
In the world of Sornieth

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Ongoing 1799 Words

The Fall of Poplin

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   It was strange. She had never thought it would feel this way, cold steel plunged deep within her chest. Then again, it wasn’t as if she had given if much thought before. Death had always seemed like a distant, unreal concept until recently. The warm blood trickled out from around the edges of the blade. Around her she heard shouts of confusion and terror. “Thank you,” She whispered to Rey Roux Roi, before she slipped from the blade. She closed her eyes a bit. Yes, this way everyone would be happy. She couldn’t bear to live like this anymore. The thought came back to her. With a heaving breath the shut her eyes. Still, even then she could see the haze of memories. Blue Blood following her out into the cold. The cries of fear an anguish. The chunks of fur littering the landscape. The feeling of her own teeth tearing out the throat of someone she loved so dearly. The dreaded taste of blood. Once again, the crimson snow haunted her, reminding her of her unescapable reality. Then, her worst offence of all, running away. If only she could do it over! If only she hadn’t done such an unspeakable thing. And, even if that hadn’t been avoidable, she could have stayed with BB. She could have wrapped her blanket around her and curled up next to her one last time. For once, she could have been the one to reassure her, though in the face of everything, they would have appeared to be empty words. In the end, it had not been Blue Blood that had abandoned her, it was her who had abandoned Blue Blood.

She could feel the life slowly draining from her tiny body.|| It was surprising how long these last few moments felt. She deserved it though. In these last few days, she had done nothing but bring trouble to those around her. Although she called them her friends, she had hurt them in so many ways. Asking for forgiveness would be a fool’s errand, and the ones she truly needed forgiveness from were forever silenced. Why had she even done it? These last few days were just burred memories, mainly forgotten. And how could she forget Sirius? He had done so mush to comfort her as well, and this was how she repaid him? Her heart ached with grief. Once again, her thoughts drifted back to Blue Blood. She knew why but didn’t dare utter those words. She was a wretched creature so easily swayed by darkness and she had let it get to her. Perhaps she hadn’t been in her right mind but her crimes were still her own. At first, they had fought but then, the look of realization that spread across Blue Bloods face. Her fierce demeanor had been replaced by one of shear pain. In that moment, her body had gone limp as if the weight of the knowledge had sapped all her will. Without hesitation, as Blue Blood stared up at her, tears in her eyes, Poplin had made her final words. Now, she knew for certain she wasn’t brave enough to speak those words but she knew she had to. Even if Blue Blood would never forgive her, she owed it to her. With a cracked, hoarse whisper, she tried to utter a few more words but they made no sound. *I’m sorry BB, I just didn’t want you to leave me.*

               Slowly, Poplin opened her eyes. Around her, the world was pure white. The wound and pain had faded to all but a distant memory. Was she...dead? Moments later, she heard that voice.

"ₒₕ, ₛₒ ᵢₜ'ₛ fᵢₙₐₗₗy ₒᵥₑᵣ ᵢ ₛₑₑ? Wₑₗₗ, yₒᵤ ₜₒₒₖ ₘᵤcₕ ₗₒₙgₑᵣ ₜₕₐₙ ᵢ ₜₕₒᵤgₕₜ yₒᵤ wₒᵤₗd. ₕₒₙₑₛₜₗy, wₕₑₙ yₒᵤ bₑcₐₘₑ ₐ wₑᵣₑwₒₗf, ᵢ ₐₛₛᵤₘₑd ᵢₜ wₐₛ ₒᵥₑᵣ bᵤₜ ᵢ'ₗₗ ₐdₘᵢₜ, cᵤᵣᵢₒₛᵢₜy gₒₜ ₜₕₑ bₑₜₜₑᵣ ₒf ₘₑ. ᵢ ⱼᵤₛₜ cₒᵤₗdₙ'ₜ ᵣₑₛᵢₛₜ ₛₑₑᵢₙg ₕₒw ₜₕᵢₛ wₒᵤₗd ₑₙd."

Poplin could hear the smirk in its voice. “Who are you?” She demanded angrily. “What do you want from me?”

"Wₕₒ ₐₘ ᵢ? ᵢ ₜₕₒᵤgₕₜ yₒᵤ wₒᵤₗd ₕₐᵥₑ fᵢgᵤᵣₑd ₜₕₐₜ ₒᵤₜ by ₙₒw. Yₒᵤ ₐᵣₑₙ'ₜ ₜₕₑ ₛₕₐᵣₚₑₛₜ cᵣₐyₒₙ ᵢₙ ₜₕₑ bₒₓ, ₐᵣₑ yₒᵤ? ₕₘ, ᵢ ₛᵤₚₚₒₛₑ ᵢₜ'ₛ ₘy fₐᵤₗₜ fₒᵣ bₑₗᵢₑᵥᵢₙg yₒᵤ wₑᵣₑ cₐₚₐbₗₑ ₒf ₘᵤcₕ ₘₒᵣₑ. ₐₛ fₒᵣ wₕₐₜ ᵢ wₐₙₜ, yₒᵤ'ᵥₑ ₐₗᵣₑₐdy fₐᵢₗₑd ₘₑ. ᵢ'ᵥₑ ₜᵣᵢₑd ₜₕᵢₛ ₕᵤₙdᵣₑdₛ ₒf ₜᵢₘₑₛ, ₘₐybₑ ₑᵥₑₙ ₐ ₜₕₒᵤₛₐₙd. Bᵤₜ ₑᵥₑᵣy ₜᵢₘₑ ᵢₜ ₑₙdₛ ᵤₚ fₐᵢₗᵢₙg. Wₕy dₒ yₒᵤ ₜₕᵢₙₖ ₜₕₐₜ ᵢₛ?"

“Why would you ask me that?” Poplin said, confused. “I don’t even know what you’re trying to do!”

Finally, the being stepped forward. A large, grey foo with a white underbelly approached her, a scowl on her face. Her left blue eye was starting to grey with blindness. Upon her back was a shredded blue rag that had nearly faded to grey. Decorating it were a few yellowing hearts. As soon as Poplin saw her face, she knew.

The older foo leaned towards her with a snarl. "ₐₗₗ ᵢ ₙₑₑd ᵢₛ fₒᵣ yₒᵤ ₜₒ bₑ ₕₐₚₚy! ᵢₛ ₜₕₐₜ ₛᵤcₕ ₐ ₕₐᵣd ₜₕᵢₙg ₜₒ ₐₛₖ? ₑᵥₑᵣy ₜᵢₘₑ, ₛₒₘₑₕₒw ₛₒₘₑₜₕᵢₙg gₒₑₛ wᵣₒₙg! ᵢ ₛₜₐᵣₜₑd ₒff ₛᵢₘₚₗₑ, ⱼᵤₛₜ ᵣₑₚₗₐyᵢₙg ₛᵢₘᵢₗₐᵣ ₜᵢₘₑₗᵢₙₑₛ. Yₑₜ ₛₒₘₑₕₒw ₜₕₐₜ dᵢdₙ'ₜ wₒᵣₖ. ₛₒ ₜₕₑₙ ᵢ ₜᵣᵢₑd ₐ fₑw ₐₗₜₑᵣₙₐₜₑ ₒₙₑₛ ₐₙd ₜₕₒₛₑ ₑₙdₑd ₑᵥₑₙ wₒᵣₛₑ. Fᵢₙₐₗₗy, ᵢ ₜᵣᵢₑd ᵢₙₜₑᵣᵥₑₙᵢₙg ₘyₛₑₗf. ₜₕₒₛₑ, by fₐᵣ ₑₙdₑd ₜₕₑ wₒᵣₛₜ. The foo paused for a moment. “ᵢ ₛᵤₚₚₒₛₑ ₜₕₒₛₑ wₑᵣₑₙ’ₜ yₒᵤᵣ fₐᵤₗₜ ₜₕₒᵤgₕ. ᵢₜ ᵢₛ ₛᵤᵣₚᵣᵢₛᵢₙg ₕₒw ₛₘₐₗₗ ₐcₜᵢₒₙₛ cₐₙ cₐᵤₛₑ ₛᵤcₕ ₘₐₛₛᵢᵥₑ cₐₛcₐdₑ ₒf ₑᵥₑₙₜₛ. ᵢ ₛᵤₚₚₒₛₑ yₒᵤ wₒᵤₗdₙ’ₜ ₖₙₒw bᵤₜ ₜₕₐₜ’ₛ cₐₗₗₑd ₜₕₑ bᵤₜₜₑᵣfₗy ₑffₑcₜ. Wₑ ₗᵢₖₑd bᵤₜₜₑᵣfₗᵢₑₛ, ᵣᵢgₕₜ?”

Thinking of Blue Blood, Poplin shook her head. “I’m not sure anymore,” she answered with a tentative quiver.

However, the older foo took no notice, and instead continued their ramble. “Yₒᵤ ₛₑₑ, ₐₗₗ ᵢ wₐₙₜ ᵢₛ fₒᵣ yₒᵤ ₜₒ bₑ ₕₐₚₚy. ₕₒwₑᵥₑᵣ, ₜₕₐₜ ₛₑₑₘₛ ₜₒ bₑ ₙₑₐᵣₗy ᵢₘₚₒₛₛᵢbₗₑ. ₛₒₘₑₜᵢₘₑₛ, ᵢ ₛₑᵣᵢₒᵤₛₗy cₒₙₛᵢdₑᵣ gᵢᵥᵢₙg ᵤₚ.” The foo raised her head, looking at something distant and unseen. Her voice became softer, as if she herself was a ghost whispering from a time Poplin would never have the opportunity to know. “ᵢ’ᵥₑ gₒₙₑ ₛₒ fₐᵣ ₜₕₒᵤgₕ. Gᵢᵥᵢₙg ᵤₚ wₒᵤₗd bₑ ₐ cₒₘₚₗₑₜₑ wₐₛₜₑ. Bₑₛᵢdₑₛ, ᵢₜ’ₛ ₙₒₜ ₐₛ ᵢf ᵢ ₕₐᵥₑ ₐₙyₜₕᵢₙg ₜₒ gₒ bₐcₖ ₜₒ ₙₒw.”

“We always were alone,” Poplin echoed.

“ₛₑₑ, ₐₙd ₜₕₐₜ’ₛ ₕₒw ᵢ cₐₙ ₜₑₗₗ ᵢ ₘₑₛₛₑd wᵢₜₕ ₜₕᵢₛ ₜᵢₘₑₗᵢₙₑ ₐ bᵢₜ ₜₒₒ ₘᵤcₕ,” she sighed. “Yₒᵤ ₛₕₒᵤₗdₙ’ₜ ᵣₑₐₗᵢzₑ ₜₕᵢₙgₛ ₗᵢₖₑ ₜₕₐₜ. Yₒᵤ’ᵣₑ ₛᵤₚₚₒₛₑd ₜₒ ₗᵢᵥₑ ₐ ₕₐₚₚy ₗᵢfₑ ₐₙd ₙₑᵥₑᵣ ₗₒₛₑ ₜₕₐₜ ₛₚₐᵣₖ. ₜₕₑ wₒᵣₗd bₑcₒₘₑ ₐ cᵣᵤₑₗ ₐₙd ᵤₙᵢₙᵥᵢₜᵢₙg wₒᵣₗd ₒₙcₑ ᵢₜ dᵢₑₛ.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Wₑₗₗ, ᵢ ₛᵤₚₚₒₛₑ ᵢₜ’ₛ bₑcₐᵤₛₑ ᵢ ₕₐᵥₑₙ’ₜ ₕₐd ₘₐₙy ₚₑₒₚₗₑ ₜₒ ₜₐₗₖ ₜₒ. Bₑₛᵢdₑₛ, ᵢₜ dₒₑₛₙ’ₜ ₘₐₜₜₑᵣ wₕₐₜ ᵢ ₛₐy. Yₒᵤ’ᵥₑ ₐₗᵣₑₐdy dᵢₑd ₐₙd ₘy bᵤₛᵢₙₑₛₛ wᵢₜₕ ₜₕᵢₛ ₜᵢₘₑₗᵢₙₑ wᵢₗₗ ₕₐᵥₑ ₐₗᵣₑₐdy cₒₙcₗᵤdₑd. ᵢₙ ₜₕₑ ₑₙd, ᵢ’ₗₗ ⱼᵤₛₜ ₗₑₜ ᵢₜ fₐdₑ ₜₒ ₒbₛcᵤᵣᵢₜy ₐₙd ₜᵣy ₐgₐᵢₙ.”

“How could you do something like that?” Poplin yell in protest.

A cruel laugh escaped the foo. “ᵢ ₛᵤₚₚₒₛₑ yₒᵤ’ᵣₑ ₛₜᵢₗₗ ₘₒᵣₑ ᵢₙₙₒcₑₙₜ ₜₕₐₙ ᵢ gₐᵥₑ yₒᵤ cᵣₑdᵢₜ fₒᵣ. ᵢₜ wₒₙ’ₜ ₗₐₛₜ ₜₕₒᵤgₕ. Bₑₗᵢₑᵥₑ ₘₑ, wₕₑₙ yₒᵤ’ᵥₑ ₛₑₑₙ wₕₐₜ ᵢ ₕₐᵥₑ, dₒᵢₙg ₛₒₘₑₜₕᵢₙg ₗᵢₖₑ ₜₕᵢₛ dₒₑₛₙ’ₜ ₛₑₑₘₛ ₛₒ cᵣₐzy.”

“What happened to you?”

“ₜₕₐₜ ᵢₛ ₙₒₜ fₒᵣ yₒᵤ ₜₒ ₖₙₒw,” the foo answered quietly.

Irritated, Poplin snapped, a rare occurrence for her. “So, you’ll tell me everything else, but the second I have a question you just stop talking.”

“ₛₒₘₑₜₕᵢₙgₛ ₐᵣₑ bₑₜₜₑᵣ ₜₐₖₑₙ ₜₒ ₜₕₑ gᵣₐᵥₑ. ᵢ wₒᵤₗd ₐₛₖ fₒᵣ yₒᵤᵣ fₒᵣgᵢᵥₑₙₑₛₛ bᵤₜ wₑ bₒₜₕ ₖₙₒw ₜₕₐₜ’ₛ ₐ wₐₛₜₑ ₒf bᵣₑₐₜₕ. ᵢₙₛₜₑₐd, dₒ yₒᵤ wₐₙₜ ₜₒ ₜₐₗₖ fₒᵣ ₐ wₕᵢₗₑ? ᵢ ₖₙₒw ₕₒw ₘᵤcₕ wₑ ₗᵢₖₑ ₜₒ ₜₐₗₖ. Yₒᵤ ₘᵢgₕₜ ₐₛ wₑₗₗ ₘₐₖₑ ₜₕₑ ₘₒₛₜ ₒf yₒᵤᵣ ₜᵢₘₑ.”

Poplin hesitated. Part of her didn’t wish to grant the request, she wanted to stand in defiance against this monster. No, she couldn’t call her a monster. Perhaps she deserved the name after toying with her life like this but Poplin couldn’t ignore the sadness in her eyes. The pain and desperation that lingered in the corners, hidden behind a façade of anger. Besides, stubbornness had never been a part of Poplin’s character.

“I’d ask what you want me to talk about but I’m sure you don’t care,” Poplin began slowly. “I made a lot of great friends Sirius was really nice. He was the really pretty stary fox. I don’t think I ever told him how much I admired him. He really was something else. Oh, and there was RRR. I didn’t really see hum much but he didn’t want to kill me so I guess he must have been pretty nice. I hope he didn’t mind what I did too much. Anyway, there was also Shibi. I didn’t see him much. Honestly, I was a bit mad he bit my blanket but I’m sure he had a good reason. Everyone was so nice. BB was also great.” Poplin paused for a moment, fighting away the dark thoughts. Now was not the time for that. “She made me hot cholate and talked about butterflies with me! She knew all sorts of things! I wish I had been able to talk to her more…”

“ₜₑₗₗ, ₘₑ ₐbₒᵤₜ bₑfₒᵣₑ.”

“Oh, before this whole…issue? Well, I would always sneak into the inn and take naps by the fire. Well, maybe sneak isn’t the right way to say it. Sometimes, I think she would let me. I wonder why? Oh and then there was the time-“

ₚₒₚₗᵢₙ ₛₗₒwₗy ₜᵤₙₑd ₒᵤₜ ₜₕₑ ᵥₒᵢcₑ ₒf ₜₕₑ cₕᵢₗd ₙₑₓₜ ₜₒ ₕₑᵣ. ₛₕₑ ₕₐdₙ’ₜ ₕₐd ₘᵤcₕ ₕₒₚₑ fₒᵣ ₜₕᵢₛ ₜᵢₘₑₗᵢₙₑ bᵤₜ ₛᵤᵣₚᵣᵢₛᵢₙgₗy, ᵢₜ ₕₐdₙ’ₜ ₑₙdₑd ₐₛ ₕₒᵣᵣᵢbₗy ₐₛ ₕₑᵣ ₒwₙ. ₑᵥₑₙ wᵢₜₕ ₜₕₑ wₑᵣₑwₒₗᵥₑₛ, ₜₕₑᵣₑ wₑᵣₑ ₛₜᵢₗₗ ᵣₑₘₙₐₙₜₛ ₒf ₜₕₐₜ ₛwₑₑₜ cₕᵢₗdᵢₛₕ ᵢₙₙₒcₑₙcₑ. ₚₒₚₗᵢₙ’ₛ ₕₑₐᵣₜ ₗₒₙgₑd fₒᵣ ₜₕₒₛₑ dₐyₛ. Bₑfₒᵣₑ ᵢₜ ₕₐd ₕₐₚₚₑₙₑd. ₙₒ, ₜₕₑᵣₑ wₐₛ ₙₒ ₙₑₑd ₜₒ ₜₕᵢₙₖ ₒf ₜₕₐₜ. ₐₜ ₜₕᵢₛ ₚₒᵢₙₜ, ₛₕₑ wₐₛ ₐ ₗₒₛₜ cₐᵤₛₑ. ₕₑᵣ ₒₙₗy ₕₒₚₑ wₐₛ ₜₒ wᵣᵢₜₑ ₜₕₒₛₑ wᵣₒₙgₛ, yₑₜ fₐᵢₗᵤᵣₑ ₗᵤᵣₖₑd ₐᵣₒᵤₙd ₑᵥₑᵣy cₒᵣₙₑᵣ. ₛₒ, ₛₒ ₘₐₙy fₐᵢₗᵤᵣₑₛ. ₐ fₑw ₜᵢₘₑₛ, ₛₕₑ ₕₐd ₑᵥₑₙ cᵣₑₐₜₑd ₜᵢₘₑₗᵢₙₑₛ wₒᵣₛₑ ₜₕₐₙ ₕₑᵣ ₒwₙ. *Yₒᵤ cₐₙ’ₜ ₘₐₖₑ ₐₙ ₒₘₑₗₑₜ wᵢₜₕₒᵤₜ cᵣₐcₖᵢₙg ₐ fₑw ₑggₛ*, ₛₕₑ ₜₒₗd ₕₑᵣₛₑₗf, dᵢₛₚₑₗₗᵢₙg ₕₑᵣ ₗᵢₙgₑᵣᵢₙg dₒᵤbₜₛ.

“Whatcha thinking about?” ₜₕₑ cₕᵢₗd ₗₒₒₖₑd ᵤₚ ₐₜ ₕₑᵣ, ₑyₑₛ wᵢdₑ ᵢₙ gₑₙᵤᵢₙₑ cₒₙcₑᵣₙ.

“Wₕₐₜ dₒₑₛ ᵢₜ ₘₐₜₜₑᵣ ₜₒ yₒᵤ?” ₚₒₚₗᵢₙ ₛₙₐᵣₗₑd bₐcₖ. Fₑₐᵣfᵤₗ, ₜₕₑ cₕᵢₗd ᵣₑcₑdₑd ᵢₙₜₒ ₕₑᵣ bₗₐₙₖₑₜ. ₛᵢgₕᵢₙg, ₚₒₚₗᵢₙ ₜᵣᵢₑd ₜₒ cₐₗₘ dₒwₙ. ₐfₜₑᵣ ₑᵥₑᵣyₜₕᵢₙg ₛₕₑ ₕₐd dₒₙₑ, ₛₕₑ ₕₐₜₑd ₛyₘₚₐₜₕy, ₑₛₚₑcᵢₐₗₗy fᵣₒₘ ₒₙₑ wₕₒ ₛₕₑ ₕₐd ₕᵤᵣₜ. ₚₑᵣₕₐₚₛ ₜₕₐₜ wₐₛ ₐ fₑₑₗᵢₙg ₜₕₑy cₒᵤₗd bₒₜₕ ᵤₙdₑᵣₛₜₐₙd.

ᵢₜ dᵢdₙ’ₜ ₜₐₖₑ ₜₕₑ cₕᵢₗd ₗₒₙg ₜₒ bₑgᵢₙ ₜₐₗₖᵢₙg ₐgₐᵢₙ. ₚₒₚₗᵢₙ wₐₜcₕₑd ₐₛ ₕₑᵣ fₒᵣₘ ₛₗₒwₗy fₐdₑd. ₐₜ ₗₑₐₛₜ ₜₕₑ ₗᵢₜₜₗₑ ₒₙₑ ₕₐdₙ’ₜ ₙₒₜᵢcₑd. ₙₒₜ ₜₕₐₜ ₛₕₑ wₒᵤₗd cₐᵣₑ. ₑᵥₑₙₜᵤₐₗₗy, ₕₑᵣ ᵥₒᵢcₑ fₐdₑd ₐwₐy ᵢₙₜₒ ₜₕₑ ᵥₒᵢd ₒf ₜᵢₘₑ ₐₙd ₛₚₐcₑ, ₐₙd wᵢₜₕ ₐ fᵢₙₐₗ ₛₕᵢₘₘₑᵣ ₒf ₛᵢₗᵥₑᵣ ₗᵢgₕₜ, ₜₕₑ ᵣₑₛₜ ₒf ₕₑᵣ dᵢd ₜₕₑ ₛₐₘₑ. ₛᵢgₕᵢₙg, ₚₒₚₗᵢₙ ₘₒᵥₑd ₜₒ cₒₙₜᵢₙᵤₑ ₕₑᵣ ₘᵢₛₛᵢₒₙ. ᵢₜ wₐₛ ₜₒₒ ₗₐₜₑ fₒᵣ ₜₕₐₜ ₒₙₑ. ₕₒwₑᵥₑᵣ, ₛₕₑ cₒᵤₗdₙ’ₜ ₕₑₗₚ wₒₙdₑᵣ wₕₑᵣₑ ₜₕₐₜ ₗᵢₜₜₗₑ fₒₒ ₕₐd gₒₙₑ. ₐ bₑₜₜₑᵣ ₚₗₐcₑ? ₒᵣ ₚₑᵣₕₐₚₛ ₐfₜₑᵣ ₐₗₗ ₜₕₑ ₘₑₛₛₑₛ ₛₕₑ ₕₑᵣₛₑₗf ₕₐd ₘₐdₑ, ₚₑᵣₕₐₚₛ ₕₑᵣ ₜᵢₘₑₗᵢₙₑ ₕₐd ₑₙdₑd ᵣᵢgₕₜ ₜₕₑᵣₑ. Wₑₗₗ, ₜₕₑᵣₑ wₐₛ ₙₒ ₜᵢₘₑ fₒᵣ ₛₑₙₜᵢₘₑₙₜₐₗ fₑₑₗᵢₙgₛ. ᵢₜ wₐₛ ₜᵢₘₑ ₜₒ cₒₙₜᵢₙᵤₑ ₒₙ. ₚₑᵣₕₐₚₛ ₛₕₑ ₛₕₒᵤₗd ₗₒₒₖ fₒᵣ ₐₙₒₜₕₑᵣ ₜᵢₘₑₗᵢₙₑ wᵢₜₕ ₜₕₐₜ ₛᵢᵣᵢᵤₛ ₐₙd BB ₛₕₑ ₖₑₚₜ ᵣₑfₑᵣᵣᵢₙg ₜₒ…

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