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The sunset over the corrupted city, Haruna ascended the stairs. Her heels clicked on each step. The ascent hurt her feet, and the long narrow hall to her apartment didn't help. She arrived at her door to find a small package leaning against it.

Taking hold of her keys, she unlocked the door and walked into her apartment. She sat her leather briefcase down and placed the package on her kitchen counter. The large envelope had no address or name.

Haruna opened it. An old flip phone fell out. It lit up and rang as soon as it settled onto the counter. She answered it. "Hello."

"If you ever need me, call me using this phone," Dylan said.

"Mr. Price." Haruna smiled. "I had an interesting end to my day. A member of the Vasiliev family was brought in. He stated Timothy Vanco hired him and his family to kill Liza and me. He gave evidence and pled guilty to almost every crime in the book. You wouldn't know anything about this, would you?"

"Not a thing. Might have been an attack of conscience."

"Right." Haruna rolled her eyes. "How did you find out where I live?"

"One of my friends is good at finding people. You should get some rest. You look exhausted." The call ended.

Haruna gazed out the window but only saw a few rooftops around her. She shook her head and closed her curtains.

Dylan stood a few rooftops away. He put a cell phone in his pocket and smiled.

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