Chapter 26

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Chapter XXVI

Brutus' Departure


As the weeks rolled on by, and the groups hopes of finding any sign of the kidnappers began to fade away, it was clear that tensions were starting to boil over, they had not yet gotten to breaking point, but they were close, both Dmitri and Charlie could tell. Despite the explosive start, it hadn’t quite reached those levels since arriving at the mountain, but the cold stares and the failed attempted to get the two to properly communicate were a clear sign of things to come.

Which is why Dmitri had been going on as many hunts, and searches as possible, the king had since doubled the efforted on the latter front after the initial failure, although many in the search parties were starting to lose hope.

Charlie on the other hand had busied herself, by examining the contents of the syringe that had been found back when Codsworth, Barca and Dave had first searched the woods after the battle. But she was about as successful as the search parties had been.

She often wondered to herself, why she was wasting her time with this, and whether or not her abilities would be better served with the hunters and searches. Each time she had to keep reminding herself, that anyone could hunt, but only a select few, which she was counted in. could get to the bottom of what this liquid was.


By the time that Codsworth got up, the quarters were empty, he guessed that the others were either on guard duty, at other jobs, or out exploring. There was something on his mind however, regarding Dmitri. He had been thinking about it for the past few nights but had never had the courage to raise the issue. He realised only now however, that he no longer had the luxury of waiting. And so, he left the quarters, having not eaten to go and fine his old friend.

It took Codsworth a long time to find Dmitri, now that the captain had the use of both of his legs, it was becoming apparent that he wasn’t just going to sit by anymore. He had done enough of that back in Bergskort and on the road. All of this however, made Codsworth nervous, not that he didn’t want his friend to be miserable, but he thought that he was overstretching himself, considering his injury the commander didn’t think that Dmitri should be the one to be going out.

But he knew better than to question his friend, who he found by the gates once more, saddled up and ready to head out, but something was different, he saw that there was a large crowd surrounding him. It wasn’t until he got closer that he was able to see what was drawing people to the captain.

In his hand, he clutched the staff that had been given to him all those years ago, and on top, embedded into the stick, was a clear gemstone. Which certainly would attract the attention of the dwarves and mountain-men, as almost all would never have seen the magnificent gemstone.

“A very impressive gem.” One of the onlookers said.

“How did you get it?” Another asked.

“I’ll give you six million creds for it.” A third shouted.

“Break it up there, give the man some room!” Codsworth shouted through the din, whilst most of the people parted for the commander, others looked less than impressed at this interruption. “Mind if I join you captain. I need the air.” Codsworth said, and Dmitri realised that it wasn’t a request. He nodded and Codsworth mounted up on his horse and the two rode out through the gates, and away from the murmurs in their rear.


Once outside the pair head towards the north, it wasn’t much of a lead, but Brutus had mentioned that one of his contacts had some information that may prove useful. And so, Dmitri had chosen to follow this lead, no matter how thin it was.

He was counting on the lead being too scared to double cross a man like Brutus, whose fearsome reputation was well known, but once they arrived at the location, no one was there to meet them.

It took all of Dmitri’s effort not to blast a nearby tree in frustration. Although with the way he was feeling, he reconned that he could probably have ripped the thing out of the ground, even without the gem.

“It was worth a shot.” Codsworth said looking around, in case they had missed the person, and they had left them a message by some other means. But there was nothing, nothing by picturesque landscape, which looked only the bitterer due to this recent folly.

“It’s not good enough. We can’t be making mistakes like this.” Dmitri said as he looked around.

“We’ll find him. Don’t worry.” Codsworth said, he knew that Dmitri had taken this kidnapping personally, it was only natural after his past ordeal. But he feared that there would be more disappointments before this was over.

“I know we will. But time is not on our side with this one, old friend.” Dmitri said, as he turned his horse around and began to ride back to the mountain. That was the truth, as they were now almost a month out by his counting, and he wanted to get Martin back before any lasting harm could be done to him, as what had been done to him.

Codsworth was about to tell him that he should lay back, that he should let the others take the stress of the search off his shoulders, but he couldn’t do it. This maybe a dangerous job, but it seemed to be giving Dmitri life, and more importantly a purpose. So, he decided ultimately not to.


Later on, in the evening, the two ride back through the gates to a mercifully emptier area than which they had left that morning. It was quite other than for Doraghek who was striding over towards them.

Wondering what had happened that the prince would seek them out alone like this, the pair dismounted from their horses and walked over.

“A word if you would captain.” Doraghek said hurriedly and with a formality that they had never heard from the dwarf before. This alarmed the commander, much more than the group this morning that had been ogling the gemstone that Dmitri clutched in his hand.

“Sure.” Dmitri said, he didn’t know what to say, so just agreed and the two headed towards the ramparts. Codsworth wondered whether he should follow or not, but when he wasn’t called, he decided that whatever it was, wasn’t his business anyway and headed back towards the quarters and left Dmitri and Doraghek to their discussion.

“I would hide that stone if I were you my captain.” Doraghek said as he walked up the ramparts with Dmitri, looking up at the gemstone. This took Dmitri by surprise, as he hadn’t been threatened once whilst carrying it out in the open country.

“Why?” Dmitri said, he had been alone with Codsworth, but nothing had troubled them whilst he had the stone on him. “We were completely safe out there.” He finished looking down at the dwarf, who grimaced up at him

“It’s not out there that worries me my young imperial friend.” Doraghek said as he cast a look back into his home. “My people would never willingly steal it from you and are no thieves, but well. There are some that will be tempted to regardless of whether they want to or not. My people, especially the councillors of my father, love wealth more than anything. And you carry not only one, but three of the wealthiest objects in the world.” The dwarf continued and returned to a business-like manner. “So how was the hunt. I’m sorry that I couldn’t come with you.” Doraghek said loudly as he and Dmitri began their patrol.


“Are you sure about this Dave.” Nick asked as he looked down over the ramparts, they had seemed high up when they had first arrived, but from up here, it was even worse, although he had claimed to not being afraid of heights anymore a few years prior, being up here now was more than enough to bring the old fears back.

“Sure, it’s not that high.” Dave said, batting away the concern s if it was nothing. He had woken Nick up because he was tired off always now seeming to be left out of scouting missions. Ever since Martin had been kidnapped, the old butler had been refusing to let either him or Nick leave the mountain.

It was almost midnight, and the brothers had decided, well Dave had decided and then pressured Nick to agreeing to going back out to the scene and begin to look for their younger brother, it had been hard keeping it from Vernon, but they thought that the old butler was none the wiser. Dave went to check that the rope was secure, they had attached it to a large stone pillar by the doorway and now hung over the ramparts, where they now planned to abseil down the side of the mountain.

“Leaving so soon.” Doraghek voice said from the doorway, smiling slightly at the boys rather hasty thought out, and almost certainly deadly plan. The sound of Doraghek damn near scared the two brothers shitless, they had thought that the mountain was asleep and that they would be undisturbed. Dave recovered the quickest and helped Nick off the rampart’s barrier and back onto solid ground.

“How long have you been watching?” Dave asked, wondering when Vernon was going to come around the doorway and start berating the pair. For it had to be the old butler who had notified Doraghek of their plan.

“Long enough to see that if you continue, all that you will accomplish is causing either yourself or your brother, to fall to their death.” Doraghek said walking forward to get a better look at the two brothers. However, it was hard to tell whose idea this was, whilst Dave was the most outspoken on the plan, the determined look on Nick’s face, told him that the younger brother was at the very least okay with the plan, even if he didn’t come up with it. “You’re intending to go back to the sight of the kidnapping is that it?” Doraghek asked, although it seemed more of statement than a question to the brothers.

“How did you know?” Nick asked as he went to stand next to his older brother.

“Your younger brother went missing there, and since you believe that we’ve made no progress, you want to try for yourself.” Doraghek said and then sighed. “You’d be right on that belief as well.” The dwarf finished, they had spent almost a month combing every inch of the area surrounding the sight, both the woodland and the wilderland had been searched thoroughly, but they had found neither hide nor hair of the missing boy, nor of any of the others missing from the local town.

“Are you going to stop us?” Dave asked, he had come to the realisation that Doraghek was probably acting alone, certainly the old butler hadn’t been involved he now realised, due to the fact that Vernon wouldn’t have been able to resist coming out by now. The dwarf paused at the comment thinking about it.

“No. I have a younger brother too. And if he had gone missing, then the gods themselves wouldn’t have been able to stop me going after him.” Doraghek said as he leaned heavily on his axe. “But I would advise you to remain, at least for tonight, and talk to your group about this plan of yours, you may be surprised by the result.” The dwarf finished, turned on his heel and walked back inside the mountain.

Dave was about to go and get the rope to begin abseiling down the rock, but Nick held him back.

“You heard him. He’s not going to stop us.” Dave said, choosing to ignore the last part, as he doubted that the group would ever consider letting them go out to search. What did the dwarf know after all, he had been with them for just over a month, and he thought he knew the group better than he did. But Nick shook his head.

“You’re not thinking it through Dave.” Nick said, and when his older brother didn’t say anything he continued. “Let’s say we make it down there alive, which is not likely. And we’ll be no use to Martin if we’re dead. But we make it to the forest, how long before Codsworth comes out after us, or sends people in his place.” Nick continued, trying to make his older brother understand, Dave however, seemed unconvinced, or, choosing to ignore it, whichever it was, he was no longer thinking straight.

Sighing as he realised that he only had one move left, since his brother seemed to be no longer listening to reason, he simply turned around, and headed back inside the dimly lit mountain. Either his older brother would follow, or he wouldn’t, that was up to him and only time would tell, which one he would do.

The following morning gave Nick the answer to that question, as when he walked out of his room, he saw that Dave was still asleep in his bed. Knowing that he probably stayed on the ramparts for a lot longer than he had, Nick decided not to wake him up, and instead headed into the living area.


It was midday by the time that Dave woke up from his sleep annoyed at both himself and his younger brother. But choosing to not vent his rage at the rest of the group he instead began to walk through the corridors of the mountain, looking around at his relatively new surroundings, he realised what a small life he had led up to this point. Sure, he had explored the local terrain and landscape surrounding his home back at the manor, and to some extent back in Bergskort, but you could fit those places into a tenth of the mountain, it was that big, and the possibilities of exploration were equally sized.

However, before he could think on that anymore he saw Brutus walking towards the entry doors and, thinking that he would be allowed to go out and scout if the wear-bear was with him he rushed over. It wasn’t until he arrived that he saw that the big fellow wasn’t alone, next to him, and panting to keep up with his strides, limped Vernon.

“So much for that idea.” Dave said to himself, before deciding to try it anyway. As he ultimately had nothing to lose. “You heading out big guy?” Dave said as soon as he hurried up to join the pair.

“Yeah. But it’s a no kid, you can’t come along this time.” Brutus replied, with a slight smile as if he knew exactly what Dave had planned to ask him next and wanting to head him off before he even asked.

“Are you sure about this Brutus?” Vernon asked, continuing on from the conversation before Dave had interrupted them. He could understand the wear-bear’s decision, but that didn’t mean he agreed with it. Besides they really needed him here.

“I cannot remain here.” Brutus said as he strode out the doors into the open air. Dave could sympathise with that, he hated being locked inside for any length of time, and whilst that hadn’t happened yet, it was only a matter of time. he guessed he should start searching for ways out that Vernon would not know about come to think of it.

“Brutus, if you should get any news of.” Vernon started but the wear-bear cut him off, he was worried that the request would be refused, he didn’t have anything to fear on that count though.

“I will keep my eyes and ears open.” Brutus said as he took one last look at the mountain, he didn’t intend to be gone for good, but he didn’t want to assume anything in the present climate. “I’ll almost notify my contacts down in the south. If any are still alive.” Brutus finished, nodded once to the old butler and transformed into his bear form, much to the shock and horror of the nearby guards, before running on all fours towards the distant horizon.

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