The Temple on Wheat Street Again

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It is doubtful if the little temple on Wheat Street had ever seen such an occasion as the one where Maris and Hella got married. They chose the first day of the month of Pruth, at the end of the year, which seemed a most propitious date given the role that the goddess herself had unexpectedly played in their lives.

To Hella's great delight, sister Erin and sister Stephanie came from the Earthengrew temple after Jodyth wrote in secret that their former ward was to be wed. She was so pleased to see them and she was caught completely by surprise when they gifted her with a small sum of money they'd apparently been putting aside for her for years, although they'd never mentioned it.

"We thought you might need it for something important," Erin said. "However, now that you are marrying a prince, I'm sure you'll have everything you want, except perhaps, there is one thing you won't want him to buy for you..."

"She means your wedding gown," Stephanie said. "It's bad luck for a bride to ask her groom to fund that and you are going to need a good one. So can we help you choose it?"

"Oh go on, yes," Hella laughed, and laughed even harder when she saw how Erin clapped her hands gleefully. They got a good deal from the dress and lacemakers, who recognised Hella as the agent who had put so much good work their way in the construction of the new fishing nets which were now working so well that Hella hardly ever needed to go fishing herself anymore. Fittingly, the Net of Pruth doubled up as an excellent bridal veil, white, flowing and always conforming to the thoughts of its owner.

Jodyth and Gemulae conducted the service between them, the old priestess beaming with joy, and even Zane Pilder made himself welcome at the reception with trays of the most excellent pastries. It was more than a rumour that Gemulae would be married herself soon enough to the blacksmith's son and Hella made a promise to herself that she would do everything in her power to see that Jodyth got some nice steady replacements for the both of them to help her with the temple work in future. Probably not Ravella, with her irritating ways, but there were other young ladies who would welcome a promotion and would be more suitable. And of course she would visit both of her old friends regularly, that was for certain. The temple at Wheat Street would always have a special place in her heart.

There was only one moment when Hella felt just a little sad in the ceremony, looking at the bride's side of the congregation to see that only Erin and Stephanie were there to support her, whilst the prince had so many relatives and friends to wish him happiness. Then out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a large black cat which trod confidently down the central aisle to claim her attention.

"Hello Nyx!" she said.

The Wedding of Hella and Maris

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