
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Chapter 2

In the world of Draconic Kingdom

Visit Draconic Kingdom

Ongoing 1791 Words

Chapter 1

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Under the muted glow of distant torches, a girl adorned in tender garments cradles a leash. At its end, a timid puppy pauses, casting apprehensive glances at the ominous shadows. Despite the engulfing darkness, the girl moves with purpose through the tunnel, her buoyant spirit inspiring the cautious creature to follow. The oppressive gloom retreats, revealing a sprawling cavern bathed in a mesmerizing blue radiance.

The puppy, invigorated by the shift in ambiance, aligns beside its young owner, eyes gleaming with newfound courage. The cavern air fills with laughter and playful barks as the girl sprints ahead, her feet barely grazing the cavern floor before she leaps into a concealed lake, sending droplets of crystal-clear water flying.

Amidst their play, the girl's gaze fixes on a source of captivating light in the distance. Her pace slows, becoming deliberate and cautious as she approaches the enigmatic glow, the puppy quietly trailing behind. Together, they traverse through relics of a bygone era, passing broken pillars and crumbled fortifications glowing faintly with a mysterious sheen.

As they reach the cavern's end, the pulsating blue light unveils its source—a small opening within the cavern wall, tantalizingly out of reach. Following an unsuccessful attempt to peer inside and a resulting minor scrape, the girl pulls back with a wince, retreating with calls for her parents echoing through the expansive cavern, the puppy at her heels.

The cavern's illumination intensifies, revealing a towering blue spirit with arms raised, ready to strike. Fear seizes the girl, causing her to shut her eyes tightly and brace for impact, yet her voice breaks the tense silence with a desperate cry for her father.

Immediately, the sound of heavy doors swinging open reverberates through the cavern, followed by the hurried footsteps of armored knights. "Princess, are you okay?!" Amidst the concerned whispers and clanking armor, a knight distinctively adorned in golden armor approaches. He stands as a mountain among men, his frame built like the ancient statues of war gods, with his eyes sharp and focused. His massive mace, daunting to others but appropriate for his size, rests easily at his side. His presence commands the attention of all within the room.

The daylight, gentle and persistent, illuminates the Princess's visage, highlighting her long, orange hair that cascades in gentle waves down her slender back. With eyes wide from the remnants of her dream, she softly responds, "No, loyal knights, but inform father that the dream has returned. It plagues me still, robbing me of sleep. Can't you, the right hand of the king, defeat it?"

The golden Knight kneels before the princess, his face hidden behind his helm but the sun's light shows a small smile playing on his lips, the knight replies, "Forgive me, Your Highness, but I shall increase my training, even forsaking my sleep, to defeat the dream that torments you."

As the knights finalize their room inspection, a cadre of maids, headed by an older, dignified one, march in. This lead maid, embodying an aura of unmistakable nobility, seemingly eclipses even the Right Hand of the King with her presence. Without hesitation, she and her seasoned cohorts approach, enveloping the princess with blankets and forming a protective human barrier around her.

Fixing her gaze on the massive, kneeling figure of the King's Right Hand, the lead maid's eyes narrow with a rage both silent and potent. "It appears you've grown bold, daring to lay your eyes upon Her Highness in her near state of undress. And yet, miraculously, you still possess your sight!"

More maids flood into the room, their eyes kindling with shared ire, hands firmly gripping brooms. The knights, grasping the gravity of their oversight, clamp their eyes shut and begin to murmur apologies as they're chased out, a wave of contrition washing over them. Even the imposing Right Hand of the King isn't spared, retreating sheepishly under the stern gazes and advance of the determined women.

Once the doors swing shut, sealing off the room from the retreating knights, the protective phalanx of maids around the princess disperses. The lead maid, along with her assisting entourage, kneels respectfully before the princess, offering warm, comforting smiles. From beneath the royal bed, an aged, three-legged dog makes its presence known, hobbling over to nestle beside the lead maid, issuing a soft, reassuring woof in the process.

"Good morning, Sir Galahad the Vigilant," the princess greeted with a hint of amusement in her voice. The noble dog responded with a dignified woof, accepting treats bestowed by the surrounding maids.

The lead maid rose with grace. "Your Highness, today marks a significant commencement—your initiation into queenly training. You shall engage with your venerable father and acquaint yourself with the Four Lords of our esteemed Kingdom. You must embody and radiate regality and grace fitting for the jewel of the Draconic Kingdom."

What followed was a flurry of orchestrated activity. Maids presented an array of garments, exquisite jewelry, and fine shoes—many of which were foreign to the princess's eyes. A sight of a corset briefly shadowed the princess's face with dread. Sir Galahad, now more subdued in his years, offered but a feeble protest before consoling himself with a bone and retreating under the bed.

"Dear Galahad, have you forsaken your loyalty?" The princess feigned heartbreak, only to be swiftly engulfed in a whirlwind of silks and satins as the efficient maids set to work.

Amidst this flurry, the lead maid briefed her charge. "You shall make your grand entrance last, following your esteemed father and the Lords. While you engage in these duties, your mother shall adeptly manage the palace's affairs, with the King's hands ensuring your safety."

A sharp pull at the corset elicited a gasp from the princess. "I was unaware that ribs could be so... flexible," she remarked, subtly chastised for her recent indulgences in baked delights.

"The Iron Lord, sovereign over the eastern Iron Domain, might pose challenges during the meeting," continued the lead maid without missing a beat, as the princess was adorned in a dress mirroring the Kingdom's glorious colors. "The Rotten Lord, of the southern Rotten domain, despite his avarice, will be tempered by the King's honorable knight. The Crystal Lord, given by the King to rule in the north, though benign, is an eccentric soul, and regarding the Lord of Sin, it would be prudent to let her assistant speak. She is a somber soul."

The princess, upon gazing at her reflection, found herself awestruck by the transformation unfolding before her eyes. The maid's eyes did not deviate from the princess as she was adorned in a dress that mirrored the Kingdom's glorious golden and blue colors. The gown gracefully hugged her slender frame, its fabric cascading down in waves of luxurious silk that shimmered with each movement. The tailored bodice accentuated her waist, while the flowing skirt endowed her with an ethereal quality. Delicate golden embroidery adorned the hems, weaving intricate patterns that echoed the majesty of dragon wings. As she moved, the dress seemed to dance, reflecting light in a subtle, mesmerizing glow. The lead maid, ensuring everything is perfect. Offering a reassuring smile. "Believe in yourself, Your Highness."

The resounding knock echoed through the room, prompting the maids to ready their brooms defensively. The door is open revealing Queen Valeria. She Immediately captivated the room with her regal presence and unmistakable beauty. With eyes, a vivid blue like the deepest oceans, she bore a serene and wise gaze, exuding warmth yet filled with an authoritative sparkle. Her skin, fair and unblemished, had retained its youthful glow, almost making time appear to stand still around her. Her burnt orange hair, reminiscent of autumn's finest display, was arranged intricately beneath her crown, cascading in gentle waves that framed her refined and gentle features. Tall and graceful, every movement she made was with a subtle elegance, enhancing her regal bearing. Her gown, a masterpiece threaded with gold and sapphire, draped elegantly over her slender form, accentuating her stature and the aura of quiet strength she carried with her. Each aspect of her appearance converged, presenting an image of a queen who was not only a figure of power but also a vision of timeless beauty and grace.

Upon recognizing their distinguished guest, all in the room dropped into deep bows, showing their respect for the approaching majesty. With great reverence, the lead maid took her position beside the door and grandly announced, "Her Majesty, Queen Valeria." The princess, ever the dutiful daughter, inclined her head in a deep bow, holding the gesture until her mother granted her a slight nod of approval. Behind the queen, a retinue of knights, maids, and retainers simultaneously bowed upon hearing the official proclamation. The princess remained still, waiting for her mother's directive.

Queen Valeria, standing regally at the entrance, issued her command, her voice firm yet graceful. "All, leave us. I wish for a moment alone with my daughter." As the maids respectfully filed out, nodding and bowing as they exited, the queen stepped forward, the door closing behind her, guarded vigilantly by a cadre of the royal guard.

"You may rise," Queen Valeria softly commanded. As the princess straightened up, the queen's regal and stern demeanor melted away, replaced by the tender gaze of a mother. Tears filled her eyes as she beheld her daughter. "My little star, you've blossomed into such a graceful lady, and it swells my heart with pride and a touch of sorrow. Today, I'm confident you will uplift our kingdom's honor."

Emotion welled up within them both as they drew together in a heartfelt embrace. The princess bends slightly to embrace her mother as a difference of height is apparent. "Thank you, Mother. Your presence and faith in me fortify my spirit," whispered the princess.

Holding her daughter at arm's length, the queen's eyes shone with pride and love. "My dearest, my belief in your capability and grace is unwavering. Always carry our kingdom's legacy with the grace and poise I know you possess."

A polite knock on the door signaled that their precious moment was drawing to a close. From a concealed pocket, Queen Valeria produced a delicate pair of scissors. Carefully, she lifted the princess's dress and snipped subtly at the base of the constricting corset, granting her daughter a bit more comfort. As she concealed the scissors once more, the queen gave her daughter one last affectionate look before making her regal exit, her entourage trailing in her wake.

Outside, the princess's attendants waited in a respectful formation. Taking a moment to herself, she closed her eyes, drew a deep, steadying breath, and then signaled to the lead maid, ready to be escorted to her father, emboldened and poised for the day ahead.


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