Chapter 7 Lessons Learned

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      It was less than an hour after my revelation that I heard my stepbrother's voice. Coming from the entry of the house.
      "Hi Lynne."He coughed as he did it. Apparently I did indeed put on enough makeup and perfume to choke someone. "You gasin the trenches"? He asked the pun an analogy to chemical warfare during WW1. That was Rick's style. Few occasions didn't warrant a joke from him
      "Funny", I responded nervously. He caught on to the nervousness and put together I was getting ready for a date. Rick never being one to let a joke go untold asked me who I paid to take me on a date? I ignored the jab and told him that I was going to call Roger from the wedding and ask him to take me out.
      "It looks like you've already been asked out." He was able to piece together that I already had plans.
 I didn't bother explaining the situation in full. So I gave him the shorthand.

      "I think he stood me up". I responded, fully expecting a joke in return. After silence, I became confused at the lack of response.
      "Sometimes the things we want to happen don't work out so that the things we need to happen have a chance to". Said Rick. I was completely dumbfounded. I wasn't used to my stepbrother being so wise. 
      "OK", was all I could muster in response. I wiped a tear from my cheek that I hadn't even realized was there. "I'm gonna call him now". Rick just raised a hand and went into the kitchen. I dialed the number feeling anxious but surprisingly determined.
      "Hello", came the always timid-sounding voice that was Roger's. 
      "Hello", I responded using the most professional voice I could. "Be confident". I told myself. It was surprisingly easy when compared to mustering an ounce of confidence when talking to John. 
      "Lynne"? He said in a confused voice.
      "Yes, this is her. I've thought about it and I'd like you to take me out tonight. I think going to the theatre would be appropriate. You can pick me up in one hour". I got the words out quicker than I could second guess them. I sounded so demanding it pained me but like I said. At the time, half of what I knew about confidence came from the celebrities I used to connect calls for, and they were always a bit shallow. Before he could answer I hung up. 

      "In hindsight not my best move. Considering I wasn't sure he even remembered where the house was."

       Not 45 minutes passed and Roger's headlights pulled into the driveway. Still no call from John.
 At the time someone my own age having a car was impressive but his Oldsmobile was a cut above. It was well taken care of and fairly new. Roger on the other hand looked like he just survived a hurricane. Sweating like crazy and barely able to get any words out. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out why. All jokes aside I really couldn't see how I made him this nervous. I wasnt what you would call an ALL-American Beauty.

      The date went about as well as it could have. Rogers's inability to form full sentences without flooding the Nile with his perspiration made me grateful we were watching a movie. If I had to give him one compliment it would be that he was very polite. If the construction workers cat-calling me taught me anything, it was that most men had no sense of embarrassment. Being my first date and all. I feared I might have to ward off an unwanted kiss however, within the first 15 minutes of the movie. I knew that Roger wouldn't cause an issue in that regard.

      After the movie, he dropped me off at my brother's house. I think he was just as anxious to get the date over as I was. He probably needed to calculate the cost-benefit ratios of asking me out on another date. The cost: melting like the wicked witch of the West for the benefit of a possible kiss on a second date. What he couldn't know is that there was a fair bit of insider trading going on, and the market was not in his favor. 

      All in all, as much as I hated to admit it. The date performed the job it was meant to. I all but forgot about John, well enough that I could go to sleep at least. 
     "Lynne its for you", it was now Saturday morning and Rick was calling my name to let me know that I had a phone call. I got up and answered the phone half asleep as I did.
      "This is Lynne Mckenzie." I half expected it to be one of my bosses at the magazine asking me where we kept the extra staplers or something.
      "Hey there gorgeous", said the voice on the other line. In such a confident style that I could almost hear the sunlight coming through the phone. "

      I mustered up all the previous night's frustration as I instantly recognized the voice. "You stood me up last night."

      "When I came to pick you up last night. Your brother told me you had gone on a date with some pencil pusher". He responded. It was clear in his tone that he felt like he was the one who had been slighted.
      I was now fully awake and feeling... well a bit miffed. "I waited an hour and you didn't even bother to call me, and yes I did go to the movies with another guy". I meant to make him jealous with that last bit, but if it did he didn't show it. 
      "I met up with a couple of the guys last night and had a few drinks. That's all, you know they dont exactly keep clocks readily visible in these bars around here". I thought about it and guessed he was right. After a few more moments of silence passed he asked. "What time am I picking you up tonight"? I was so stunned at his abrasiveness that I didn't even think. 
 "8 o clock sharp no drinks with the guys before". 
 "Yes sir". He said. I could visualize him doing a salute as he did. He told me he'd see me later as did I and we hung up.
 Not an hour later I heard Rick's call telling me someone was on the phone for me. He joked about me going halvsies on the phone bill as he handed me the receiver. I instantly went into defensive mode as I answered. Thinking it was John canceling our date.

      "Hello", came the voice on the other end. I sighed a breadth of relief. Rogers' nervous tones were on the other end. 
      "Wait Roger, I thought he didnt enjoy our date". I asked myself. "Why is he calling?"
      "This is Lynne". I said as I answered the phone.

      "Hi, Ive been thinking and I really enjoyed our date last night and wanted to know if you'd want to go on another?" He asked.

Man, this whole acting confident thing really works". At the time that was the only thing that I could think was getting me attention from the guys. It didnt even occur to me that perhaps when I was in highschool I intentionally avoided attention, and probably smelled like stale cigarette smoke from my parent's habits.
      "Um look Roger", I began but he actually cut me off.

      "You're not interested are you". He said very matter-of-factly. I gave him some excuse about leaving back to California. The thought actually depressed me. I most likely would only get one or two dates with John and then back to reality. Man o Man how wrong I was. It was fairly obvious he wasnt buying it. When he said bye I could tell he was trying to sound like he wasnt hurt.
 I hung up the phone apparently a bit shaken myself. It dawned on me that I just used someone. I felt pretty terrible. 
 "You doin alright in there". Rick asked peaking his head in as he did,
 "I think I broke Roger's heart". I said as I lumped myself on the couch.
 "Did ya sit on it?", Rick asked laughing as he said it. I couldnt help but do the same. Roger would be fine. After all life is full of lessons. You either learn or don't. Roger would have to be more assertive and charismatic if he wanted to find a girl. John on the other hand, well all he had to do is show up on time.
 He did just that. He showed up like a dream come to whisk me away, and wouldn't you know it. I was all to happy to let him. The feeling of elation I had while on the date caused the time to fly by. It was like with John I never had to worry about talking about my dreadfully boring and insecure past. He talked enough for the both of us, and where my insecurities held me back. His charisma shone like a light. Before I knew it our date was over and I had called the office back in California asking for an extension on my time off. 

       It was a big ask considering they had gotten the offices up and running, and were working double time to make up for lost production. I felt bad but, wat can I say. I was hooked. It was like I was the main character in a movie. The princess who gets her prince, the shy girl who gets to express herself. I was on cloud nine with John. I found myself looking forward to our dates days ahead of time. 
 Throughout my life I've had many joys and sorrows, but it was in these 2 weeks I found myself getting to live for the first time in a long time. Which is probably why just under 2 weeks of dating. When standing under an oak tree in Wisconsin. When he asked me to marry him. I didn't hesitate to say yes.
 I've painted a picture that is a bit more romantic than what actually happened. As you kids know. The man you know as "The Old Man" or Grandpa. I'snt one to mince words.  
 "You wanna get hitched". He said, not even blinking or showing any form of embarrassment.
 "Um, sure..." I said, taken aback. I thought about it and realized that wasn't exactly a definitive answer. "Yes", I corrected myself. It was completely unnecessary though. He had already pulled out a small notebook and began scribbling notes. I peeked at it and saw that he was compiling an expense list. 
 You see at the time your grandpa and I weren't exactly flush with cash. In fact it wouldn't be far from the truth to say that we were both just getting by. One thing that I've realized and become grateful for is that the man doesn't seem to concern himself to much with others opinions. While others may have been even offended by my less than enthusiastic original response. He wasnt phased. He took my answer for what it was, and that was enough. 
 For my part I couldn't believe it was even a question. My fairytale was becoming real. However, with every fairytale, there is usually a conflict. Unbeknownst to me what was to come would be the first of many.

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