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Justin Smith

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Yenril Mountains Expedition Interrogation of Pvt. Talion Horrors of the Zealot

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Interrogation of Pvt. Talion

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This Scroll is sealed… Please see the proper Archivist

[Man 1] Dammit!!! These things are never easy to open eh?

{Sounds of paper rustling as unknown subject mutters to themselves}

Attempting to bypass Magic Encryption… Failed

Attempting to bypass Magic Encryption… Failed

[Repeats in the background as voices start to talk over it]

[Man 1] Honestly, you always seem to bring me things that will get us killed. What if the Alliance found out?

[Man 2]Will you be able to open it?

[Man 1] Ha. will I open it?  My spells may seem slow but they are the best around. It’s only a matter of time.

Where did you find this anyways? I have never seen a magic encryption as strong as this one.

[Man 2]You probably don’t want to know.


Can you at least tell me what is supposed to be in it?

[M2]They didn’t tell me.

[M1] Of course not…

{Attempting to bypass Magic Encryption… Success}

[M1] We’re in!!!

Magic Encryption Opened. Warning… The contents within this scroll are considered Level 3. Unauthorized use of this scroll can result in severe punishment from the Alliance.

[M1] What the hell did you bring me? Level 3? I have never heard of a clearance like this before. Were you followed?

[M2] I covered my tracks pretty well. I am sure no one could follow me. Let’s see what is so secret.

[M1] I am not sure I want to know. But a job is a job.

Warning… This scroll contains Level 3 Sensitive Data. Unauthorized Use could result in severe punishment from the Bureau. Do you wish to continue?

I am getting too old for this shit.

[M1] Access Captured Sound Magic

Sound Magic Audio Recordings: 1 Debriefing of Pvt. Talion [Status: Deceased]

Do you wish to hear this capture?

[M1] Yes

Beginning Sound Magic Playback

[Talion] You Fucking idiots Let Me Go!!!

[Sound of a chair scraping against the ground and a man grunting]

[Inquisitor] Pvt. Talion, I am inquisitor Dom from the Bureau of Interrogation. You are currently detained in this facility due to your desertion in Kel. I am going to ask you for your side of this story but first I will tell you what we know.

[The sound of struggling continues then a loud thud is heard and Talion begins to groan]

[Inquisitor] I would suggest you not struggle. You will be here as long as we need you. The world thinks you are dead. There is no escape.

[Soon the groaning stops and haggard breathing can be heard.]

[Talion] What….. What do you want from me?

[Inquisitor] I need to know what happened in Kel.

[Talion] What do you mean what happened? Didn’t you ask the others?

{The Inquisitor looks down for a moment then lets out a deep exhale.}

[Inquisitor] There were no survivors. Honestly, we didn’t even know you survived until we found you in that place. So enlighten us. Why did you run? What happened?

{A silence fills the room and you hear another loud thud followed by Talion’s groaning}

[Inquisitor] Why do people never understand that they have no choice. Only pain awaits those that do not speak.

[Talion; very distressed] What was I supposed to do!!!

I grew up in Kel. My wife… Helena, oh god Helena.{Sobbing can be heard}  My mother, my father, my brothers… my sisters. All of us lived in Kel. I loved that city... I belonged! It was why I joined the guard. I wanted to protect everyone. I tried to protect everyone… but I never thought something like this would have happened.

{Talion is broken down at this point. You did not need to see the room to know something tragic had occurred}

It was the Season of the Leaves. Harvest had just started and the festivities were already well on their way.

The cheers and music drowned out the poor souls that found themselves victim to a monster. Atop the walls I must ashamedly admit that I could not discern the voices of anguish from those of joy until it was too late.

Soon chaos erupted as people fled from the market area. I along with a few of the other guardsmen ran towards the screaming. And when we arrived… my reality shattered.

[Inquisitor] What did you see?

[Talion] I can’t explain it very well. A human? A monster? Whatever it was I can assure you that it was death. I watched as a strangely cloaked figure impaled villagers left and right. Pools of blood all around the ground.

I froze… I had never seen death like this. Friends I had once planned to spend my evening with now fell lifeless to the ground as their empty eyes stared into my own. Soon my eyes could not see anything but the cloaked figure as the other guards approached it.

One of us released an arrow towards it. The reflexes of this person were inhuman. It easily moved out of the arrow's way. One of our only town mages managed to gather enough courage to release a low flame spell. The cloak caught fire but I now wish we had left it undamaged.

Before us stood a monster. I could see a human frame, muscles exposed, a skull barren of flesh. And metal all throughout the body. An inhuman sound came from deep within the monster and I felt a shiver in my body down to my very soul. This was my breaking point.

It was all of our breaking points. I did the only thing I could…

I ran…

I ran… I ran… I ran. I ran. I ran. I ran.

I tried to find Helena. But in all the chaos I couldn’t. I was at a loss. I could not find my loved ones. That monster was still nearby and now I could hear new sounds. Sounds that I had never heard before. But I couldn’t leave yet. Not until I found Helena.

Worried that she may have started towards the festival, I hurried back. I now wish I had never gone.

The Monster was still there. I could clearly see now that it was unlike anything I had ever seen. . A large tail was being used to impale helpless villagers. Bodies lie mangled all around it.

But among those bodies my attention was drawn to a new creature. It looked like it may have once been human but the tendrils and grotesque growths all over its body easily told me the two monsters were related.

It was feasting on the corpses that the larger one had tossed aside. I could not stop looking on in horror.

The scream of a familiar voice brought me back to reality. Helena.

I turned to where the scream had come from . The largest monster had found her, trapped in a market stall with what looked like a small child in her arms. The creature walked towards her. She cowered and started to back away as the child in her arms started to cry.

I couldn’t reach her. I could only watch as the beast grabbed her and lifted her off the ground. The tail impaled Helena and the child together. I was overcome with anger. My reasoning left me. I charged the creature, but a hand reached out and grabbed me before I got closer.

It was my Father.

I could tell from his face that he had just witnessed Helena’s death. I asked about Mother… but his silence was all I needed to hear to understand.

A loud roar brought both of us back to reality. I looked towards the monster and saw a small dagger sticking out of its hand. A dagger I had bought Helena. I looked at my wife and our eyes met briefly. I could feel her goodbye in my soul. It did not need to be said. The monster smashed her head within its grasp. I was blinded by my tears.

My father quickly rose and began to drag me with him as we headed away from the carnage. But we were not fast enough. Loud crashes could be heard behind us. I looked back to see the monster and his cohorts chasing us. Buildings, Stalls… None of it mattered before the speed of this monster. Walls seemed to disintegrate as the Monster tore through them. They were slowly gaining on us.

I felt as if all hope was lost.

[Inquisitor] How did you escape?

[Talion] My father led us to the waterfront. There were a few boats left. He pushed me into one of the closest and told me to lie down. I didn’t have the energy to argue. I felt weight soon after lying down as sacks and other food products were thrown on top of me. I couldn’t move anymore. Only one eye remained visible with the ability to see what was happening.

My father had covered me in some of the leftover items that had yet to be moved from the docks due to the festival. He untied the boat and began to push it away. I tried to call out to him to come with me before the boat got too far but he only looked at me and placed his finger up to his mouth to quiet me.

I tried to free myself from the pile. But by now the boat had traveled too far.  I never saw my father again.

[Inquisitor] Is that it?

[Talion] What do you mean? I lost everyone! Helena died in front of me!

[Inquisitor] I guess there is nothing left for you to tell us then.

He has told his part, silence him.

[Talion] What do you mean silence! I told you everything I knew! Why!?!

[Inquisitor] We can not let this news get out. Now… Finish Him Quickly so we can arrange a trip to Kel to see this chaos firsthand.

[Talion] Nooooooo!!!

End Sound Magic Playback

[Man 1] Leave

[Man 2] What?

[Man 1] Leave and take this with you. Get as far away as you can and do not stop. This should have never been stolen.

[Man 2] It can’t be that bad right?

[Man 1] This man was silenced for having seen the event. What do you think that means for anyone that learns without permission? You have to go!!!

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