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In the world of Mythoversal

Visit Mythoversal

Ongoing 282 Words

Status and Goals

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Pandora Opens!

The Mythoverse Theogony Pandora is too dangerous for mortal eyes, and has been hidden by the gods within a jar, within a box, within another box, within a shipping crate, within a website. The story can be opened, verse by verse, only by community members working together (or by a few clever puzzle-solvers working on their own).

Each verse can be unlocked in three ways:

  • Patron Goals will unlock the verse for all Patrons.
  • General Goals will unlock the verse for everyone.
  • Personal Challenges will unlock the verse just for you.

Thanks for your help, and good luck!


Status and Goals:

Verse 1: "The Spark"

  • 1st Patron Goal: Unlocked!
  • 1st General Goal: Unlocks when Mythology in Verse reaches 5 World Anvil Followers.
  • 1st Personal Challenge: Unlocks when you follow a link from the Mythology in Verse Homepage and enter a password that combines the number of gates in the City of Thebes with the name of Achilles's talking horse. (Hint: these answers can be found on the MiV site.)

Verse 2: "The Mastercraft"

  • 2nd Patron Goal: Unlocks when Mythology in Verse reaches 5 World Anvil Followers.
  • 2nd General Goal: Unlocks when Mythology in Verse reaches 10 World Anvil Followers.
  • 2nd Personal Challenge: Instructions will appear on the Mythology in Verse Homepage when the previous goal is achieved.

Verse 3: "Nice Shot!"

  • 3rd Patron Goal: Unlocks when Mythology in Verse reaches 10 World Anvil Followers. 
  • 3rd General Goal: Unlocks when Mythology in Verse reaches 20 World Anvil Followers.
  • 3rd Personal Challenge: Instructions will appear on the Mythology in Verse Homepage when the previous goal is achieved.

How many more poems to come? Only the gods know, and they're not telling!

Mythology in Verse engages readers in a celebration of mythology while providing a gateway to deeper understanding and appreciation of ancient civilizations and their cultures.
  Support us on Patreon for a code granting early access to all available poems in this collection. Your generous support will allow MiV to live on with the undying glory of the Heroic Age.

Support cryptoversal's efforts!

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