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B3astworld a Begining

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B3astworld a Begining

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Human Age Definition: Adult is over the age of 19, Youth age 13 to 18, able to work and quit school to learn a trade, Child age 12 and under.

Samuel Peter MacLachlan: MC

Sam’s Family

Gideon MacLachlan: Sam’s Brother, owner Each Ranch

Euan Pollok: Sam’s Brother-in-law

Ruth MacLachlan Pollok: Sam’s sister


Sam’s Lance

“Bull” Harald Fisher: Sam’s companion

Tom: Thomas Schultz: Sam’s companion

Alex Bartholomew Chalmers: Sam’s companion

Gunner: James Halprin: Sam’s companion, deceased


Each Ranch workers

Ian: Ranch Hand

Frazier: Ranch Hand

Toothpick: Motseske :Blackfoot: Ranch hand

5 Ranch Hands

2 women cooking and cleaning


Un-named Survivors at Each Ranch

New widow age 37 and her 5 children age 3 to 14

Orphan girl age 12

young man age 17

young man of 18 with his wife 19 and baby under 1 year



People that are part of the group for Refuge or Sam’s Troop

Jessica Brigit Dadann

Shay Dowling: US Army, recruited by Jessica

Widow Nessa Hayes: Shay’s sister

Imogen Dowling: Shay’s sister

Eamon Nolan: PFC retired US Cavalry: widower

Vada O’Toole Nolan: Taken up on the 21st. Wife of Eamon

Gale Sammon: Local builder: Newly wed: brought by Jesssica

Lana Sammon: Wife of Gale: Newly weds under 2 years married

Casey Walsh: Farmer: brought by Jessica

Gittan Wash: Wife, mother, farmer: Brought by Jessica

Sachihiro, Raakel, Nadir and Wade: the Children of Casy and Gittan.

Wilhelm Lieb: Corporal USMC 2nd Samoan Civil War

Mary Lieb: Grand daughter Wilhelm

Olak Gee: Youth rescued on recruitment mission.

Gary Ulmer: age 15 rescued by ranch hands, apprentice blacksmith/armorer

Moses Moon: Sgt 3rd Pioneer Battalion, USMC Ret.

Francis Eldritch: Sgt First Pioneer Battalion of Engineers, Mounted, Ret.

Alfred Ulmer: ist LT US Army artillery

Ernst Ulmer: Son of Alfred

9 unnamed adult males

9 unnamed adult females

2 unnamed youths male

4 unnamed youths female

1 unnamed child male

6 unnamed children female.



Father Hugh: Priest at St. Joseph’s in Stevensville

Pastor John Dawsen: Stevensville Methodist Church

Doc Diedrich: Dr Stevensville

Torrence: Saloon owner in Stevensville

Charles Jackson: Hardware store owner Stevensville

Widow McArther: Stevensville: burned a man’s face with a slap

Frank Bohn: Imogen suitor


House of Worship Stevensville

St Joseph’s Catholic Church

Stevensville Methodist Church

Stevensville Brudergemenine: Unity of Brethren of Stevensville or more commonly Moravian Church of Stevensville.


Meier Farm

Fieke Meier: Mother

Gerwin Meier: Husband Deceased

Erwin Meier: Son

Wastl Meier: Son

Astrid Meier: Daughter

Alburna Meier: Taken the 21st

Falk Meier: Taken the 21st



Marco Serrano Capt. 163rd  US Cavalry Ret. commanding a ten man scout unit.

Jesper Cantin: Mayor

Cade Lanier: Major 15th Infantry Battalion US Army Ret.



Capt. Vadik Borg USMC Ret. Commanding town

1st Sgt Shirl Young USMC Ret. 2nd in Command



Hotametaneo’o: Dog Soldier: Cheyenne warrior society

Wyome: Cheyenne: Band leader: Hotametaneo’o

Tokuk: Cheyenne: Hotametaneo’o: Healer




Troich: Nordic Dwarves Home World: Nidavellir


Agot: F: cleric/fighter/band leader/ND

Dan: ND: M: Hvy Fighter

Snorre: ND: M: Hvy Fighter

Mats: ND: M: Hvy Fighter

Vera: ND: F: Archer

Geir: ND: M: Archer: Deceased

Jorun: ND: M: Archer

Terje: ND: F: Archer: Deceased

Frans: ND M: Rune caster

Frode: ND: M Cleric/fighter



Sidhe; celtic Elves: The Folk

Bean an chrainn: The Lady of the Tree





Tair: Tairenach: a first horse

Oidhche: Sam’s American Cream

Madainn: Sam’s American Cream

Lair: Tom’s mount

Murphy, Named horse at the ranch

Arable;  Named horse at the ranch

Seonag: Named horse at the ranch



Milleadh: Sam’s Scottish deerhound

Ironhawk: Sam’s Scottish deerhound

Jager: Tahltan Bear Dog

Dearg: bear dog-deerhound mix breed

Kaizer: Kai: bear dog-deerhound mix breed



Indian Mythos

omitaa-dainah: dogman

Sweet Medicine: Cheyenne Prophet: Fore told coming of whiteman

Vehoc or Veho: Spider god, trickster, slang for white man

Anukite : Deer Woman: either a deity, a wood land spirit, or the vengeful ghost of a raped and murdered Indian woman

Nunnehi “the People Who Live Anywhere” Indian version of the Good Folk

Ani Yunwitsandsdi, literally "Little Men. Indian version of the good folk

Napi: Spirit, maybe lesser deity of blackfoot nation: trickster, troublemaker, well intentioned

Kipitaki: Wife of Napi has not appeared.

Giant wolf seen with giant that appeared Indian

Giant: seen wearing Indian style Garb



Nordic Mythos

Breyttdyr: Change beast, Nordic version of were creature.



Creatures unexplained or Generic Western


Jackalope: Large hare, the males have either a rack of horns similar to deer or the lager version a single spiral horn.

Grizzly Bear

Flying Lynx: 4 foot at the shoulder, unafraid of humans.

Three unnamed servants of The Lady of the Tree

Child sized attackers, about hip high on average, armed with primitive weapons, dressed in indian style clothing

Child sized scouts/spies dressed in homespun and wearing bronze? Breastplate.

Unexplained rancid smell in the woods near Big Creek Lake.


Flying creature, feathered wings, armor, tail, lizard like




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