. Though the Dark Gods were imprisoned, locked away and unable to act, their minions continued to ravage the Material Plane and all of the Planes of Arameian Space. The mortal realm was under constant siege by horrors, hope was a fleeting, fragile thing.

Amidst the chaos and brutality, a beacon of light, unfaltering, never dimming, still stood strong. In this life, she was known as Elysia Dawnfire, with hair like fire and eyes of gold, blazing with righteous fury, she fought tirelessly in defense of the weak. Her deeds were endless and legendary, her courage was unmatched. Wielding a blade made of pure sunlight, she carved a path of hope through the darkest of moments.

In the town of Verna, Elysia and her companions, a party of friends that had remained together for nearly a decade, faced a demonic incursion brought forth by the demon prince Zuggtmoy. The demons had emerged from under the town, bringing with them malice and merciless cruelty. The demonic hordes slaughtered the inhabitants, set the buildings ablaze, and ensured blood ran through the streets like a river. The once peaceful and thriving village was a blood-drowned battlefield, echoing with the cries of the dying.

Elysia fought with the strength and determination of a dozen champions, her blade of sunlight cleaving through the demonic horde, her passion and fury growing with each blow. She moved with purpose, seeking out survivors, determined to save as many as possible to flee this damned place. Unbeknownst to her, the seeds of betrayal had already taken root. The party, her friends, those she had fought beside for years and trusted with her life, had been twisted by envy. Whispers of demons and devils, great and terrible forces had poisoned their hearts, convincing them that as long as Elysia lived, they would forever live in her shadow.

As the battle continued raging, Elysia spotted a man and child wrapped in the chaos. Without a second thought, she dashed into the swarm of demons, her blade flashing, it rung like the perfect strike of a mithril blade. In her reckless charge, she had to force herself to misstep, catching the jab of a poisoned tendril in her side, the venom coursing through her veins with agonizing speed. Her companions cut down the remaining demons as she fell to her knees, gasping for breath. The world began to spin, her veins turned black, her eyes began to bleed. Through her blurred vision she could see the faces of her companions looming over her. Relief bloomed in her heart, surely they would quickly apply aid.

The paladin Sir Bidarin and his cleric brother Thaddeus stood over her. Instead of aid, they looked at each other with grim determination. Bidarin spoke first, his voice was hollow and cold; "We can't save her, the poison is too strong." Thaddeus nodded, his expression resolute "It's time for others to take the glory. She's done her duty." Elysia's heart shattered, these were individuals she had trusted, the people she fought and bled beside in the name of goodness. As she writhed in pain, unable to comprehend the betrayal before her, Sir Bidarin turned to the man and child she had saved. With a swift stroke, he broke his oath and ended their lives, ensuring there would be no witnesses. 

Thaddeus knelt beside her, his voice a cold whisper as he pulled her pouches from her belt, her gold, her potions, anything they could use. "Rest now, Elysia. You've done your part, now you must step aside." Elysia tried to speak, her hand slid across the ground for the hilt of her sword. Thaddeus sighed and picked the hilt up before tossing it into the piles of rubble nearby. Elysia's last sight was of her companions turning their backs on her, leaving her to die in alone in the ruins of Verna. The First Hero fell, not in glorious battle against a mighty foe, but betrayed by those closest to her, her light was extinguished, her legacy was tarnished by envy and treachery, yet even in death her spirit would not break.

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