
In the world of Minecraftia

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Day 5

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I dreamed of explosions. I dreamed of people screaming in pain and terror as giant grey beasts roared and trampled through homes. I dreamed of my home going up in flames. I dreamed of monsters roaming through the chaos, feasting on people that couldn't get away. I dreamed of the laughter of the evil illagers as they murdered people in cold code. I dreamed of Max, my brother Max, trapped under rubble as an illager wielding an iron axe grunted smuggly at the sight before raising his axe. Then suddenly, a blinding light flashed, drawing the attention of the illager. At the center of the light, a child stepped out, wearing a worn expression on his face. He couldn't have been any older than fifteen, but yet it looked like he had been through more than I could ever imagine.

Once the child stepped out of the light, all the illagers disappeared. All of the monsters vanished. The fires went out. The destruction remained, and all of the people were gone, including Max. The child looked across the destroyed town, the absence of life, and looked horrified and saddened, but determined as well. The dream vanished...

When I awoke, I could see my little brother was still snoring away in his bed. I gazed at the sun and could see it peeking from the horizon. I was still tired and tried to fall back asleep, but a moment later Max woke up and shook me until I opened my eyes.

"Good morning Tim." he said. I gave a half-smile.

"Good morning bud." I replied as I slowly got out of bed. I wanted to sleep in all day, but I had to stay strong for him.

"Alright, let's make some breakfast before we start playing around." I told him and made my way to the kitchen. I got to work, making bread before heading out to milk the cow.

I didn't know why I was so out of energy today. But for some reason, I wasn't looking forwards to playing with my brother.

Once I finished milking the cow, I went back into the living room and handed Max one bread and bucket of milk. I wasn't hungry, so I just had a bucket of milk. Better to save food for when we needed it.

Once he finished his breakfast, we headed out into the backyard with the tools for our games. We played Potato Toss for several long moments before he wanted to move onto Spleef. After placing down the dirt blocks we had dug up yesterday, we played until the sun was starting to veer towards the horizon. I was glad that Max had a lot of fun, but I couldn't really say I felt the same.

"That was a pretty fun time, bro." I said with a smile. "Hey listen, it's getting late, so I want you to go into the house and wait. Pretty soon, I'll be back and I'll make us some supper. Alright?" I suggested. 

"Okay!" he said as he ran into the house. I made my way deeper into town. I had plenty of time to think while we played, and I had made up my mind what to do.

I found myself approaching the local pub. Normally, they wouldn't serve people as young as me, but I really needed something to help me get over this undying feeling of emptiness in my stomach. I was prepared to beg if I needed to. Once I entered the building, I could see there were a ton of people sitting in booths. Many of them were passed out. I went up to the counter and called the attention of the bartender. I didn't know his name, but he looked like he was ready to fight someone if the situation demanded it.

"Hello there, youngster. Coming in to get away from the reality of life?" he asked. I nodded. "Normally, we don't serve minors, but since everything with the pillagers, I'm making exceptions. It's the least I can do, letting them have their first potion." he informed. "Bad news is that since we haven't been getting deliveries lately, we're beginning to run low on our supply, so I'm afraid I can only give out one potion per customer now." he revealed.

"What's the best thing to make me feel better?" I asked. He fixed me with a stare.

"Kid, that's not how these potions work. They don't fix problems, only take away your concerns. But if you want something that'll help, try the weakness potion. It's very bitter, but it makes you feel like you have nothing to worry about, if only for a night or so." he explained.

"Hm... Yeah, I guess I'll take that one." I decided. He got to work brewing the potion as I looked over at the person right next to me holding on to his drink and immediately recognized him. It was Dr. Woodward, the village's top medical doctor. I could tell by the doctor's outfit he wore and his glasses. He looked back at me with a hint of surprise. I could tell he was depressed and drunk.

"Hey Dr. Woodward." I said to him.

"Hello Tim. I wasn't expecting to see you here. Although I guess I can understand why." he replied.

"How's everything?" I asked him and he looked forward.

"Stressful... You know, with all the things going on right now, lots of people are scared. And when they're scared, some of them do dangerous things. Like that tunnel." he said. I could see sadness in his eyes. "My uh... my wife. She was distraught." he said, looking straight ahead. "I tried to talk her down, but she didn't want to... not by those monsters... It's... It's very hard to live right now." he said, his voice weak. I was stunned once I realized what he was saying.

"Dr. Woodward, I'm so sorry! That's horrible!" I stammered.

"Yeah well, that's why I'm here. Hoping to forget everything that happened. I assume the same for you?"

"Well, I've just been feeling very, well, I'm not sure how to describe it. Kind of like an emptiness in my chest. And I've been out of energy." I told him. He had another clumsy sip and spoke up.

"Sounds like you've been struck with depression. It's been happening all over town. Lots of people, they're scared to die. But they're accepting it as inevitable. And that makes it all the more terrifying." Hearing his words, I felt tears beginning to form. But I tried to keep from crying while I was out in public. He finished his drink.

"I've always-I've always wondered what's beyond. Whether you end up gone forever or in an everlasting heavenly world, or are reborn again. Throughout my life, I never could make up my mind what I believed. Guess we'll be finding that out. Where my wife went." he said, his voice sounding fragile. I watched as the bartender came over with my potion.

"Here you go. This is the only potion you'll get. Potion of weakness brewed to last for a good half a day. Enjoy." he said as he handed me the potion. I took it and opened the lid.

"You have a little brother, Tim." Dr. Woodward pointed out. "I would suggest that, well, maybe you hold off and wait for the day when it happens. It might be the best way to make sure he doesn't feel a thing." I stopped and looked at him before I looked back at the potion. Give my little brother a potion of weakness? How could I do that to him? I thought to myself. But then again, he might not have to suffer. He probably wouldn't feel pain or even know what was happening...

"It's a tough decision, I understand." he added upon noticing my troubled face. "But it's the decision that you, as the caretaker of the boy, must make." I lowered the bottle.

"Al-alright... I've m-made my decision." I said as I pocketed the potion away into my inventory. I brought the bartender back over. "I want to keep the potion you gave me for my little brother. Could you give me another?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"Sorry, as I said, our supply is low. Only one potion per person. If you want to give it to your brother, I'd advise having him take it in the afternoon. The potion's effects will increase throughout the day, so keep an eye on him later on. It will have worn off the next day." he informed. "I'm sorry, but I can't give you anything else."

"Alright..." I muttered as I got up from the seat and left the pub, making my way back home. It was nighttime, and monsters could appear, but I didn't care anymore. I was struggling to keep from becoming a sobbing mess.

By the time I made it home, my brother greeted me at the door.

"Tim, you took a long time." he pointed out. I put on my smiling facade again.

"I know bud, I had to go somewhere first. Now, let's have supper." I assured him as I closed the door and made my way into the kitchen. I set raw steak in the furnace and listened to it cook. I put my hand on my forehead, then began to silently sob.

I was a mess. I could barely keep myself together. I knew deep in my heart that help was not going to arrive. We were doomed. There wasn't any hope for us. We were all going to die in a few days. And I was scared. The only thing I could do was try as hard as I could to keep the illusion of happiness for Max before it all ended. He was the only reason I was still here, the only reason I was still pushing. I needed to make sure he was as happy as he could be before the end.

Once the steaks had finished cooking, I pulled them out and let them cool before taking them into the living room, putting back on the facade.

"Here you go bud." I said as I handed him his steak.

"Thanks Tim." he replied as he began tearing into his meal. I looked at my steak. I still wasn't hungry, but I had to force myself to eat.

Once we were finished, we went into our room and went to sleep. I struggled for several long moments because I wasn't very tired. But eventually, I managed to fall asleep.

Two Days Left

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