A Single Blade of Grass

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In the year 2525


Orbital analysis showed the planet shrouded in a perpetual smog bank made up of ozone, particulate matter including sulfur oxides, volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides.  Therefore, a survey team was sent to the surface of this effectively uninhabited exoplanet.

Science Officer Sally Ride turned on the real-time audio/video feed system on her space suit.  “Away team on SOL3R, 25250713T16:15:13.069 Ephemeris Time, starting planetary analysis, we will examine the ground level atmosphere, water, and sample indigenous plants.  We will also look for any obvious archaeologic objects on our survey track.”

Commander Solovyev looked around.  The planet was rocky and dynamic.  At some point, it must have been a veritable Eden.  “I wonder what ruined this planet.”

The duo walked onward in silence, looking at the surrounding devastation.  There was a stunted, scrub-like indigenous plant covering most of the ground.  It was a grayish-black pallid and unhealthy-looking plant which the analyzer identified as ‘Grickle-grass.’

As they as they moved into a small gully, they found a body of liquid, like a small pond filled with a highly viscous and tenacious substance.  Officer Ride bent over and touched her analyzer to the liquid, which reported it was made of ‘gluppity-glup’ and ‘scholoppity-schlopp.’

Commander Solovyev walked onward and stopped at a pile of rubble.  It appeared to be the remains of a building, though was in an advanced state of decay, with very little identifiable.  He rolled a middle-sized stone over and was surprised to find a rusted, dented piece of metal.  As he moved his head, and looked at it’s surface at an angle, he could make out the text THNEEDS.

The team moved on and found a small hill.  On its top they found a series of rocks or stones placed in a circle.  They walked around cautiously.  On the far side, there was a larger flat stone placed on its edge, with the text UNLESS chiseled in it.

Commander Solovyev said, “What do you make of this?”

“Look!” Officer Ride pointed out a single blade of grass growing out of the stones.

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