High Rush

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Another clang followed this obtuse, high pitched battle cry. The swing and slice of Yeager’s scythe, carving right through the air and slicing into the ground with a single stroke. Not but the slightest of flicks and it ripped right back up with a little spin in hand, the knight actually beginning to twirl it like a baton before again lashing out. One more good swing in front, completely missing Dante.

Just a few skids back was all there was, narrowly missing the fatal strike by no more than two dozen centimeters. He stumbled back a little more, red in the face, pupils dilated ever so, most certainly not all that coordinated in his dodge. Before him, the vampire knight continued to grin with a fire in his eyes and his teeth clammed together very visible in that wide show. Scythe still held out, the Vampire made no moves as Dante continued to stumble just a smidge until taking stance again.

You’re not half bad there friend,” Yeager chuckled, “But you ain’t got shit on a fuckin’ Vampire now have you, eh?!”

Bugga me, why do I always get the flamboyant ones?” Dante grumbled.


Dante’s eyes drifted over, bouncing as they did. Across the way the dual ended halberd was flying wild and carving right through the ground with each swing. One swing, two swings, three and four, five swings, six, and so forth. With each swing the weapon was twirled just as the scythe was; though when this weapon turned it was able to swing and attack immediately, unlike the single bladed scythe.

Each swing a miss, Roxanne ducking and weaving between each strike, holding a boxing stance and reverse gripping her daggers the entire time. It was footwork mostly, slight shifts and bolts around each oncoming attack from the other vampire knight. One more swing and a miss; though this time Roxanne shot ahead and jabbed forward with her right hand.


The chime of impact. A slight clicking and blacking from two materials interlocked and quivering. Roxanne’s ruby crusted fist lay against the base of the halberd’s shaft, while Shree held different points of said shaft with a bit of struggle against the force of the punch. The Vampire shifted back with her feet scouring the earth beneath, the cloaked defender pushing harder and driving the former back.

Shree’s teeth gritted, her body shaking ever so, “{Again with the damn crystal- her strength is legit!}”

A quick jolt back, releasing the lock of fist and weapon, followed by a kick sent straight ahead into Roxanne’s gut. The latter skid back a bit, opening a gap between the combatants and in no time at all the Vampiress went into action. One solid leap into the air and a dive straight down.



A blade of Shree’s halberd slammed down into the crossed red crusted arms of Roxanne, the latter of whose knees in turn buckled ever so from the force of the strike. The Vampire followed up then after with a flip right over, landing behind. Another swing and another block, this time into a raised kneecap covered with the same red crust. A fist swung down and smacked the halberd like a hammer, smashing the blade into the ground.


Shree shot back with the halberd ripping from the ground, narrowly avoiding a swing of Roxanne’s fist and crystal dagger. The gap between them opened yet again, leaving both in a huff.

{Again with the damn crystal, what is this girl- can she cover her entire body with that crap? Whatever the case my weapon isn’t getting through her defense like this-}”

Aye now there Roxanne. Thought we agreed not ta be doin that so early into a fight,” came a call from the sidelines, straight from Dante.

Ah come on now Dante, you’re half in the bottle over there and you said you wouldn’t drink the whole mission!” she yelled back.

Ya well- too much down time Rox. Und these guys ain’t much-”

Whoa whoa there,” Yeager interrupted, “Ain’t much? Jeez man that’s totally insulting to hear!”

They’re bluffing,” Shree replied, “Come on Yeag, remember what we are.”

Heh, yeah,” he chuckled, raising his scythe and extending it out in front of him, “Fuckin Vampires. We’re the top of the pyramid baby!!”

Hrmph… arrogant brats,” Fen Rao grumbled from behind to himself.

Gotta say though sis, I am but just the slightest bit jealous. You’re fighting with a real hottie over there like man, lose the cape and she has some ASSETS,” Yeager laughed.

Pfft, how do you think I feel bro? To me I’m fighting some trumped up mascara wearing ho-bag and you’re fighting a reeeeeal handsome guy. Honestly, I could just eat him up. Too bad they are our enemies though,” she replied, grumbling at the end as she again raised up her halberd.

Psh, typical freshies,” Dante grumbled, “You get so high and drunk on yer newfound power, thinkin you lot are that tough shit. You ain’t nuffin but slightly hardier people till you feed long enough.”

Hell now,” Yeager said with a slight smirk forming, “This guy would make for an ironic pet in a cage. Course you could always fuck ‘em to death sis. I’ll switch with you.”

Hey- HEY!! Shut it Yeag!” she spat with a scowl, “I’m not some dollar store whore!”

You could’ve fooled me- you hang on every hunk that you find on the job.”

Her scowl soon shifted, going from a look of rage to one of… pleasure, “Mmm well what can I say…”

Both Dante and Roxanne shuttered- Shree vanished before them, now standing some distance away near a group of guards, her halberd lowered.

Mmm-” she hummed, now approaching the young lad, extending her right arm out and placing a hand upon the chest of a fellow before her.

Hey-” the guard mumbled, the others around him soon taking note of the sudden appearance.

W-when did she-”

Golly gee Yeag, I can’t help that I like pretty things… handsome men make for such fun playthings,” she hummed.

Hey!” a different guard yelled out.

Ooof, dammit Shree. Mostly dudes around here, the hell am I supposed to take back eh? The crystal girl is all I’ve got to pluck?” Yeager called.

Why not look around, bound to be another bro,” she giggled.

Shree moved around the guard in leather, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, hands crossing over his chest as she slid behind him. The side of her face rested into the guard’s, her smile radiating warmth despite her touch being ice cold. As she did this, Yeager swung his scythe out with a groan, whilst both Dante and Roxanne readied up with their stances.

For fuck’s sake, we’re not here to play you two. It isn’t wise to turn your backs on power users, remember that!” Fen Rao barked out.

Ah chill old man,” Shree giggled, nuzzling the guard she had picked out, “They’re very contempt. Maybe I… I will keep one or two of them.”

She whispered this into the ear of the guard, her lips mere centimeters from his lobe, her warm breath washing over his neck. The elder man shook his head at the sight.

Oi, listen to old man Fen Rao, Shree,” the young Yeager called back, “These guys could be dangerous. That one you want to ride on probably wants to stick something else in ya if you know what I mean, YEEHOO-”

Oh pleeease, baby boy can stick me with whatever he pleases,” she again murmured into the guard’s ear, one of her hands now brushing the side of his face, “Little bit of… passion never hurt anyone~”

Oh I’m sorry, thought you weren’t a dollar store whore. Yeah well keep having your fun until they stick something in your heart and kill your big dumb butt, now get your horn caked ass off that guy and get back to killin!” Yeager shouted.

Ugh- fine!” she harshly howled back, shoving the guard away from her.

The young guard flopped over onto his side and rolled, looking back up to Shree with a bit of shake in his eyes, “Lame ass mother- I mean seriously, what’s the point in being immortal if we can’t have a little fun? Playing into their lust and killing them, maybe keeping one or two for realsies, what’s wrong with that when you do it?!”

Because sis, I’m a man, and men can do these things without being-”

Don’t you dare finish saying that- I will totally stab you in the fucking stones if you do sexist pig-”

Try me bitch!”

The hell is with these guys?” Roxanne grumbled aloud.

Like I said, drunk on their own newfound power. Bastards don’t realize that they’re already skewered… well, except for the one,” Dante then grumbled, turning his attention over towards Fen Rao.

Across the combat zone the old man continued to observe, his gaze narrowing momentarily.


Well now isn’t this just dandy,” came the voice of Blake.

Shree blinked. Standing right behind her now was the cowboy, he who had now held out a revolver to the back of her head. She froze, instantly, a shiver visibly going right down her spine whilst her face opened up wide.

Wh-what?” she murmured.

A blade was pressed firmly to Yeager’s throat not more than a second later, and a hand gripping firm hold of the wrist of the hand which held the scythe.

Gyeh- what the hell?” he grunted.

Around them the guards all moved in now, weapons drawn or rearmed. Puddles of mud and armor lay clattered along the ground everywhere. Elise’s grip on his wrist was strong, and her placement of the katana- right to the vital point along the side of his throat. Both now stood caught, caught in the grasp of their enemy.

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