4338.207.2 | Escape

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Amber and I were like shadows flitting through the underbelly of Killerton Enterprises, our sprint a desperate bid for freedom. The emergency lights, supposed beacons of safety, now felt like spotlights on a stage set for a tragedy, casting long, menacing shadows that seemed to chase us through the corridors. The shrill alarms slicing through the air served as a constant reminder of our precarious situation, a soundtrack to our escape that spurred us on with its urgency.

The sudden appearance of heavily armed security officers rounding the corner was a jolt of ice-cold fear. Their presence was an ominous sign, a physical manifestation of the danger we were trying to outrun. We pressed ourselves against the wall, our breaths shallow and rapid, as we tried to become one with the shadows. My heart hammered against my ribcage, each beat a drum of war in the quiet of my mind, adrenaline coursing through me with such intensity that it threatened to overwhelm my senses.

"Where are they going? What's happening?" I managed to whisper to Amber, my voice barely a breath, yet sharp with the need for answers. The sight of the guards, their purposeful stride and grim determination, sent a cascade of questions through my mind, each more alarming than the last.

Amber's face, illuminated intermittently by the flickering emergency lights, was a mask of concentration and concern. The deep lines that appeared on her forehead spoke of the weight of decisions resting on her shoulders, her gaze scanning our surroundings with a predator's focus. For a moment, she was silent, a statue carved from the very essence of determination, before the spell broke and she turned to me.

"We need to get out of here," she said, her voice a whisper that carried the weight of command. It was not just a suggestion; it was a necessity, spoken with the clarity of someone who understood the stakes better than anyone.

I nodded, my own resolve fortified by her certainty. Trusting Amber's instincts felt like the only logical course of action, a lifeline in the swirling maelstrom of danger that enveloped us. As the guards disappeared from view, their footsteps fading into the distance, we seized our chance, darting from our temporary haven with renewed purpose.

The sight of the elevator, a beacon of escape in the sprawling complex of Killerton Enterprises, momentarily filled me with a sense of relief, a brief respite in the storm of chaos. However, that fleeting comfort was quickly overshadowed by a surge of anxiety. My mind raced with the potential risks—was it really wise to take the elevator, a likely monitored choke point, in our attempt to flee?

Before I could voice my concerns, Amber's decisive action redirected our course. Her grip was firm, pulling me with an urgency that brooked no argument as she opened the heavy door to the stairwell. "Follow me," she commanded, her voice a mixture of command and resolve that I found impossible to resist.

Descending the stairs behind Amber, I felt the air grow progressively colder, an ominous chill that seemed to seep into my bones. Each step downward, away from the perceived safety of higher floors, intensified the sense of foreboding gnawing at my gut. "We're not going up?" The question slipped out in a hiss, my worry spilling over as we continued our descent into the building's depths.

Amber's brief pause, marked by a flash of determination in her eyes, offered a momentary halt in our relentless march into the unknown. "There's something I need to check first," she revealed, her words shrouded in mystery and leaving me adrift in a sea of speculation.

With a reluctant nod, I acquiesced to her lead, my trust in her judgment mingling with an undercurrent of apprehension. The stairwell, with its oppressive silence felt like a descent into the very heart of uncertainty. The echo of our footsteps was the only sound that punctuated the heavy silence, a reminder of our solitary journey through the bowels of Killerton Enterprises.

At last, the stairwell gave way to another series of corridors, each more foreboding than the last. The dim lighting cast long shadows, transforming the hallway into a labyrinth of half-seen shapes and lurking fears. Amber's sudden halt in front of an isolated, windowless door marked a striking contrast to the uniformity of the others we had passed. Her attention was fixed, her body tense with anticipation or perhaps apprehension.

Standing there, in the dimly lit corridor, facing the enigmatic door that Amber seemed drawn to, I was acutely aware of the precariousness of our situation. The isolation of the door, devoid of the small windows that offered a glimpse into the other rooms, set it apart—a silent sentinel guarding secrets that Amber felt compelled to uncover. My heart raced, caught between the desire to flee and the need to understand what lay behind that door, what piece of the puzzle Amber believed was crucial enough to warrant this detour into the unknown.

"This must be it," Amber's voice, barely more than a whisper, cut through the tension that clung to the air like a thick fog. Watching her hand retrieve an identification card from the depths of her jacket pocket felt like witnessing the final turn of a key in a long-locked chest. The swift motion as she swiped the card across the access panel, and the subsequent sliding open of the door, seemed almost ceremonial, an entry into a realm that defied my understanding of Killerton Enterprises.

The room that unfolded before us was a departure from the sterile, corporate corridors we had navigated. Stepping inside, I was immediately enveloped by an atmosphere that felt charged with an unspoken history, a place out of time. The air, thick with a metallic scent that tinged each breath, carried whispers of secrets long buried. Illuminated by a soft, bluish glow that seemed to emanate from the very walls themselves, the room cast us in an otherworldly light, transforming our surroundings into a scene from a dream—or perhaps a nightmare.

"What is this place?" The question escaped me as a whisper, a reflection of the awe and apprehension that battled within me. Standing beside Amber on a metallic grated platform, I felt like an intruder in a sacred space, the vast and mysterious chamber stretching out before us. The natural rock walls, rugged and untouched, spoke of the ancient origins of this hidden sanctuary, contrasting starkly with the technological marvels that Killerton Enterprises was known for. The ceiling soared high above, echoing the grandeur of a cathedral, yet here beneath the earth, it felt like a temple to an unknown deity.

Ornate pillars, shoulder-high and spaced evenly throughout the room, held large glass containers that demanded attention. Each container, bathed in the bluish light, cradled mysterious objects that teased the imagination, their true purpose and significance veiled by distance and shadow. The sight was mesmerising, each pillar a silent guardian of the mysteries that this room harboured.

The overwhelming sense of being privy to a hidden world, a place where the lines between science, history, and progress blurred, was both exhilarating and daunting. The awe-inspiring spectacle before me was a reminder of how much I had yet to understand about the forces that moved beneath the surface of our reality. This underground chamber, with its ancient walls and futuristic glow, was a paradox, a place where the past and the future seemed to converge in a silent pact.

Descending the metal stairs behind Amber, each step resonated with a metallic echo that seemed to underscore the gravity of what I was about to witness. As the ornate pillars came into view, each holding its sacred cargo, the realisation struck me with the force of a physical blow. "Portal Keys," I gasped, the words escaping unbidden as I took in the sight of the glass cases, each one a silent testament to the Guardians they represented.

The revelation that each set of five Portal Keys belonged to a distinct Guardian Group sent waves of awe through me. The meticulous arrangement of the cases, with many spots left vacant, hinted at a story of loss and anticipation. The names etched on the placards, some known and others marked as "Unknown," spoke volumes of the history and mystery enveloping these artefacts. The names of the settlements atop each case added another layer of connection, grounding these ethereal objects in the reality of the civilisations they linked to.

"There must be thousands of them," I murmured, almost to myself, as I lagged behind Amber. My gaze darted from case to case, driven by an insatiable curiosity to uncover the stories they held, the names and places that were part of a legacy far greater than I had imagined.

Amber's response to my awestruck observation was tinged with a blend of pride and reverence that caught my attention. "Yes," she confirmed, her voice a bridge to the unfathomable depths of history she alluded to. "The Gatekeepers have been collecting and protecting the devices for thousands of years."

"Gatekeepers? Thousands of years?" The repetition of these concepts aloud felt like trying to grasp the scale of eternity with mere words. Her brief pause, followed by a look that seemed to search the very essence of who I was, only deepened the mystery enveloping this revelation.

"Gatekeepers - key members of the Guardian Order," she elucidated, breaking the silence that had momentarily wrapped around us. Her explanation, although brief, hinted at a depth of history and purpose far beyond my understanding.

The admission that I was unaware of the Guardian Order's existence left me feeling unexpectedly vulnerable. My ignorance to the knowledge Amber possessed, was a jarring realisation. “Fuck,” her muttered exclamation, more a reflex than a rebuke, underscored the weight of my oversight. “You’ve never heard of the Guardian Order?”

I shook my head, feeling a tinge of embarrassment. I had thought myself well-informed, but the existence of the Guardian Order had remained veiled in mystery.

As Amber's gaze softened, a bridge of understanding seemed to form between us. She invited me to walk with her, her steps measured, her voice now a conduit to the past. "The Guardian Order was formed over four thousand years ago by the First Guardians," she revealed, each word weaving a tapestry of legacy and duty. "Its primary purpose is to safeguard the knowledge, artefacts, and technologies of Earth, preserving them in Clivilius and ensuring the continuation of humanity's legacy."

"And Gatekeepers?" I prodded, eager to peel back the layers of this ancient order that I was only now beginning to learn of.

Amber's eyes sparkled like embers as she continued her explanation. "Gatekeepers play a key role in the structure of the Guardian Order. They specialise in managing the Portals. They regulate access and ensure the safety of both Guardians and the Order."

Her words painted a vivid picture in my mind. The Gatekeepers, the protectors of the gateways, held a crucial responsibility, balancing the preservation of knowledge with the safe exploration of other realms.

"Are you a member of the Order?" I asked, curious about the extent of Amber's involvement.

Amber's abrupt halt in front of a particularly imposing glass case marked a pivotal moment in our clandestine journey through the depths of this hidden chamber. Her eyes, alight with a complex blend of excitement and trepidation, gazed upon the enclosed Portal Keys. "Here it is," she announced, her voice imbued with a rich anticipation that seemed to resonate through the very air of the chamber.

The reverence in her tone as she uttered those words drew me closer, compelling me to peer into the glass case that had captured her attention so completely. The names etched on the placards beneath each of the five Portal Keys read like a roll call from the annals of history—Gilgamesh, Hammurabi, Hatshepsut, Nefekare, and Nefertiti. The realisation that I was standing in the presence of artefacts linked to such legendary figures was humbling, sending a shiver of awe down my spine.

"Who are they?" The question emerged from me in a whisper, a hushed reverence for the historical weight these names carried. Amber's response, delivered with a fervour that seemed to set her eyes ablaze, left no room for doubt. "The First Guardians," she stated, her words heavy with the solemnity of their legacy.

The sight of Amber retrieving small picking instruments from her satchel sent a jolt of shock through me. The implications of her intentions, the audacity of the act she was about to commit, dawned on me with startling clarity. "You're going to steal them, aren't you?" The question, whispered in a blend of awe and apprehension, betrayed the tumult of emotions that her actions stirred within me.

Her hushed command for silence as she set to work on the glass case only heightened the tension that thrummed between us. I found myself torn between the desire to witness the unfolding of this audacious act and the fear of the consequences it might invite.

Driven by a restless curiosity, my gaze began to wander, drawn inexorably towards the other mysteries that lay enshrined within this sacred space. Amber's cautionary words, "Don't stray too far," reached me as a distant echo. I nodded, more out of instinct than any conscious decision to comply, my mind still reeling from the revelation of the First Guardians and the daring nature of Amber's plan.

Wandering amongst the labyrinth of glass cases, each step took me deeper into a silent narrative etched in history and mystery. The arrangement of the cases puzzled me, their order seemingly cryptic, defying immediate understanding. Was there a hidden chronology, a story told in the sequence of these guardians of time and space?

Then, like a beacon cutting through the fog of my curiosity, a name positioned prominently above a case snagged my attention. "Belkeep," the word slipped from my lips in a hushed reverence, propelling me forward with a rush of urgency. The connection to my home, to the very heart of my existence as a Guardian, drew me with a magnetic pull.

Peering into the case, a wave of emotions washed over me. The sight of the five Portal placards, placeholders for keys yet to be claimed by this sanctified archive, was both awe-inspiring and sobering. The absence of the Portal Keys was expected; Sylvie and Randal's keys were under my protection, hidden away in the safety of Belkeep. Yet, the declaration of Randal and Sylvie's demise on their name placards sent a shiver down my spine, a cold reminder of the cost of our struggle, the price paid in silence and shadow.

The revelation that I was listed as still alive brought a complex mix of relief and sorrow. Relief that my existence was acknowledged, that I had somehow managed to elude the fate that had claimed my comrades. And yet, the sorrow for those lost, for the emptiness their absence left was palpable.

The two unnamed placards, their blankness staring back at me, were a chilling harbinger. They stood as silent witnesses to the unknown, to futures unwritten and destinies yet to unfold. The ambiguity of their state, the absence of names, spoke volumes. It was a reminder that in the grand tapestry of the Guardian's saga, some threads were still loose, their patterns yet to be woven into the narrative.

Standing before the case marked "Belkeep," surrounded by the names of countless other Guardians, I felt a profound connection to the lineage I was part of. The realisation that my actions, my choices, were but echoes in the long corridor of time filled me with a sense of duty and determination. The names listed, the spaces left empty, were not just markers of what had been or what might be; they were a call to arms, a reminder of the ongoing battle we waged not just for the present, but for the continuity of the past and the hope of the future.

In this moment, amidst the eerie glow that bathed the underground chamber, I understood more deeply the weight of the legacy I carried. The knowledge that Randal and Sylvie's sacrifice was etched into the annals of our hidden history, and that my name stood amongst theirs, was both an honour and a burden. It solidified my resolve to continue the fight, to safeguard the keys entrusted to me, and to honour the memory of those we had lost. Here, in the presence of the Guardian Order's silent guardians, I renewed my vow to protect Belkeep and all it represented, to fill the empty spaces left by those gone and to shape the destiny that fate had yet to reveal.

The abrupt eruption of noise from the top of the stairs shattered the reverent silence that had enveloped me, snapping me back to the present with a jolt of adrenaline. Two young men, seemingly out of breath and charged with urgency, appeared at the edge of the platform, their sudden entrance marking an abrupt intrusion into the solemn atmosphere of the chamber.

"Amber, we've got the blueprints," one of the men announced, his voice booming through the chamber, the cylindrical canister he held aloft a visual testament to their mission's success. My gaze shifted to Amber, whose reaction mirrored the shock and surprise that rippled through me. The fear in her eyes, reminiscent of a deer caught in headlights, was a clear indicator of the importance of their discovery.

"We have to go, now!" The command from the second, taller man was laced with a desperation that sent my pulse racing. What blueprints? And why did their retrieval spark such immediate alarm? The questions cascaded through my mind, a torrent of confusion and curiosity mingling with the rising tide of apprehension.

Amber's response to the situation was a blend of determination and desperation. The force with which she attacked the glass casing she had been meticulously working on moments ago spoke volumes of the urgency now driving her actions. The glass cracked under the assault but held firm, a stubborn barrier to the treasures it protected.

"Now, Amber!" The taller man's urgent repetition, his gaze flicking around the chamber with palpable anxiety, underscored the imminent danger we faced. Yet, Amber's focus remained unshaken, her voice tight with tension as she pleaded for more time.

The final glance I cast toward the Belkeep case was a silent farewell to the moment of connection I had experienced. The urgency of our situation propelled me toward Amber, ready to assist or flee as the situation demanded.

The sound of the two men descending the stairs and racing toward us filled the chamber with a sense of impending chaos. "We don't have much time," the taller man reiterated upon reaching us.

Amber's switch in tactics, from brute force back to a more methodical attempt at prying the glass open, was a testament to her resolve to not leave empty-handed. Ignoring the warnings and the palpable tension that now filled the air, she focused solely on the task at hand.

Standing there, amidst the crescendo of urgency and the shadow of imminent threat, I was caught in the whirlwind of events unfolding around me. The knowledge that we were teetering on the brink of discovery, possibly confrontation, heightened every sense.

"It's fine, Josh," the calming voice of the first man sliced through the tension like a knife, his hand resting reassuringly on his companion's shoulder. “We have time for this.” The optimism in his demeanour, marked by a glint of enthusiasm in his eyes, seemed to inject a momentary pause in the cascade of urgency enveloping us.

"I'm almost there," Amber's voice, a hiss of determination through clenched teeth, reverberated with the intensity of her focus. The palpable sense of nearing a critical breakthrough hung in the air, an electric anticipation that momentarily united us all in silent expectation.

Nathan, as I came to understand the first man's name through the brief exchange that followed, voiced his awe in a hushed, reverent tone. "I can't believe the rumours are true. This chamber actually exists." His words, imbued with wonder and disbelief, echoed my own initial shock upon entering this hidden sanctum. The realisation that we were standing in a place considered mythical, a whisper of legend brought to life, was both surreal and exhilarating.

"It's not on any of the floor plans," Josh's interjection, a mix of surprise and confusion, underscored the secrecy that shrouded this chamber.

"Most of the underground floors aren't on the maps," Nathan stated, as though such omissions were to be expected, a norm within the clandestine world we were navigating. His words painted a picture of a facility far more complex and secretive than its outward appearance suggested, a labyrinth of hidden depths and concealed truths.

Standing amidst this revelation, surrounded by individuals who each held pieces of a puzzle far greater than any I could have ever anticipated, I felt a mix of awe and unease. The acknowledgment of the chamber's existence, coupled with the understanding that it was but a fraction of Killerton's unseen architecture, expanded the scope of the enigma I now found myself entangled in.

Gunshots echoed through the corridor, a sinister symphony that sent a chilling tingle racing down my spine. It was a sound you never really got used to. The sudden entrance of a security guard, weapon drawn and ready, startled us all. A collective gasp, a shared moment of pure adrenaline and terror, escaped our lips as we found ourselves face-to-face with Percival, the very same man who had guided me with such calm assurance to the briefing room earlier. The irony of the situation was not lost on me.

The door slammed shut with a finality that echoed ominously through the room, sealing us away from the violence that lurked just beyond its metal confines. Percival, with urgency etched into every feature of his face, hurriedly spoke, "You need to get out of here." His voice was a mixture of fear and determination, a sharp contrast to the composed security guard I had met upon my arrival. He scrambled down the stairs, his actions spurred by the imminent danger that was all too real and closing in on us.

Josh couldn't contain his bewilderment. "Is your cover blown?" he asked Percival, his question hanging in the air, charged with a mix of hope and dread.

"No," replied Percival, pausing to catch his breath.

"Then why are they shooting at you?" Nathan chimed in, his voice tinged with tension and fear. The expression on his face was a reflection of the uncertainty that gripped each of us.

"It's not Killerton that’s shooting at us," answered Percival, his words heavy with implications that widened our eyes and quickened our pulses.

"What!?" The word erupted from both Josh and Nathan simultaneously, their voices a perfect harmony of shock and disbelief.

Percival sighed heavily, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. "It appears that you aren't the only infiltrators of Killerton Enterprises today." His revelation was a bombshell, altering the landscape of my understanding and forcing me to reassess what I thought I was beginning to comprehend.

"Got it!" Amber’s triumphant exclamation cut through the tension like a knife. With a motion both graceful and determined, she ripped open the glass case that had been her objective, sending it crashing to the floor with a sound that was alarmingly loud in the sudden silence that followed Percival's disclosure. Snatching the five Portal Keys, she wrapped them tightly in fabric, before placing them securely in her satchel.

Outside the room, the faint sound of gunshots grew louder, a menacing reminder of the danger that lurked just beyond our temporary haven. Then, with a resounding finality, heavy metal doors sealed the room shut, trapping us inside. The sound was like a death knell, signalling the end of one chapter and the ominous beginning of another. Trapped and isolated, I was left to ponder our next move, the weight of my decisions that had led me to this point, felt heavier than ever.

"Is there another way out of here?" Josh's voice cut through the tense silence, his eyes darting around the chamber, searching for a glimmer of hope amidst the enclosing walls of our confinement.

"Yes," Percival responded, a nod accompanying his words as if to punctuate the possibility of escape. He gestured for us to follow him towards the far end of the chamber, his movements imbued with a sense of purpose that reignited a spark of hope within me. "There's a special room through that doorway over there." His finger pointed towards a nondescript door, its existence previously unnoticed in the uniformity of the chamber's design. "It's lined with special material that mirrors the Portal blocking technology and will allow you to use your Portal Keys. It's the only place in the entire complex where you can."

Nathan commented wryly, "That's convenient." His dry humour, a light in the darkness of our situation, brought a momentary smile to my face, a brief respite from the weight of our circumstances.

"It's how the Gatekeepers have been coming and going for generations," Percival explained, his tone carrying a hint of pride.

As Percival stepped up to the access point on the wall next to the heavy, solid door, a moment of anticipation hung in the air. He paused, as if to ensure our undivided attention, before scanning his wrist across the pad. The door clicked open with a sound that signified the unlocking of possibilities, a portal to our salvation. "Come on in," Percival said, his voice a mixture of urgency and invitation as he ushered us inside before closing the door with a sense of finality behind us.

"Not much of a room," I couldn't help but comment, my eyes quickly taking in the utilitarian space that barely accommodated the five of us. The room was devoid of decoration, its walls a testament to its singular purpose.

"Its sole purpose is to act as an access point. Nothing more," Percival stated flatly, his voice echoing slightly off the bare walls. His words were a reminder of the room's function over form, a gateway designed for quick transitions rather than habitation.

Standing in that cramped space, I felt a mix of claustrophobia and awe. The technology and secrets this room represented were beyond my wildest imaginations, yet here we were, about to use it as our escape route.

Amber turned to me, her eyes holding a blend of resolve and regret. "I guess this is where we part ways," she said, her voice steady but tinged with an undercurrent of sadness. In her hand, the Portal Key seemed to come to life, pressing against the wall beside us. It lit up, painting the drab surroundings in a spectacle of colour that danced across the surface, casting our shadows in a fantastical display. The moment was surreal, like a scene from a dream where the laws of physics and reality were mere suggestions.

Adrenaline surged through my veins, a potent cocktail of excitement and apprehension. "But I have so many questions still," I blurted out, the words escaping my lips before I could corral them into something more coherent. There was so much I wanted to understand, so many threads of this complex tapestry that I needed to unravel.

Amber glanced at Nathan, who offered a subtle shake of his head, almost imperceptible but clear in its intention. Now was not the time for discussions or explanations. The urgency of our situation brooked no delay, and yet, my heart sank at the missed opportunity for answers.

"Sorry, Cody. Next time," Amber said, her voice softening as she offered me a brief embrace. It was a fleeting moment of connection, a small comfort amidst the tension. Her hand gave my shoulder a slight squeeze, a silent promise of future explanations, before she broke away.

"Wait!" The word tore from my throat as I reached out, desperate to hold onto the moment. My fingers brushed against the leather satchel, a tangible reminder of her mission. And then, as sudden as a flash of lightning, Amber was gone, disappeared into the portal she had opened, leaving behind a lingering echo of her presence.

Before I could turn to the two brothers, appeal to them for more time, more answers, they too activated their Portals. The room was briefly illuminated by the energy of their departure, and then they were gone, leaving a silence that was heavy, oppressive, like a smothering blanket over my thoughts and emotions.

"You'd better get going, too," Percival's voice cut through the haze of my thoughts, a gentle but firm reminder. He motioned for me to follow suit.

My mouth moved without sound, a silent testament to the whirlwind of thoughts racing through my brain. How do I navigate this new reality? What dangers lie ahead? And then, amidst the tumult of my thoughts, one in particular crystallised into clarity: If I activate my Portal here, does that mean the location will also be registered and I can return here whenever I like? The idea sparked a flicker of hope, a beacon in the fog of uncertainty.

With a final, acknowledging nod to Percival, I took a deep breath and set the wall ablaze with vibrant, colourful energy. The Portal Key in my hand felt alive, thrumming with potential as I activated it. Stepping into the cold Belkeep cavern, the air shifted around me, a tangible change in atmosphere that enveloped me in its icy embrace. The transition was instantaneous, a leap through space and perhaps even time. Yet, with that step, I carried with me the hope of return, of revisiting the path I had forged and the secrets I had uncovered. The adventure was far from over, and the questions that burned within me would find their answers, in time.

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