
Table of Contents

Part 1: The Early Days Chapter 1 - Paladin Power Chapter 2 - Firewyrm Chapter 3 - Magic Theory Chapter 4 - Learning to Train Chapter 5 - Madness Chapter 6 - Illegal Magic Chapter 7 - The Greatest Potential Chapter 8 - To Love the Gods Chapter 9 - Shifting Futures Chapter 10 - Hurry Up and Wait Part 2: Hamerfoss Chapter 11 - Road to Hamerfoss Chapter 12 - Catching Up on Lessons Chapter 13 - Shipping New Samples Chapter 14 - Ice Ice Baby Chapter 15 - Burn Baby Burn Chapter 16 - Aftermath Chapter 17 - Until Proven Guilty Chapter 18 - A Name Chapter 19 - Friends Chapter 20 - What is a Warlock? Chapter 21 - Day With the Squires Chapter 22 - Until Proven Inocent Chapter 23 - The Talk Chapter 24 - It Doesn't Matter Chapter 25 - Attack Part 3: Time Apart Chapter 26 - Mages Guild Chapter 27 - Samples... Chapter 28 - Out on the Town Chapter 29 - Back at Hamerfoss Chapter 30 - Discoveries Chapter 31 - Solstice in the City Chapter 32 - Hamerfoss Holidays Chapter 33 - Clearance Exam Chapter 34 - Results Chapter 35 - Road Patrol Part 4: Home Is Where The Heart Is Chapter 36 - Going Back. Chapter 37 - Time to Travel Chapter 38 - Home Chapter 39 - Sparring Match Chapter 40 - Winter Solstice Chapter 41 - Student and Master Chapter 42 - Goodbye for Now Chapter 43 - Hard Work and Dedication. Chapter 44 - First Steps Chapter 45 - Seniors Part 5: The End of an Age. Chapter 46 - Next Generation Chapter 47- Chosen of the Gods Chapter 48 - Wrapped in Ice Chapter 49 - The End and Beginning

In the world of Daanlin

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Chapter 29 - Back at Hamerfoss

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Winter 4986, 10 Ginmoth

Her assistant -a Second Lieutenant- trailed a few steps behind Rasnah from the chapel back to her office. He tried to stifle a yawn, and Rasnah grinned at the failed effort. She'd been working far too many late nights and would need to return to a normal schedule soon; if not for her sake, then for her subordinates.

The General cleared her expression as the young assistant past to open the door. Rasnah made to step in, only to stop in her tracks. The assistant went for his sword, and Rasnah just managed to bring a hand up to stop him, "What in Hengist's holy name are you doing in my office, old man?" 

Veon-Zih reclined in her chair, though he'd resisted resting his feet on her desk. The Monk grinned, and Rasnah's lip twitched as she struggled to maintain her stern professionalism.

"Well, last time I didn't come right away, you accused me of skirting my duty," Veon-Zih explained. 

Standing smoothly, he made a sweeping gesture at her seat before rounding the desk and taking his own on the proper side. Rasnah sighed, but her assistant still gripped his sword, "At ease, Sir Selv. Master Veon-Zih is a friend to me and the Temple, he is always welcome." She reassured the knight, who finally relaxed. He bowed formally to Veon-Zih, who merely rested his fist in his palm with a nod. The junior Paladin followed with a salute to Rasnah before taking his position outside her door.

The fact that Veon-Zih hadn't stood to bow to the young Paladin had Rasnah taking a moment to study him a little closer. His grin didn't reach his eyes and had faded as soon as the assistant turned his back. His normally smoothly-shaven head had a few days growth and his jaw seemed tight.

Veon-Zih waited for the door to close but started talking before Rasnah reached her desk, "It's all dead ends, Ras, literally." he gestured to a new pile of papers on her desk, stacked next to the mound from before, "Most were pronounced deceased years ago, the last was missing but presumed dead. A few of the surviving relatives were truly surprised to hear that their loved ones only died recently, and none of them ever suspected them of making a pact with an extra-dimensional being." He ran a tired hand over his prickly head, "Maybe this was the end. Maybe that fire killed them, and we're hunting ghosts." 

Rasnah sighed, rubbing her face with both hands and thinking out loud, "Except that we know at least two survived. The attack-" 

"Attack?" Veon-Zih interrupted, leaning forward in his chair. Rasnah realized her mistake but didn't expect the Monk to glare at her before she could rectify it, "Something you don't want to tell me, Rasnah? What happened while I was busy watching those Horsa bastards torture innocent civilians?"

This wasn't the Veon-Zih she knew. He didn't grin or banter, and his questions were terse and demanding. He seemed... exceedingly stressed.

Though she'd never felt the need to use her 'General face' with Veon-Zih before -except in jest- Rasnah did her best to clear her expression. Resting her laced fingers on her desk she started, "Draken attacked a little over a week ago-" 



Veon-Zih narrowed his eyes at her. Rasnah had never seen him like this. The ordinarily smiling Monk's eyes were angry, and that anger was clearly directed at her, "And you're just now telling me? I know they're bloodthirsty but even draken wouldn't stage an attack on a fortress full of Paladins. What else?"

"We believe they were organized by the Warlocks, or Warlock, the same one you faced six years ago."

Rasnah was truly at a loss for what to expect. But she'd taken too long trying to figure it out, after a few heartbeats of silence, Veon-zih stated, "They're mad, but even they would know they have no chance." He actually stood, resting his hands on her desk and leaning over her, "Don't do this to me, Ras. Don't make me question you for every detail..."

She didn't know if Veon-Zih meant appear threatening -she hoped not- but it didn't stop her heart from racing. She'd seen this man fell giants with his bare hands. Hands that were now resting on her desk. With his speed... Her sword was ever-present at her side, and Rasnah had earned her considerable rank through combat experience. Yet still, she knew she would be hard-pressed against the man glaring down at her now.

The General stood to match him, "Calm down, Master Monk," she startled him out of his animosity and he leaned away from her, "Now sit down and compose yourself, Master." Veon-Zih sat and buried his face in his hands. Rasnah sighed, resuming her own seat and speaking kindly to her friend, "I've never seen you like this V..."

"I've never felt like this before..." His voice was muffled by his hands, but the next moment he dropped them, his eyes closed, "Just... give me a moment." Still seated in his chair, the Monk lifted his feet onto the seat and took up his usual cross-legged meditation position, his hands cupped in his lap, thumbs touching at the tips. He breathed slow and steady. In through the nose out through the mouth. 

After only three breaths, Rasnah could see the change in him, though he kept his eyes closed as he spoke, "The Ryukyu Monastery teaches detachment." breathe, "To that end, we take vows to support that. Like poverty and..." breathe. He didn't continue to list his vows -he didn't need to- instead, he explained, "It makes it easier for us to keep our emotions separate, controlled."

"But you did form an attachment... You're worried about Shon." Veon-Zih nodded calmly, -breathe- and Rasnah kept going, speaking softly, "He's more than a student to you, but none of your vows...." She was there when Veon-Zih had met Velona, and she'd heard what happened when he confessed to breaking his vow to his Monastery. She didn't approve of their reaction. Or his subsequent decision. The last thing she wanted to see was a repeat of the incident.

Rather than answer her statement Veon-Zih continued to breathe slowly, eventually saying, "I don't have any experience dealing with this kind of worry Ras..."

Rasnah forced a snort of laughter, trying to lighten the situation, making sure to grin when the Monk opened an eye and arched an eyebrow. "I don't know if I should be offended or not. You mean to say you've never worried about us before?"

"This is different. He's a kid. A teenager," he corrected himself, closing the eye to breathe again, "And out of the blue, you tell me he rescued a girl from a burning tower full of dead Warlocks after he awakened as a Sorcerer. I was already worried," he opened both eyes, and his look was full of steel. He knew what the government usually did with Sorcerers. "Now you say Warlocks attacked the fortress where he's training. Training, Rasnah. You were all tried and tested fighters well before we met." 

Leaning back in her chair, Rasnah gestured to her piles of papers, "Well, Shon is too now. To help ease your worries, allow me to preface this by reassuring you that there were no casualties on our side and all injuries were minor and healed the same day." 

Veon-Zih nodded, returning his feet to the floor, "Tell me everything, Ras." 

And so she did. About the draken attacking as a distraction for the Warlock riding a wyvern and about Shon's role in bringing and keeping it down so Danaus could land the killing blow. 

Veon-Zih laughed, though it was forced, "So he finally got his wyvern. He must be proud." 

"As I'm sure his father is, in the heavenly planes." She assured him, "He wants to give Shon a commendation, but Sir Selibra thinks it would be best to save such awards for after he takes his Oath. We really are taking care of him, V, and he's shaping up to be an outstanding Paladin. He isn't ten anymore. He's nearly sixteen. Though I realize it's hard for every father to admit that their little boy isn't a little boy anymore." 

"I'm not his father," 

Rasnah snorted for real this time, "Keep telling yourself that, Master..." 

Veon-Zih hurried to change the subject, "So we know at least one survived, and she escaped again. Where do you want me?"

"Hamerfoss," Rasnah answered, reaching for the papers he'd brought her.

His hand came down over the stack, "Don't take me off this, Ras." 

"I'm not," She looked up to reassure him, "But we also don't have any leads yet. Go check in with your..." she cleared her throat, "... student. I will call you in as soon as I have something for you to punch."

Veon-Zih finally gave her a genuine smile and even shook his finger in mock anger at her, "See that you do, young lady! No more of this paperwork crap. That's for you retired types."

Rasnah groaned loudly, "Don't I know it, and you just keep bringing me more." she laughed, wrinkling her nose at the Monk, "Now go shower and shave. You're just in time to take the supply wagon in the morning. You might even get to hit something if there are still draken in the area."


Veon-Zih swayed with the wagon as it rolled ponderously through the gates of Hamerfoss. The cracks of wood on wood and thumps of wood on flesh greeted him with the sight of sixteen Squires sparring in the courtyard. Eight pairs of boys bobbed and dipped around each other. One stood out from the rest as Veon-Zih jumped from the wagon and made his way to stand beside the Weaponmaster, who had a pseudodragon on his shoulder of all things. 

Shon ducked below a swing from his opponent, his right-hand dagger slicing at the boy's left wrist hard enough that the lad dropped his weapon. The wooden sparring dagger hadn't even hit the ground before Shon finished his attack, sidestepping his opponent and slamming his left-hand dagger into the boy's ribs. The Squire was pushed back by the blow but wasn't given a chance to catch himself as Shon kicked out the boy's knee, sending him straight to the ground. 

Shon flipped his left dagger in his palm and brought it down towards the prone boy's face, "MATCH!" the Squire squealed, turning his head and squeezing his eyes shut. Shon planted his dagger into the hard-packed snow beside the boy's eyes and stood, stepping back but offering a silent hand to his beaten partner.

"Don't forget your feet!" Master Danaus called to the Squires at large, then specifically to Shon's sparring partner, "You should know better, Zihler. You've been sparring Shon long enough to know he kicks." 

"To be fair," Veon-Zih whispered, "He'd lost before that." The pseudodragon made its way across Danaus's back to his other shoulder, stretching out its long neck to sniff at Veon-Zih's ear.

Without looking away from the Squires, Danaus snorted, "He lost the moment I partnered him with your boy. But he's the closest to Shon's level with dexterity weapons and dual-wielding in particular." The normally rare and elusive dragon crawled from Danaus over to Veon-Zih, draping itself over his head to stiff at his opposite ear. 

Doing his best to ignore the tiny dragon, Veon-Zih quoted sagely, "The only way to grow stronger is to face stronger enemies,"

Danaus gave one of his bark-like laughs, "Or practice your ass off! It's only been a few days since watch month, but your boy fights like a demon. Ever since the girl left, he's been practicing through every break. In armor! I didn't think it was possible, but the lad's really redoubled his efforts."

The pseudodragon draped a lazy wing across his face and Veon-Zih couldn't resist any longer, "Your new friend is making it very difficult for me to watch the sparring..." 

"Not my friend," Danaus grunted just as a sharp whistle pierced through the continued din beyond the dragon's wing. The pseudodragon whistled back and lifted its wing for Veon-Zih to see Shon looking his way.

Zihler tried to take advantage of Shon's distraction but came in a little too eagerly. Before he had time to turn his head back to the fight, Shon leaned back, dodging the downward swing. He caught Zihler's extended arm with his left hand, pinning it to his chest at the same time that he brought his right hand up to slice into the boy's armpit. Sliding his foot behind Zihler, Shon twisted his hips, still holding the boy by the arm, locking the joint, and bending him back, tripping him to the ground again. 

While Zihler scrambled to his feet, Shon looked back to the Masters and jerked his chin. The pseudodragon took off from Veon-Zih's head, flying for Shon. It circled him, twittering like a bird before landing on the sword pommel sticking out from behind Shon's shoulder. 

Veon-Zih felt his mouth fall open as his student glared silently at the little dragon -who chittered as though arguing with the Squire. "That's his familiar then..." Veon-Zih managed to choke out. Rasnah had told him Shon was a Sorcerer. She'd told him how he'd used his ice to save the girl at the tower and to hold the attacking wyvern to the ground. He thought he'd accepted it, had convinced himself that it even made sense. It explained Shon's cold hands and even some of his stubborn and quiet disposition. But seeing him now had finally cemented the fact. 

Veon-Zih had hunted Sorcerers... Over his many years of adventuring, he'd escorted them back to the Mages Guild, sometimes by force. He'd seen them lose control. And sometimes watched them cut down as the only -or at least fastest- way to stop their wild elemental magic.

He'd been thrown helplessly into the air by a thirteen-year-old girl who'd lost her temper because they wouldn't let her choose the ingredients for their camp stew. And heard her sobbing as her parents pled with the Temple and Guild that they couldn't afford her training.

"Yeah, and the sword it's perched on is his sealing item, courtesy of Nangran and his Archmage friend. And the Temple for sponsoring him." Danaus smacked Veon-Zih hard on the back. Any other man would've been thrown forward at the force, but Veon-Zih took it without so much as a grunt, "You've got nothing to worry about, old man. We aren't going to let him go that easily."

The pseudodragon hissed over Shon's shoulder, waving its spiked tail threateningly at Zihler -who looked like he was going to try another sneak attack. Shon brushed the little dragon aside, pushing it right off the sword as he turned to resume his sparring.

Opening its wings as it fell, the pseudodragon glided away from the fighters and back to the watching Masters. Flapping its wings to hover in place for a moment, it perched itself on Veon-Zih's shoulder. 

The Monk was just about to ask how much longer they had when the first bell of break began to ring. Danaus called the boys to fall in and waited until the final bell sounded before dismissing them. A pack of fifteen Squires all sprinted past the Masters towards the wagon -stopping just short of running the driver over- to wait for the monthly mail to be handed out.

Shon stood alone in the sparring ring, the jewel of his pommel swirling a pale cloudy blue lighter even than his eyes. 

Veon-Zih closed the distance between them, "I'm glad to see you've made at least one new friend," he said, reaching up to stroke the dragon's scales. This far into winter, it only had some of its autumn coloring, having turned gray around its spine and wingtips, the winter colors were spreading to cover its tiny body. "Does it have a name?" 

"Ryuuko," Shon answered, and the pseudodragon trilled happily, leaping from Veon-Zih to Shon's shoulder and rubbing its face against Shon's cheek.

Veon-Zih hummed, waiting for more, but apparently, Shon was in the mood to be particularly quiet, even with him, "It seems to like it. How did you come up with it?"

Shon shrugged, the little dragon riding the motion like a wave, "Lily named it." he glanced over at the pseudodragon like he was avoiding Veon-Zih's eyes, "She said it's draconic for 'little dragon.'"

"Lily? The girl from the tower?" Shon only nodded. "Shon... Look at me." 

Shon's eyes scanned the ground first, trailing over his own booted toes, then over to Veon-Zih's soft winter shoes, then up his body to finally meet his eyes, "I'm sorry, Master," he whispered, "I didn't know..."  

Veon-Zih's hands shook, but he managed to arch an eyebrow at Shon, now as tall as he was, "Why? You didn't do anything wrong, Shon. None of us knew, and even if we did-"

But Shon was upset enough to interrupt, "I feel like I've been lying to everyone. All this time, I've been cold, and I could've really hurt someone. I did really hurt someone, and he was just trying to help. I'm dangerous. I can't control it without this gem and-" 

Veon-Zih had heard enough. Faster than lightning, his hand shot forward, grabbing Shon by the sword strap and pulling him in for a bone-crushing hug. Ryuuko hissed in surprise, taking flight and circling the two, chittering angrily. Veon-Zih ignored it, whispering in Shon's ear, "You have nothing to be sorry for. Nothing." Shon was even colder than he remembered, like actual ice given life now that he'd awakened, "You are a good man, Shon, an amazing fighter, and a Sorcerer. You always were, we just didn't know the last one until now." he squeezed the Squire tighter, and Shon's arms finally came up to return the embrace.

Shon hid his face in Veon-Zih's shoulder, and the Monk breathed deep, settling into the boy's cold and not letting it bother him. Using his focus and discipline to control his body's reaction to the chill. Just like he did on winter nights on the road. "This is a part of you, and you will learn to control it the same way you learned to walk before you learned to kick."

Shon's shoulders bobbed, and Veon-Zih thought he might actually be crying until he heard the whisper of a chuckle in his ear. Pushing Shon out to arm's length, he arched a curious eyebrow but was warmed at the sight of the slight smile tilting the edges of Shon's lips. 

Seeing his teacher's expression, Shon shook his head, "That's almost exactly what Lily said." 

Veon-Zih opened his mouth to say he thought he might like this Lily person when one of the Squires called from the wagon, "Shon! Hey, Shon! You got a letter! I think it's from Lily!" 

Veon-Zih stepped back as a gaggle of Squires gathered around, the smallest, Thom, waving a thick envelope out of the other's reach and handing it to Shon.

"Why'd she only write you?" Zihler asked with a huff. 

"Come on, man, open it!" shouted Rerves.

"She probably knew he would tell us what it says," Kefir assured Zihler with a pat on the back. 

"Can we take this inside? It's cold out here," Baradin added while also refusing to leave alone.

"I bet you she loves the big city." Rehlien chimed in as though afraid of being left out.

Veon-Zih snickered at all of them while Ryuuko joined the fray, landing on Shon's head and snapping at the letter. Shon ran his hand through his hair, brushing the dragon off in the process, and turned to walk away from all of them. Heading for the bench by the curtain wall, he opened the letter and started to read silently, so absorbed by the letter he even seemed to forget about Veon-Zih. The others followed closely behind, talking to each other and asking Shon to read it out loud. Veon-Zih could only watch in amazement, shaking his head at the boys. Maybe Shon had more friends than he'd realized.

"One pretty girl shows up for a few weeks, and they're all love-struck." Danaus joked, returning to Veon-Zih's side.

"They are teenagers," Veon-Zih commented.

"Don't I know it." Danaus laughed again, resting his hand on Veon-Zih's shoulder, "Come on, old man, you've got to be freezing with that bald head of yours."

He led Veon-Zih to the fortress just as Shon handed the letter over to Rerves, who exclaimed, "Oh man, her penmanship is terrible!" 

With a chuckle, Veon-Zih did his best to block out the boys and addressed Danaus as the Weaponmaster opened the door for him, "So tell me about the wyvern fight..." He would have plenty of time to talk to Shon in the coming weeks. Winter solstice was only ten days away. He would stay at least long enough for the celebration before returning to Smilnda, where, hopefully, Rasnah would have some work for him. 


The bells sounded out twelve times, and Shon finally leaned back, cracking his neck and setting his pencil down across the last page of his letter. He'd worried that it would be too long, but after seeing Lily's multiple pages after only a week away, he didn't feel so bad. Her format had also relieved him, having also written a little every day, keeping her apprised of the limited goings-on at the admittedly boring fortress.

Shon had spent his first break hour reading her letter, then listening as Rerves read it out loud to the others. The Squires had interrupted frequently, giving a running commentary of their emotions and reactions to Lily's daily lessons and activities as she described them. When he'd read it himself, he could almost hear her voice. Part of him wished he'd left after that, so he didn't have the memory of Rerves talking over her words. 

After diner and study time, he'd finally gotten the chance to talk to Master Veon-Zih in private. As usual, the two conversed as they trained. Veon-Zih even taught Shon a new kata, this one focusing on breathing techniques and ki control. Shon knew why his Master had chosen to teach him that one in particular, and was grateful. He should've known that Veon-Zih wouldn't be bothered by Shon's power. Should've known that the Monk would not only accept it but have a possible solution to help him train.

Once the bell for lights out sounded, Shon was feeling better than he'd felt in days. Almost as good as he'd felt before Lily left. 

Lily had a way of making him not think about the things that worried him. His stress would slink away into the shadows as though scared away by her light. But it was still there, and Veon-Zih had given him concrete ways of dealing with it.  

Curled into a tight ball on his pillow, Ryuuko let out a tired purr. Shon sighed, picking up his letter to reread it. The wagon would leave in the morning, taking the Squire's return mail back to Smilnda to be sent off to their various destinations. He'd only ever sent mail to Veon-Zih before, and only if he knew where the Monk would be, which admittedly wasn't often. 

Satisfied with his return post, Shon sealed the envelope before he could think to make any more changes or additions. He scooted his chair away from his desk but hesitated before standing, reaching for Lily's letter again.

He had to hold it close to his eyes to make out the messily scrawled words in the dim light of his flickering candle, and caught a whiff of the paper as he read. It smelled like cinnamon. Like Lily. Shon imagined her smiling face as she wrote, picturing her at a desk like his.

'Maybe they'll even have a shade close to your eyes.'

He imagined Lily in her borrowed tunic but envisioned it a pale blue, lighter than her own dark blue eyes, but just the right shade to make her scarlet stripes stand out against her soft skin. 

Shon shook himself, dropping the letter and rolling off his chair, onto his bed. The mattress bounced, and Ryuuko gave a sleepy hiss at being disturbed. He pushed the dragon over just far enough so he had a place to lay his head and stared up at his ceiling. He was being stupid. No better than the other Squires fawning over the only girl they'd seen for longer than a night in years. There was no way Lily would like him like that. She didn't seem to like any of the boys like that. And especially not him. 

He'd convinced himself that she'd been a distraction. And yet, he found her determination and exuberance inspiring. She'd lived a difficult life he could only barely imagine, and yet she smiled with the light of the sun. She'd reached for him frequently and encouraged him to try harder, to be more. Admittedly she'd meant with his ice, but still...

He draped his arm over his eyes and groaned. That was why she spent so much time with him... Only written to him... She'd never met another Sorcerer before... There was no way she liked him. Why would she? When she could have anyone she wanted... 

But late at night, when the fortress was quietly sleeping, and he was alone, Shon could imagine. And remember the heat of her skin.

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