
In the world of The Locket

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Part Two

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Quill tucks herself around the corner, still within earshot yet just out of sight. Blood rushes in her ears as she wills for herself to calm, Malos' words ringing in her ears; You both got very defensive, so there must be something there.

Solace's voice softens, something that sends a quake of agitation through Quill despite its gentle tones; it is rare that he speaks in such a way, and she is fairly certain he has never spoken that way to her. An unpleasant twist in her stomach takes hold, only succeeding in confusing her more.

It is not as if Solace had ever shown an interest in her, so why is she jealous?

Solace's voice breaks into her thoughts once more, at another point in their conversation than when Quill had last paid them attention, insisting her had not left her; not left Quill alone. A jolt of sharp emotion runs through her chest at his insistence, something much sharper than she expects, and she rushes to push it down before the other two notice her. Yet a few moments later, Solace calms once more, allowing Malos to take his hand, and again, Quill is forced to bottle herself up, to ignore the voice screaming, Solace hates to be touched!

Next to her, the boy she had danced with, Kythis, speaks in a mere whisper, voicing surprise at Solace's actions; that he is not as cruel as he makes himself out to be. Quill shushes Kythis, lightly pushing him away from her, refusing to admit that she'd forgotten he was even there. 

It seems that Ghost's shock only continues to increase as Malos presses a kiss to Solace's hand and he doesn't retreat from the contact. Stomach boiling, she hisses slightly, barely able to contain the venom creeping into her thoughts at the thought of- no, at watching another flirt with what she considers to be hers.

"Your saf is flirting with my- I mean Solace." Ghost quickly corrects herself, realizing she's spoken aloud.

Luckily, Kythis doesn't seem to notice. "My saf likes Solace, so... yeah."

Ghost closes her eyes. Fighting herself is familiar, but it never makes it any more pleasant or easy. Kythis gets up from beside her, intent on leaving, suggesting she stay and listen, but the nausea in her stomach only increases at the thought and she too, stands. She leaves Kythis there without a goodbye, escaping toward the nearest room in which she can isolate herself. 


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