
In the world of Abholos

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Chapter 5

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Days had passed, Tanythe was in his room the entire time, thinking. About Luciea, about his blight, about all of the troubles getting to him. Not much else mattered to him, he hadn't even realised that his stomach was essentially begging to be given food at any given point, loud growls emitting from it. Tanythe gave it no attention though, and would keep to his usual, panicked thoughts. It only broke after he heard a knock on his door. "Hey, it's Colette. Is everything alright in there? You've been in there for a while," She'd slowly twist the doorknob, the door slowly opening.
"I'm fine, I promise you," He muttered, slowly getting onto his feet as he'd walk on over. He leaned against the wall, beside the doorframe.
"You sure? I get it, we've been here for a while now, no sign of Morden giving us further objectives, can I come in?" Tanythe gestured to the rest of his room, pushing his elbow against the wall as he stepped to his bedside, sitting down. His ally entered, and idly stood, thinking on where to move to, if she should at all, even. Tanythe didn't care though, he just got back to resting his head. "You know, whatever's going on... we're all probably going through it, you don't need to be stuck in here," She paused, sighing softly. Her armour was slightly dulled, it hasn't been cleaned or patched up from earlier fights. "Come on, lets get you something to eat, please," She reached out, and grabbed his hand, tugging it gently.
"I'm fine, listen Colette, Morden's given us no message, we're stuck here until we find out more information about where the hell Luciea is, or even, for that matter, where the hell to go," He sighed, burying his head into one hand.
"We can still look for her servant, or Valarys. Or just any lead, but don't stay in here much longer, alright?" Colette glanced to the door, and Tanythe then felt his hunger kick in. Something must be done, he still needs to think on what to do next. Still, it might be good to just relax for a while. Oh well, not as if he's done enough work. Once he got up, a wide smile beamed on Colette's face. "Great, lets go get something to eat then, maybe a shave too,"

 Journeying down the halls, the very thin hunter soon caught the smell of food, guiding him to the dining hall. Other warriors were there, most of which residing within Castle Granairg at a permanent level. Pergos was by himself, his legs on the large wooden table. "Hey, you lot. Oh hell, Tanythe? Learn how to shave, Stubbly, come here," He snapped his finger, hooking his leg on a chair, able to turn it for either one of the two to sit. Tanythe took the opportunity, as the chair beside him got kicked out too, for Colette. "So, what's up with you? You've been in your room all day and all night, you must be aching for a fight! Morden, as always, isn't giving us attention, except for, you know who," He pointed his head on over to Gaius, who was talking to one of the other members of the Castle's warriors.
"Care to explain? Gaius is talking to Morden?" Tanythe leaned forward, his chair only being supported by it's two front legs, now.
"Yeah, exactly that. Or at least, that's what he's saying. Can't trust a guy with blue hair," Pergos sighed, rubbing one eye with his index finger.
"Then we should try contacting him ourselves. Some guidance wouldn't kill us, you know?" Colette chimed in, the smile on her face growing to see her friends being sociable once more. Not long after though, she raised out of her chair. "Either way, with or without talking to the Guildmaster, we should probably think on going after Luciea. Anyways, I'm going off for fresh air,"

 Tanythe watched his friend left, his eyes trailing back to Pergos. "Seriously, shave off that damn stubble, it's annoying to look at," His hand slid down to his knee, lifting up a dagger. He stabbed it into the table, gesturing for Tanythe to take it. "much better than any cheap razor you'll find around here, I'll tell you that. Fucking con-artists are everywhere here. You know, that Sanguine fellow, the butler, I heard from a guy here that he's going to be going to a local town. You could go for a solo mission, or bring the newbie along. Set him straight," Pergos shrugged, yawning. With his eyes closed, he felt the light from above them get blocked out. Upon opening his eyes once more, he was met with the glare of an orc.
"Con-artists, you say? Somebody's ought to teach you manners," His large, grey hand slammed down onto the Blonde's shoulder, lifting him up to his feet. Pergos' lips turned into a smirk, a plan forming in his head.
"Apologies about him, he can get... show off-ish... if you understand what I mean?"
"No no Tanythe, he should be the one apologising. Especially for that awful breath of his," Hiding a hint of laughter, Pergos covered his mouth. The cheeky thief would be met with being pushed backwards. He stumbled over his footing, standing up straight.
"You must be asking for a breaking of that baby face of yours, Lad," With a grunt, the Orc threw a fist, to which Pergos ducked underneath. Swerving behind him, he let out a soft chuckle. His eyes checked between his opponent and Tanythe. It enraged the con-man greatly, that this mere human was not taking himself seriously.

"Oh yeah, Sanguine person. So..." He paused, avoiding a barrage of fists, whilst focusing more on what to say next. "he's a vampire, so make sure you get to check out the carriages and streets at night, plus... we don't actually know anything about the bastard!" Pergos crouched beneath a strike, hopping onto his chair before landing on top of his adversary's back, his arm wrapped around his neck. His smirk widened, the orc swaying his arms to try and grab him. "What's the matter, big guy? Struggling to catch me?" His taunting got met with the orc dropping to the ground to try and crush Pergos. Unfortunately for the cocky adventurer, his reflexes caused him to freeze up, having his arm be slammed into the wooden floor, the arm he could not pull from the assault in time.
"Need any help, Pergos?" Tanythe asked, leaning over the table to get a better view of the scuffle. All in all, the hunter found this all to be entertaining, if a little concerning as well.
"No no, I'm fine. I promise y-!" Pergos found himself caught off, being pushed against the table, up close to a knife. He grabbed it, aiming to blindly swing in front of himself. Unfortunately. the Orc simply grabbed his wrist, his black, sharp nails digging into his skin. He made anguished groans, his blood spilling out onto the floor. His studded boot would be slammed down onto Pergos' abdomen, a spray of blood shooting from his mouth. A coughing mess, the orc turned around and began to walk off, Tanythe's hand sliding away from the trigger of his weapon. The smirk on the thief's face returned, raising up. "Mhm, just as I expected of an idiot like him. Too pathetic to finish a job," He shrugged, his eyes closed for a mere moment. The comment was met with a loud grunt, the orc turning back to the blonde human, throwing one last, aggressive punch. No regard, no thought, the punch was just thrown. Just as he wanted, Pergos hopped to his feet, and slammed his foot down onto his hand, driving it across the table. To the surprise of the aggressive con-man, he slid across the table, and his hand edged closer and closer to the sharp end of the knife, the same knife he stabbed into the table. Pergos twisted his foot one last time, the grey hand pushing against, and then past the knife.

 A scream of pain was heard from the Orc, his hand sliced in half. Raising it up, Tanythe held his hand up to his face to avoid blood splattering onto it. Running off, the con-man went through the door across the hall, leaving a small trail of his warrior blood behind himself. Within the silence, a small chuckle could be heard in the far corner of the room. Gaius, pale hand covering his mouth, was holding back more laughter. "Sorry, I really am. That's just hilarious, if you ask me!" Gaius expected others to join in with his laughter, only to be met with silence. With that, his own chuckle came to an end, frozen in the small space he stood in. Tanythe's gaze turned down, to the ground, not giving the irritating human any more attention. His footsteps were loud, Tanythe could tell Gaius was just walking past without much focus, just as anybody else can. A spit of blood, along with a tooth, hit his shoe on his way out, staining the leather. It got a grunt of annoyance out of the warrior, and Pergos wiped his mouth of the blood he just spat. "Another tooth? Tanythe, which one was it?"
"It's one of your incisors, go tell Colette about it,"
"You didn't even look at my mouth, Tanythe?" Pergos tilted his head, and ran his tongue along each of his teeth, seeing his friend was right. "Well, I'll be off, then," With that, he left as well. Tanythe had no reason to stick around, by the time he had settled down to be sociable once more, everybody had left. The hunter raised to his feet, rubbing his head out of annoyance, and then left the dining hall too, instead choosing to go outside. The soldiers for Castle Granairg were all doing their own things, aiding citizens, albeit for a set of soldiers whilst talking to two familiar faces. The ones that kidnapped him, poorly.
 "Hey! I don't care what the hell you found in my pocket, I told you, it's not mine!" The shorter of the pair yelled at a guard, pointing a finger up to them. No response was given, the strange looking guards just grabbing him, lifting him to the air, to throw him out. The other half, the more calm of the two, simply followed behind him. "Enzo, sir. Just listen to them for now. Please," His monotone voice asked, showing a slight form of emotion, when beginning to plead. Enzo just kept fighting the guards, soon being thrown out of the castle, with his ally leaving just after him. Confused, he would not have expected Granairg of all places to discard adventurers, even if they were as stupid as Enzo was. He swerved past a couple crates, and found another soldier. "Excuse me, do you mind telling me the hell's going on with those two adventurers?" Tanythe pointed in the general direction. "I saw plenty of you lot escorting them out," The guard, confused, tilted his head.
"I'm sorry?" His gaze went to those soldiers, shaking his head. "I have no idea, my friend. Don't recognise those soldiers either," He got back to work, Tanythe's eyes going all over his features. 

"Do all soldiers here have that emblem on their shoulder?" Tanythe spoke, close to touching it with his hand. He hesitated from doing so, dropping his hand back down to his side upon seeing the soldier's glare for his hand getting close.
"Yes. Keep that hand from me too, who knows where it's been," His spear head tapped gently against Tanythe's palm, in response he placed his hand back by his bow. He got his answer, and he'd give thanks, before pacing off. Down the street, where Enzo was just escorted away. The High Wall was in sight, where they must've went. The imprints of boots matching the soldiers laced the dirt. It did look quite busy though, with enough of those soldiers. Suspiciously enough they had, at a distance, no sight of the emblem the soldier he was just speaking to had. The door closed, he could not fix any doubt that may be seeded in his mind. Soldiers on one side, him on the other. Tanythe's curiosity, and fear, was piqued though. He'd get on the other side one way or another.
 His eyes darted all across the populated areas of Granairg. Something could help, maybe a ladder, or a way to get to the rooftops? The houses didn't seem too high up, and were quite a distance from the cobbled walls. Tanythe surveyed the streets. Rats running past him, fighting over food, he began to look along the grounds. Something has to be there. Luckily enough, that something made itself apparent. Between the buildings, was a few points of tethered rope, probably to let clothes dry. Tanythe got to work, hopping over a series of slabs to stop the houses from getting damaged by the ground, then up a support beam. The building he was scaling extended outwards, and it had a small protrusion that he could grab onto. Though, if he could not grab on to the small piece of exposed wood, he'd be bound to fall. With one leg wrapped around the beam, he reached out for it, but just couldn't reach. His hand was feet away, fingers cracking upon being stretched out. Although, maybe he could use his bow. Tanythe took it off from the sling it rested on, holding it by the back end. Strength was never his strong suit, so once he got it handled, he'd be left hanging off of it. He swung forwards and backwards, his thumb hooked between the string and the base. There was a ledge just above him, and when he got there, there'd be enough room to stand. His other hand gone to the halfway mark of the bow, where the arrow would rest. Tanythe heard the noise of trotting from a distance, paying it no mind, until it ended beneath his feet. "You there, the hell are you trying to do?" A deep voice roared from beneath him, Tanythe's nerves causing him to jolt upwards.
"Nothing, I'm just trying to get to the roof, nothing else!" He yelled down in response, gazing down to see a brutish guard pointing the sharp end of a spear to his swinging leg.
"Down. Now."
"I really can't, I wish I could but there's something I really... really need to get done first, but I'll be done after, I swear," Tanythe scaled up further, then crying out in pain. This aggressive man had just wounded his leg! Blood seeped down the boot he wore, then dripping onto the ground his adversary stood upon.

 With that, Tanythe had began climbing up his bow quicker, wincing with every movement as the clothes he wore rubbed against the wound, but alas, he soon made it onto the ledge. Looking inside, he saw some treasure across a table, which was tempting to take. "You thought I'd take this, soldier? I'm just getting to the roof, I swear!" He yelled, then beginning to climb to the roof. The rope was on the other side, but maybe Tanythe could make it by jumping. This soldier was not relenting, however, he heard the attempts to scale the building just as he did, moments ago. This man could've been somewhat athletic, or flexible. Tanythe ran to the edge of the rooftop, seeing the wall that separated the wilds from the warriors. That soldier was probably getting closer, he looked back once, hearing no more noises. With that, he began his run. He can make it, he can definitely make it. His leg still ached, burning with pain, taking his last step as he made his leap. He soared, making his way closer and closer to the wall. Unfortunately, he felt his distance begin to drop, his arms reached out in a desperate attempt, yet it was not enough.

 A clash was heard, of steel and stone, Tanythe feeling himself swing from side to side. No longer falling, the hunter looked to see the soldier's spear, embedded in the wall, holding him up by the top of his bow. Tanythe hadn't even done too much that'd give this madman the right to try and slaughter him! He's lucky enough that his aim is even worse than his anger issues. Vulgar phrases were sent his way, but Tanythe paid them no mind, climbing on top of the spear. His fingers dug into the stone exterior to the walkways above him, and by the end of the tirade given from the soldier, he was on top of it. He couldn't pay them any more attention, his focus was back on those other knights, with Enzo. The high wall let anybody upon it to be given a good view of the entire forest that was not too far. Tanythe scanned it over, seeing different trails breaking off to different parts of the region. He could not find them, no potential remnants or footprints. His gaze ended by peering directly below himself, finding them all having congregated against the wall. Missing parts of the conversation caused him to question what they could be talking about. From what he could hear though, it seemed those soldiers mentioned Lady Luciea too many times for it to be coincidental. Continuing up the way, past some steps, he was technically breaching a part of the castle he was not meant to. It didn't bother him though, if anybody had a problem with it then he would have to deal with the consequences later. What's the worse that can happen, anyways? He kept jogging upwards, but heard footsteps from behind himself. Tanythe held out his crossbow, pointed at whoever it was.
"Tanythe! Dude, it's me! The hell are you thinking?" Pergos yelled, holding up his hands. Sighing from relief, the half-elf lowered his weapon, putting it back into it's holster. "speaking of you thinking stupidly... what are you even doing up here?" The thief folded his arms, giving a glare to his friend.
"I think Luciea knows we're here, look," He walked on over, placing his hand onto his shoulder. He turned to the edge of the wall, and pointed down to them. "Look. Look," His finger was directly on Enzo, now having been given some sort of artefact.
"You really think everybody's out to get you, huh? Tanythe, the whole world doesn't revolve around you, or us. Luciea's just a prick, we need to kill her and you know, move on. Like the dozen other foes we've vanquished?" He turned to go, only stopped by Tanythe grabbing onto him again. His grip dug into his leather armour, as Tanythe struggled to find the words on how to convince him, other than showing him again. "Those... soldiers, right? They all bear the same emblem upon their shoulder. If we go off to Dallbert again, back to those golems, we could probably see it on them," Tanythe let go, glancing up to the pathway leading to the mountainside. "Maybe we should look for more of them. Interrogate them, get them to tell us who they work for. Would that convince you, finally?" Pergos was silent, eyes trailing down to the ground and then back to Tanythe.
"I... I suppose so, I'll go down that way. Just, you know what to do if things go sideways. Yell for me, because by the time you're in trouble, I won't even be halfway down these steps," He laughed, a little loudly, causing Tanythe to flinch and begin to back away, not wanting the soldiers from below to see he was essentially stalking them. 
"Okay, I get it, I get it. Just be... just be quiet, okay?" He turned his heel, and paced off, Pergos giving a silent wave, then doing the same, with a little more chirp in his step compared to the half-elf. Pacing upwards, he could possibly see other soldiers bearing the different emblem than the one he met before. He hadn't even considered that the conflict he had just entered with the other soldier could've been fuelled by Luciea. He came to a halt, a weird sight in front of him that seemed very out of place for the castle. Bones. And plenty of them, too. Laid strewn across the walkway of the High Wall, above the main body of the castle itself sitting just below himself. The bones were strewn across the lone mountain behind the pathway. He edged closer, hesitantly. His suspicions were correct, the bones beginning to rattle, forming together slowly. An arrow was placed against his bow, and the slamming of the tail to this beast sent tremors across the entire walkway. The last bone to pull itself into position was the skull, one with jagged horns protruding from it in vile positions. This monstrous form let out a tremendous roar, smoke beginning to form in the sockets of where it's eyes would be. Firing an arrow, Tanythe began to back up, seeing the arrow just go through the beast. It pierced the stone behind it. Of course it wouldn't work, what was he thinking? It's made of bone, after all! How could he be so stupid? Tanythe braced for an attack, the skeletal, writhing figure lunging forward. With the complex form of it, poor Tanythe could not anticipate an attack from it's tail, a snapping noise echoing off of the mountain, before it would send him against the wall's defences. It broke off, and fell onto the castle below. The half-elf hung off the edge, his monstrous foe sending attacks to him, missing him by inches. Smoke began to cloud the area, Tanythe coughing thanks to it. The same, echoing snap ran in his mind. Tanythe gripped against the stone, and leapt upwards, avoiding a strike from it. Rubble flew across, large chunks of stone collapsing on the regular now. His hand reached out, to the beast's horns, and grabbed onto one, ripping it away to hope the monster could feel pain. No reaction, no scream of pain, Tanythe knew this thing didn't feel pain. He had to shift to the side, avoiding what would've been a lethal strike, only know being a light cut across his cheek. The smoke would only get heavier and heavier, but the hunter could swear he saw a bright green light from within it. Only streaks of the light, it came from something cracked, it had to explain the bizarre patterns given.
 Weird lights, more often than not, means magic. That's what Tanythe has always thought. Although when he came to his senses, that the light may mean his method of winning this fight. Backing up, he began to yell. For his ally, his friend, to get any help he can in the fight he was having. Smoke was building up more, to the casual adventurer below, it seemed to be a fire causing the whole ordeal. Meanwhile to Tanythe's fighting, Pergos was running back up the steps he just descended, throwing knife in hand. He knew Tanythe would somehow fuck up something as simple as finding a type of soldier. The fumes was something he would not have expected, however. A monstrous form from behind the smog, plus the lanky form of his elven ally, Pergos immediately got to his plan of action. "Tanythe! Can you hear me, bud?" He yelled, mouth cupped to the side of his lips. Tanythe, hearing him, did not bother to respond, at least for now. His main priority was not being devoured by an undead beast. He swung one leg around the spine of the beast, then shuffling up, straddling it. Tanythe's left hand grabbed it's skulls, fingers pressed into it's sockets for support, whilst the other was on it's jaw, keeping it pried open. 

"Pergos, I can hear you! Throw your damn knife at the light!" His words echoed across the rocky face, meeting the blonde rogue. He did not hesitate. Pergos' right arm arched backwards, his breath coming to a stop, just for a moment of clarity and clear conscience. His thumb was pinched against the flat side of the blade, and with a step forward, his arm swung forward with all of his strength. He followed through, grabbing onto a second blade if needed. As it soared across the air, making a slight whistle in the blowing wind, it curved against the skeleton's skull, embedded into it's socket. With the handle poked out, the beast thrashed. It was not enough, but it did cause the beast to lose it's footing. Stumbling to the ground, it's tail swung over, destroying the turreting made on one side of the walkway completely. The tail swung off the ledge, soon bringing most of the beast with it, Tanythe included. He scampered down it's skull, reaching out for something to hold onto. Just out of reach... he went to move his foot, but it was locked into position, with a sharp pain. It was the monstrous form, digging it's fangs into his thigh, causing him to scream in anguished agony. He couldn't reach further, and as his hand arched, desperate to hold onto something. Nothing could be reached, and so Tanythe closed his eyes. Tears had been welling up in his eyes thanks to the excruciating sensation, and just as he was to give up, he felt the textured gloves of a friend, interlocked with his own fingers. 
 Pergos pulled up with his might, the monster scampering to regain his footing. But, ultimately, it fell. Scraping against the high wall, Tanythe's grip on Pergos' arm tightened, his footing digging into the ground. "Don't let go, please!" He begged, the human trying his hardest. The fabric on his sleeves tore, Pergos' arms exposed to the cold breezes of being this far up the High Wall. The weight of the Behemoth of Bone and Tanythe did not bode well for poor Pergos, but he endured, for as long as he could. 

"Tanythe, I can't- I can't hold on for much longer..." He'd utter, beneath his breath. Using all of his strength, his boots dug into the ground, small craters forming in the shape of them. He took one last, deep breath, then diving forward. The three warriors fell, down the high wall, descending straight towards the castle itself. With the wind blowing, Tanythe managed to pry out his leg, then throwing a singular punch into the knife, digging it deep into the skull of the monster. The smoke faded, the green light from within being piereced. The body spun, sending the two adventurers with it. Pergos' arms went around Tanythe, turning his body against the monster. With the bone crashing through the ramparts and the main castle body itself, the roof was torn apart, crashing through a singular floor, then landing within the throne room, Pergos' embrace of Tanythe having broken his fall, at the dire cost of being impaled with one of the monster's ribs. The smoke was gone, and with nobody else around, Pergos sunk back, onto the carpeted floor, now soaked in the mix of half-elven and human blood. Tanythe crawled out of the corpse of the skeletal figure, and used his belt around the wound. "Pergos, are you... are you okay?" He'd ask, coughing blood whilst he spoke, to his friend. Silence was met in response, Pergos' gaze going blank, and across the entire room. His heavy breath was all that could be heard to Tanythe. As if the panicked screams and brandishing of weapons from above was silenced, his friend was all that concerned the Hunter. 

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