Chapter 15

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"NZD22,This is Righteous Indignation, with authority for Rannick Treaty Airspace, Identify."

"This is training flight zsi-nn-285 requesting clearance to enter airspace, Righteous Indignation. Flight plan 6126-478906-768544-266435-56 submitted."

"Come about 15 left, zsi-nn, let me take a good look at you."

"Will comply, Treaty Authority."

"Why are you showing me this Kestrel Lansing?"

"You asked if anything felt out of place, Zim. I got goosebumps when the academy Flight Master called me treaty authority."  She repeated to Skua Piersa Ouranos.

"I would too, we both had classes with him as I recall."

"But, that's... what's odd about it."


"Zsi-nn-265 is an ultralight single-craft code, no way can it be used for a whole squadron, let alone a squadron of hypersonics.  And no way the academy flight master would make this mistake."

"What, so you're saying?"

"Someone who isn't the Academy Flight Master is flying those planes, and I don't think he's friendly."

"Code Amber, XO, I want a solution on everything between here and two hundred miles past the flight plan ZSI input.  I don't care if it's a dragonfly with delusions of grandeur, if we can see it, I want to know how hard it is to shoot it."

"What authority are we invoking?  We don't normally make solutions for friendlies."

"I got a potential Rogue Phoenix here, I'll explain to Meihomei if she's not happy."

"Rogue Phoenix?  Wait, I don't remember... Oh. Oh ELEMENTS!"  And he ran to the jade bank, inputting the thirty letters and numbers that went with Rogue Phoenix.  "Zim, first half of the code input, now yours."

"Mine's verbal, it's a one timer anyway.  Jade Bank, recognize voice authority, Skua 11238912301-aa0-11."

"Authority recognized."

"Recognize Authorization Rogue Phoenix Somerset.  Acknowledge."

"Partial authorization, acknowledge, finish one-time-code, please."


"Codes recognized, computing firing solutions in continuous mode until override.  Firing authority delegated to on-site, on-sight judgment."

"May the elements have mercy on my soul."

"Treaty Authority, Treaty Authority, we've received your Rogue Phoenix, acknowledged."

"Treaty Authority Rogue Phoenix-Iznogoud, this is The Secretariat of Defense, acknowledge."

"This is Skua Piersa Ouranos, Squad Command 51st ArndSurfers, commanding.  Who am I speaking to?"

"This is Secretary de Byzance's personal secretary, please hold for the Secretary."


"Secretary Sothlee de Byzance, First Duty, Skua Ouranos, I want you to explain to me in 30 seconds why you, who's file has objections over firing weapons, managed to ask permission to do, and to do so indiscriminately, in one of the busiest flying corridors in all of Arnd!"

Gulp again.  "Aumhivina-Secretary-Zim.  I declared a Rogue Phoenix because I believe my own flying instructor was replaced by the invaders, and is aboard that flight.  Now, I believe he is not the danger himself, but a distraction."

"A distraction from what?"

"Flight Zsi-nn-235, coming on the same vector, but with actual planes."

"That's one of ours, Skua Ouranos, it's a Special Ops flight from Kagomei."

"What about the infiltrator."

"Hmm, I'm countermanding Rogue Phoenix, Skua Ouranos, but I'm sending you the 92th Imperial Kagomine Pilder Spiritual Support Squadron, and your new combined orders are to capture the intruders, alive."


"Skua Ouranos, understand me, I wish it wasn't you in that plane,  I have got to stop promoting people from that spot for merit, people will think the 51st are my favourites and pets."

"Zim, I sympathize, but last I checked, all I did was inherit a crew silver-plated by a pair of Merits of Honour who, by happenstance, need no introduction to maybe every Kagomine alive today!"

"You did a lot more than that, for one, they're still silver-plated, I've checked your readiness reports, 51st is the best Treaty Authority squad we have."

"Then we should be teaching what we know, not getting buried in medals."

"I'll see what I can do, but expect purple silks, Skua Ouranos, I don't want you to shoot down my special ops squadrons, but I do have to give you credit for even spotting them!  I doubt many would have noticed."

"It is my Mei pleasure today to call you all to attention to orders!"


"By order of Meihomei and at her instruction, I am to pin everyone on this craft with a Slate Otter medal, for their action in apprehending Infiltrator #12351235123."

"Zim-Skua-Zim, I do believe I should be enacting your will, and do most of the pinning, Zim."

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