In the world of Ballad of the Druzhina

Visit Ballad of the Druzhina

Ballad of the Druzhina

Completed 1762 1 0 4362

In the heart of the Kingdom of Palischuk, Knyaz Lyubov issued a decree to solidify his dynasty's legitimacy. He sent forth a retinue led by Sir Vasilej Starosta, the Bogatyr. Accompanying Vasilej were his brother, the cossack Bertryll Starosta, the loyal squire Maksym Relkov, and the stalwart retainers Vladis Konski and Ivin Nykon. Their mission: to win the support of the people by driving out the Order of the Warlock Knights, who had once ravaged their land before Palischuk's war of independence.
  Princessa Lorina Lyubova, heir to the throne, was deeply in love with her knight, Vasilej. When he failed to return from a mission, her worry grew unbearable. Determined to find him, she fled Palischuk, setting off on her own perilous journey. Upon his return, Vasilej learned of her disappearance and vowed to reunite her with her family. He and his companions swore a solemn oath: they would not rest until Lorina was safely home.
  Following her trail eastward to the Galena Mountains, the Bogatyr discovered a cave of Warlock Knights. Believing Lorina to be inside, Vasilej devised a plan. He and Bertryll would flank the encampment from opposite sides, with Maksym defending the retainers in the middle. Bertryll would begin by silently eliminating the guards on one side, drawing their attention. Vasilej would then strike from the rear, cutting through their ranks with his longsword.
  With the Warlock guards vanquished, they entered the cave and reached a central chamber. There, they found Lorina imprisoned, guarded by a tall, cloaked spellsword. Before the intruder could react, Bertryll shot him down. However, in his final act of defiance, the spellsword triggered a portal beneath Lorina, pulling her into its depths. Without hesitation, Bertryll leaped after her, followed closely by Vasilej and the retainers. Their quest now carried them into an unknown and perilous realm, united by their resolve to rescue the princess and return her to Palischuk.