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Goddess of the Sea's Blood in the Woods The Last King

In the world of The Great Shift

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The Last King

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29th Sol of Araḫ Ṭebētum, 713 BEM

Centuries ago there was a king whose people were suffering. Their crops died each year and the animals they once hunted left the lands and went west. The fish that were once plentiful in the river have run bare. Many of the hunters did not return from their journey and those who did returned empty handed. Seeing his people suffer he sold everything that he could to help feed the people. Soon the castle's halls laid empty. The treasures of the kingdom were sent away in return for any food to be found. The halls grew cold as even the timber that lit the great fires were given to the people. Hungry and in despair the king sat upon a throne now only of a simple bench. One cold night the king sat upon his throne in the empty hall only being lit my the moonlight that entered from the high windows. Without warning the doors to the great hall were thrown open and a voice began to speak to him. 

“I can save you from this despair, good king”. The voice spoke. It was calm and help neither joy nor anger. A shadow was cast upon the walls even in the dark hall.

“Speak plain creature, although all I have left is time. It is something I will not give easily.” says the king. 

“I ask for only one thing. Give it to me and the rivers will be full and the animals will return from the west.” says the shadow. The voice grew close as it spoke. 

“What is it you ask for, if it will help my people I shall give it to you.” says the king. His head never rose to greet the voice. For he believed it was nothing more than a dark spirit tricking his crumbling mind.

“On the night of the last Sol of the Year, leave your son on the doorstep of the castle. Come the new year you shall get what I have promised to you.” says the shadow. Wind fills the hall as the king realizes that the voice he was hearing was real. An owl reveals himself to the king and bows to him as an offering of its word. For a moment the king sat there stunned by what he was seeing. He is snapped back to reality as he finally listens to the words the being spoke moments ago.

“Never, Never, NEVER!!!” Shouts the King. “I have given everything to these ungrateful people, I will not give my only son to you!!” His anger fills the halls and within an instant the shadow disappears. Guards storm the hall with blades drawn. He storms off and locks himself in his chambers.

Weeks passed and with it the King's son fell ill. The following morning, the King and his wife held a ceremony for the loss of their son. Only the guards who protected the king attended. In his despair and anger he summoned his court and every noble within the city. As they gathered in the halls wondering why they had been summoned. The doors locked behind them. The King rose from his bench and his hammer slammed down cracking the stone beneath it. With a nod the King and his guards began to slaughter his attendants. When the chaos subsided, the king covered in blood returned to his throne. He sat down as he dropped the maul beside him. At this moment he heard a different voice. 

“I can offer you a power that will ensure your kingdom stands for a thousand years. Unlike the Gods, I do not require anything from you. All I want is the blood and souls of those who oppose you. A simple request don't you think?” The voice speaks with a sinister smile behind it. 

“You shall have it all” says the King.

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