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Prologue - The Storm

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Hazin walked into the Throne Room. It was a chamber with several tiers of seats. The room was circular in shape with stained glass windows all over the walls. Hazin did not walk in from the guest entrance, but the king's entrance. He was one of five that walked around the king. Hazin was in the front corner, to the king's right. On the king's left was the captain of the guard, Alezna Salk. She was the captain of the guard and the king's daughter. Hazin didn't know much about politics or lore. He just knew that the captain of the guard was the king's firstborn child.

The king sat on his throne. Hazin and one of the other guards moved the declaration pedestal to in front of the king. The king would place his declarations written before the decree on the pedestal. Afterward, he would read each of the declarations point-by-point. Hazin stood in the corner to the left of the throne. The guard was five elite bodyguards that protected the king. Hazin listened close to the king's decree, "I hereby declare that my heir of state for my death shall be Lord Gapty Djunt." The king said. The crowd applauded, and Gapty walked out into the room. The entrance was to the right of the throne. Two of the guards moved the declaration pedestal from in front of the king. He walked up to the nobleman, who had walked in front of the king.

The king was given a crown by one of the servants, "Lord Gapty Djunt, do you wish to take the Three Oaths of Heirdom?" The king said. "I do, on all three," the lord said. "Lord Gapty Djunt, as Salktum's heir, will you promise to take all advice from your king?" The king said. "I promise so," the nobleman said. "Will you accept the role of the king upon his death?" The king said, "I will," Gapty promised. "Finally, will you take all responsibilities of the king when he is unfit to rule. Giving them back when he is fit again." The king said, "I will," Gapty promised. "Then I pronounce you Lord Gapty Djunt, heir to Lord King Felir, First Named, Heir of the Two Continents, Purity In All Forms, Master of two-dozen Magics, and Third Marazu of Khuykir." The king said. The crowd cheered, giving a standing ovation.

The crowd began to exit the building, clearing out in a matter of thirty minutes. Hazin noticed nods between the other guards. What this meant, Hazin did not know. The other four guards drew their swords. They were pointed at the king and his heir.

The head of the guard, Captain Alezna walked up to the king. "For a century, the heir of Salktum was not the child, but a random lord." She said, "When I came along, I hated this system." Alezna was slow-clapping this whole time. "For years, I have planned this scheme. It has finally come to fruition." She said, "Guards! Slit their throats." The guard holding a sword up to Felir cut open his throat. The guard holding a sword up to Gapty did the same. The blood coming out of their throats spilled across the floor and soaked into the carpet. 

Another guard walked up to Hazin, "Say, are you in, or are you out," the man said. "I am loyal to the king, and you just killed him," Hazin said, "I am out." Three men put their swords to his throat, "What are your last words?" Alezna said, "May the spirits of hell's valley pull you down with them." Hazin said. Each of them stabbed Hazin in the throat on an individual side. 

The storm had begun to set.

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