
Table of Contents

Prologue Chapter 1: Start of the Journey Chapter 1.1 Chapter 1.2

In the world of Frontier Planet

Visit Frontier Planet

Ongoing 1794 Words

Chapter 1: Start of the Journey

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Darkness surrounds me. An extremely cold, extremely frightening darkness. Is this how death feels? I cannot help but wonder. Was death supposed to be this lonely?

"Is he awake? I swear these mortals never listen" a woman's voice boomed. I looked around but I could not see where this voice originated from. “God?" I asked stop looking around hoping to see something.

"Oh so your awake. Why aren't you opening your eyes? “The voice responded. Of course my eyes are open. How else would I know I’m surrounded by darkness? "Madam you forgot to give him permission to your Domain" came a different higher pitched voice.

 As if in response to that, a sudden beam of blinding light burst forth from underneath my foot to all directions completely surrounding me. As the light dims down my eyes adjust to see 2 people. One was Fortuna in a silk full body robe that seemed a little risqué, sitting on a throne like chair looking straight at me with a more relaxed smile.

Next to her is a small child in a dark green maid outfit standing next to her. Her hair was gleaming bright red similar to a siren of an ambulance. Her hair and her outfit didn’t seem to mesh together color wise but her baby like face displayed no emotions as if to signify that I shouldn't bother thinking about such futile things.

The place I was in looked like a temple of sorts with numerous big pillars of stone that goes from the ground to ways high to a ceiling also made of stone. But the scale of the temple looks far grand then any stone based temples that could exist on earth.

"Hehehe oops, it was my fault but now that you are in my Tempio De Portuna, let me welcome you to the afterlife" she giggled embarrassed and then proceeded to clap for me. Is she clapping to celebrate me to the afterlife? "Now that we are no longer on the mortal realm I can continue with the additional details of your job" continued Fortuna as she stood up and summoned a white board from nowhere.

"Essentially you will be roaming a new world that gods cannot intervene. You can do as you please so long as you don’t make trouble for those that live in that world." She said as she drew a circle. Then she drew a Stickman and labeled it Alan.

"You will get my blessing and then I'll send you directly to this world." she drew a bunch of lines from my character going outside as if to show a shine on my character. Following that she drew an arrow from the stickman into the world to show that a blessed me would go into said new world. "Any questions so far?" She asked as with eyes full of expectations.

 I did have a question but it wasn't regarding this job. I have already accepted it before I died and considering what's happening right now is most likely impossible to change me from doing it. The question I have however was "Why was I chosen for this?" I asked.

"Hmm..." After deep thinking she replied. "Honestly I never chose you. What did chose you was the die I had". Her response surprised me. Sensing the shock she continued on. "I am the goddess of luck Fortuna. Where ever I maybe or whatever I may be called I am the goddess of luck. I am luck and so when I'm choosing anything or anyone its important I don’t decide on logic." she said as she winked at me.

"I... guess?" If someone were to look at my face they would most likely see a question mark drawn on it. She proceeded to ignore that and asked "Anything else you want to ask?"

After a bit of thinking I realized something weird. “Why would you have to kill me to tell anymore additional detail? If the dice chose me, can't you have just as well told me before killing me? “She looked surprised with the question and shyly looks away.

”Uuh... The dice is absolute". She says not making eye contact.

"Huh?" I stuttered not sure what to make out of that sentence. "Like I said it's absolute. When it does chooses, it answers to all my scenarios, including you being dead or alive. I do not need to know the why or how but things happen for a reason.” She said still looking away.

A dice that can give absolute answers because she is luck. Not to mention the fact that she has many names in different cultures. If so, the saying 'Devil's Luck' might be referring to her as well. This woman claims to be a goddess of luck but she might be a devil claiming otherwise.

"Rude! It's something mandatory for me you know. I'm like a pretty young goddess compared to all the other geezers out there capable of killing mortals just by thinking you know. Calling me a devil is just mean". As if she heard my thoughts she responded whilst pouting. How childlike for a god.

"I mean deciding based on a dice to kill a human does not seem like something a good goddess would do honestly." I tried to respond in a way that won't offend the devil goddess.

"Are you saying that I'm not a good god because I don't go along with the morality of you mortals?!!" The demon goddess got angry regardless. Her eyes stared down on me as if to leave a hole as deep as 6 feet so that she could bury me. Those eyes looked at me like I am nothing more than an ant that cannot imagine the scale of her powers. The intense pressure being exerted from her was enough to make the air go cold. I could no longer breathe. My vision starts to go blurry.

"Madam, you are going off topic." Just as I was about to faint, interjected the maid. Instantly the pressure exerted by the goddess stopped. I frantically grasped for breath. She said a young god cannot kill people with their thinking but she almost killed me with a stare.

"Teehee, that's true as well. Thank you Ares" replied the demon goddess who was examining herself to see if she damaged her outfit.

"Also Madam I told you to call me Melony now.  You know what Father said about calling me Ares." replied the maid whilst looking as emotionless as before.

"Oops... do keep it a secret okay Melony?" Responded a sacred looking Fortuna. As I recall, Ares is a god of war and this conversation sounds as if this little maid girl is the god of war. From what I can remember, the father of Ares, Zeus is considered to be a ruler of gods.

"So you do have a basic understanding of gods huh" again responding as if she heard my thoughts. So she can hear my voices as well. Not to mention that little girl is supposed to be a god of war.

Wait a minute isn't Ares a "god" of war and not a goddess. Does that mean that this girl is a boy? Or does he identify as a girl.

"While this is completely out of topic, I shall oblige in your query. I am a girl but because of my specialty, I am often assumed to be a man. It is the stupidity of mortals assuming that my gender based on how I fight." She responded casually after reading my mind. Even though the words she said sounded a bit harsh, she displayed no emotions on her face.

These two gods seem to constantly read my mind. I'm just going to assume that gods can read minds from here on out.

"Ufufufu" I saw the demon goddess smile after looking at me. Yeah that confirms them able to listen to other people’s minds.

"So back to you going to another world filled with monsters and magic “As the goddess said it she pressed her palm on the whiteboard. The whiteboard started to glow and change its shape into a small ball that fit snuggly into her palm.

"Catch" she said as she tossed the ball at me. Surprised, I stumbled to catch the ball.

Upon contact with my hands the ball shatters bursting with smokes. The smoke whirls around me and then started going inside me via my mouth, ears and every pore on my skin. Pain started to surge from every single orifice of my body as the smoke started to assimilate with me. Unable to stand the pain, I fall to my knees. My hands hit the ground as I'm still trying to keep my consciousness.

It felt like my whole body was burning while being simultaneously being poked by millions of needles. Slowly the fog that surrounds me vanishes in to me. The pain that was inside me started to subside giving me a weird sense. It's like some form of a fluid is inside me but I can control it. The minute i felt the fluid move a stronger pain surged within me.

"Well your mana circuits have been awoken so you should be able to use magic now. Essentially magic is just based on your imaginations so try not to overexert yourself or you might fall unconscious due to low mana."

"Mana... circuits...? uugh" even speaking is painful as I struggle to form a question. "Ah right you earthlings are different from typical mortals. Essentially most mortals have a 'Mana circuit' which allows you to command the power of mana, the source of life. For some reason the mortals on earth have not awakened their mana circuits." Responded Fortuna while looking at me struggling to stand up.

A sudden pain came from my knee as I tried to stand making me lose balance and fall down backwards. "Calm down, it'll subside in a bit." Said Fortuna as she motioned with her hand to Melony to come closer." A lesson on magic and what he could expect in the other world. As for physical... go to a level just enough to survive in that world. Can't have him being so powerful that he isolated himself from others now can we." Said the goddess to the maid.

Surprisingly one could see a fire being lit in her eyes upon hearing the words physical. "Can I use my gauntlets?" She asked with a smile.

"If you think he can survive it, by all means." The goddess gave an ok to the words of the maid with a wicked smile. A smile I saw right before she pushed me. Maybe choosing to agree to her 'contract' was a bad idea.

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