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In the world of Veridian

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Book I: World Sculptor

In the plane preceding mortals, ere lands and realms emerged, and even ere the passage of time itself, there existed the primordial white—a vast singularity encompassing all that was not yet. Within its boundless expanse, devoid of space and form, dwelled the essence of creation. Then, in an eternal moment that encompassed all moments, the primordial white awakened to consciousness and with profound contemplation, proclaimed itself as Artorius, the Master of Eternal Artistry. Within this proclamation, the primordial white transformed, collapsing upon itself, giving birth to a being of infinite energy, and conceiving the very notion of spacetime. What remained was the primordial black, an empty void that followed Artorius' self-creation, the perfect canvas for what is to come. Guided by boundless imagination, Artorius embarked on a monumental odyssey to create its first and final work, sculpting the world of three planes of existence.

Firstly, Artorius fashioned the upper planes, an ethereal domain that would serve as the celestial abode of deities, including Artorius itself. These upper planes manifested the authority of Artorius, representing the immutable laws of the world and the harmonious order of nature, the laws of nature that would allow life to flourish. This realm, ever fluid and malleable, took shape according to the whims of Artorius' imagination, its grandeur anchored by the enigmatic Garden of the Master. Within this sanctuary, resplendent with architectural marvels adorned with stone domes of varied designs, a profusion of vibrant flora flourished, a reflection of its master's ever-changing temperament. At the heart of the garden stood a circular stone bench encircling an easel upon which sat the Material Plane, the very canvas upon which creation unfolded. Ere Artorius would commence, it sought the paint to make its mark.

Delving deep into the depths of its creative essence, Artorius shaped the lower planes—an expanse swirling with primal chaos and untamed transformation. Within this turbulent realm, reality itself was but a fleeting notion, as elemental forces clashed and coalesced, eternally vying for dominion. Drawing upon the wellspring of infinite energy and ever-shifting change, Artorius forged the Eternus Circulus—a tireless ring of matter forever cycling through phases of solidity, liquidity, gaseousness, and plasmic fire. Mortal minds, seeking to grasp the cosmic symphony, bestowed upon these elemental phases the names of earth, water, air, and fire—concepts laden with profound meaning. Earth, the solid essence of the ring, symbolized unyielding strength, the bedrock upon which existence rested. Water, the fluid currents within, embodied adaptability, the lifeblood that flowed through all creation. Air, the ceaseless gusts that swirled, whispered freedom and inspiration, heralding the ever-changing nature of all things. Fire, the radiant plasma fueled by boundless energy, blazed with passion and transformative power—the very forge from which creation's spark ignited.

Yet, beyond mortal comprehension, the Eternus Circulus simply served as Artorius' divine instrument, an inexhaustible wellspring of matter, a loom upon which the fabric of the cosmos was woven. Thus, with the Eternus Circulus set perpetually in motion, Artorius directed its gaze toward the Material Plane, the vast canvas upon which life's tableau would unfold. With celestial brush in hand, Artorius dipped into the palette of infinite matter, meticulously painting celestial systems, orchestrating the cosmic dance of planets in majestic orbits, and sculpting nebulae of breathtaking beauty. In a timeless instant, Artorius gave shape to spiral galaxies that adorned the celestial tapestry, interweaving planets with intricate ecosystems, and an array of celestial wonders—all embraced within the eternal circle of the Eternus Circulus. And amidst the harmonious interplay of these cosmic brushstrokes, there emerged Pandemonium, created from the dripping matter from Artorius' brush—a palace of infinite levels and infinite space, a realm born from primal chaos and power. Within its ominous halls, demons and monsters, borne of the raw energies of the lower planes, found their dwelling. Misunderstood by mortal minds, they were not inherently evil but rather amoral, existing beyond the mortal concepts of morality and guided by their immortal nature. Mortals, limited by their ephemeral existence, cast their judgment upon them, yet the demons and monsters of Pandemonium played their part in the intricate order of existence.

At the pinnacle of Pandemonium, atop its vertiginous heights, stood the Hall of the Dead—a sacred realm where souls found respite before their journey to the realm above the Material Plane. Here, these ethereal beings awaited their fate, their ultimate destiny sealed by the termination of their mortal lives. As the souls traversed the threshold of mortality, they entered designated afterlives, shaped by their cultures and beliefs. Some would find solace in paradises of eternal bliss, where joy and serenity embraced them for all eternity. Others would be ensnared by shadowed realms of torment and anguish, where their sins and transgressions haunted them endlessly. And yet, there were those whose essence dissipated into pure energy, dissolving into the cosmic weave itself, becoming part of the vast spirit realm or the enigmatic fey realm—an unexpected form of life, free from the constraints of matter and residing betwixt the planes.

For the Material Plane to thrive, a delicate equilibrium had to be maintained—a dance of balance between the forces of change and the order of nature, not only within the bounds of the Earth but across the vast expanse of the entire universe. Just as mortals strive for homeostasis within their bodies, so too did the cosmos, guided by the hand of Artorius, find equilibrium on a universal scale. The celestial bodies, from the radiant suns that blazed with fiery vigor to the distant galaxies that sprawled across the cosmic tapestry, played their part in this grand symphony. They were the celestial guardians of balance, each holding its rightful place in the celestial ballet. The gravitational embrace of celestial bodies ensured the stability of orbits and the gentle ebb and flow of cosmic tides, allowing for the interplay of cosmic energies that fueled the cycle of creation and renewal.

The forces of change manifested through cataclysmic phenomena—a dance of supernovas that birthed new stars, colliding galaxies that reshaped cosmic landscapes, and cosmic storms that sculpted nebulas of vibrant hues. Yet, amidst this ever-unfolding chaos, the order of nature stood unwavering. The laws of physics, the principles of harmony, and the nature of interconnections governed the celestial dance, holding the universe in a fragile equilibrium. In this universal homeostasis, the Material Plane found its place—a cradle of life and wonder. The celestial brushstrokes of Artorius painted galaxies with intricate ecosystems, where planets danced in majestic orbits and nebulae swirled in breathtaking beauty. The material realms, adorned with diverse landscapes and teeming with myriad life forms, were the stage upon which the drama of existence unfolded.

This grand tapestry of existence was not limited to the material realms alone. The souls that passed through the Hall of the Dead, traversing realms of afterlife or joining the ethereal spirit and fey realms, added another layer of harmony to the cosmic symphony. Their energy merged with the universal weave, nurturing the delicate balance that sustained the Material Plane. And so, the cosmos embraced the duality of chaos and order, change and stability, as Artorius, the Master of Eternal Artistry, orchestrated the grand composition of the universe.

This was its magnum opus: from the infinitesimal to the boundless, from the mortal to the immortal, the balance of forces maintained the cosmic homeostasis, allowing life to flourish, evolution to unfold, and the intricate interconnections of existence to weave their mesmerizing image across the canvas of the universe. 

Book II: Lore Keeper

In the aftermath of its magnum opus, the creation of the three planes and the vast cosmic panorama, Artorius, once renowned as the World Sculptor, sought solace within the serene confines of the Garden of the Master. Embracing a new epithet, that of the Lore Keeper, Artorius found itself enshrined within the celestial sanctuary, a timeless sentinel perpetually engrossed in the observation of its resplendent creations. With an unwavering devotion, it beheld the sublime triumphs and poignant tragedies, the ineffable joys and inconsolable sorrows that unfolded before its all-seeing gaze, transcending the boundaries of temporal constraints. In the depths of its boundless existence, Artorius bore witness to the grandiose unfolding of the cosmic saga, at times attuned to the symphony of every narrative thread interwoven with masterful finesse.

Despite its possession of incalculable power and the profound capacity to govern the entirety of the cosmic chronicle, Artorius opted not to assume the mantle of the Divine Author. Instead, it embraced the role of the Lore Keeper, propelled by an insatiable yearning for its creations and an unyielding ambition to interlace mortal existence with the most captivating of tales. While the Divine Author wielded absolute dominion over the story, meticulously orchestrating every twist and turn, Artorius yearned for something more—an immersion in the marvels of unforeseen narratives and the exhilaration of witnessing the unfettered growth and evolution of its cherished creations.

Imprisoned within the sacred confines of the Garden, Artorius stumbled upon a profound revelation—its infinite existence had spawned parallel manifestations of itself beyond the sanctuary's hallowed precincts. These coexistent incarnations, though fragmented and incomplete in their embodiment of Artorius' omnipotence, reigned supreme over specific domains and facets of mortal existence. The manifestation of each deity was contingent upon the strength and significance of the concept they epitomized. Thus, these divine embodiments, distinguished by their individual personas and inherent qualities, presided over their respective spheres within the vast tapestry of the cosmic continuum.

Within the grand hierarchy of divinity, the manifested gods found their interactions with the Material Plane circumscribed by limitations. Only when their concepts exerted substantial influence over the lives of mortals were they bestowed the capacity to project an avatar of commensurate strength onto the Material Plane. Through these ethereal manifestations, they could wield their influence and guide mortal beings in accordance with the essence of their domain. However, for concepts of lesser import or diminished power, the gods were strictly prohibited from setting foot upon the Material Plane, their influence restricted to clandestine whispers and concealed interventions behind the curtain of mortal perception.

Notwithstanding their parallel existence, the gods retained their distinctive personalities and identities, each indelibly shaped by the essence of Artorius—an essence that encompassed the full spectrum of the cosmic tableau. Every deity embraced their respective concept with unwavering fervor, their intricate interactions and occasional clashes mirroring the labyrinthine interplay of mortal existence. Love, war, wisdom, beauty, justice—the pantheon burgeoned with divine representatives, and through their harmonious or contentious intertwinement, they wove the narratives that unfurled across the tapestry of the Material Plane.

As the Lore Keeper, Artorius reveled in the multifaceted nature of its creations. Mortal lives, intricately interwoven like the finest threads, composed the grand fabric of the cosmic tapestry, while the gods, akin to master weavers, deftly spun their tales. Artorius derived immense pleasure from the capriciousness of mortal existence, embracing the intricate dance of free will and destiny. It savored the zeniths of triumph and nadirs of despair, the captivating chronicles of love and loss, and the resounding echoes of heroism and villainy that reverberated throughout the cosmic stage.

The once-sequestered Garden, once a sanctuary of solitude, now evolved into a bastion of contemplation and reflection. With infinite wisdom, Artorius discerned the delicate equilibrium between its role as the Lore Keeper and the unfettered volition of mortals. It acknowledged the imperative for the cosmic story to burgeon organically, shaped by the choices and actions of its vibrant characters. Meanwhile, the gods, ensconced in their parallel existences, enacted their parts, their multifarious personalities engendering nuance and intricacy within the tapestry of the mortal experience.

Henceforth, Artorius, the Master of Eternal Artistry, wholeheartedly embraced its existence as the Lore Keeper—a vigilant custodian of the cosmic chronicle, a tireless observer of mortal tales, and a sagacious guide for the gods that materialized from its very essence. From the bountiful Garden of the Master, it deftly wove the intricate narratives, ensuring that each thread discovered its rightful place within the resplendent tapestry of existence. Mortals and gods alike danced harmoniously within the cosmic symphony, their lives intermingling in an ethereal choreography of creation and destiny.

As Artorius faithfully watched over its creations, it bore the weighty understanding of the profound responsibility that accompanied its revered role. The Lore Keeper, ever-vigilant and eternally immersed in the cosmic drama, would persistently shape the narrative, nurture the growth of its divine manifestations, and bask in the breathtaking tales that unfolded across the Material Plane. For within the intricate tapestry of mortal existence, Artorius discovered purpose and fulfillment—a testament to its eternal artistry and the limitless creativity that resided within the very core of the universe.

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