
Table of Contents

The Origin of a Gift (Aristi, 1207 E.D) Fateless (Destin, 2088 E.D) Loss and the Crown (Sanctum, 1479 E.D)

In the world of Somnia

Visit Somnia

Ongoing 1385 Words

The Origin of a Gift (Aristi, 1207 E.D)

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Alana ran as fast as her body allowed. She ignored the branches clutching at her clothes and hair, cutting into her skin, as well as the throbbing in her legs and the discomfort caused by her middle.

She had gone into the forest surrounding the village to gather what medicinal herbs she knew of. The illness accosting the village was growing worse everyday and the healer and his apprentice were drowning trying to keep as many people as possible alive. Alana was not a healer but she had grown with an aunt that was and she had been taught herbs and remedies at her knee.

Three of her sweet children had fallen ill and she had been determined to do everything to keep them from the hands of Ule, even if she had to make their medicine herself. She had walked into the forest sure that even in her condition she would be capable of finding what she needed to help her children. She had been fearful of their condition, Logos and Adria were older but her sweet Thana was still so young and she feared Ule would come and fly away with her in his talons.

All had been going well until she heard something behind her, Alana had looked all around herself to try and see the origin of the sound and had found herself deeper into the forest that she had expected. She had felt a shiver run down her spine and the hair at the back of her neck stand on end. That is when a growl resounded among the trees.

She had known the forest was dangerous, full of predators, but in her desperation she had gone in and strayed far too deep into its domain. Alana did not hesitate throw her basket of herbs and start running, she ran and ran, as fast as she could, tears in her eyes as she did her best not to trip and give whatever was chasing her a chance to sink it's teeth into her.

She could not die here, she had Phobus waiting for her return home, he would welcome her and take the basket of herbs from her; then he would help her watch after their children, massage her swollen feet before bed and cuddle with her under the blanket before going to sleep. She had to make it back to her sweet children, Logos, Adria, Thana and Saffron; they all needed her, to cook for them, to wash their clothes after a day of playing or helping in the fields, to tell them stories and guide them in life. Her family would be devastated if she died within these woods, her body never recovered for burial and eaten by the animals and the elements and time. Finally she needed to live to bring the little life in her womb into the world, Alana refused to allow them to perish before they were even born.

She ran, hearing as the beast pursued her, weaving around  trees and jumping over on roots. She reached a small clearing with a giant tree in the middle, a colossus which root's seemed to encase a great slab of stone. Alana ran for the great tree, hoping to climb it or use one of it's branches as a weapon.

Suddenly, something jumped on her and Alana felt claws dig into her back, ready to rend her flesh to shreds. She struggled, the beast growling and snarling as it tried to eviscerate her. She brought her arms around her neck to protect it as the predator tried to maul it and felt as its teeth sank into her arms.

The pain and panic gave her strength, as she managed to throw it off and run for the tree. Miraculously she managed to reach it and press her bloodied hands against the slab reaching for some of the roots to start her climb. The stone slab encased be the tree was huge, standing higher than her height.

Alana could feel her heart pounding in her chest, could hear the blood flowing through her veins as she started to climb with her bloodied arms. Unfortunately, the beast finally caught up to her and it managed to catch the end of her skirt, pulling her back down into it's claws.

Alana cried out, trying to hold onto the roots of the tree and begging for someone, anyone, to hear her plea, for someone to save her and her baby. She called for mercy, for a second chance. Something heard her. 

Alana, at long last could not hold onto the roots any longer and fell back to earth, expecting to be attacked and killed soon after, yet trying to protect her unborn child with her arms. Instead the sound of something being pierced along with the agonizing howls of her pursuer greeted her. She laid there for a second, her body too exhausted and shocked to move. The clearing had gone completely silent, no insects, no animals, not even the wind dared disturb the stillness.

Eventually, Alana turned her head to look around her, finding the beast impaled in what looked like one of the branches of the great tree and a beautiful woman watching from a top the stone slab. Alana looked at her and felt fear course through her veins, whoever and whatever she was, it wasn't human, and yet she did not know how to describe her. She was beautiful yet monstrous, made from incomprehensible features which made Alana wish to flee and yet not look away ever again. 

The woman - being - jumped from the slab and landed lightly a few paces from her, taking the few steps to reach her and moving with a fluidity and regality Alana had never seen before in her life. She knelt at her side and looked her in the eyes.

"It has been an age since someone has asked anything of me, let it never be said that I am without mercy", the woman said, her voice soft and lovely yet terrifying in it's power. "Unfortunately no blessing comes without a price, your blood and pleas may have awakened me from my lethargy but you must pay for my act of kindness".

Alana wished to speak, to ask what she could even give to such a being such as she as payment when the woman turned her eyes to her somewhat rounded middle. She felt her blood freeze in her veins, her heart stopping for a second. No, not her child, Not this precious little life she had carried for four moons.

The woman must have seen her fear for she smiled, a pretty thing, dripping with both love and cruelty. "I shall not kill the young one within you, no, they shall now be one of mine. They shall carry my legacy and share a connection with my children. Nature and life are me and mine and they shall know both my beauty and foulness", the woman explained as she softly caressed Alana's face. Then she continued, "this child will know me and my children where you fools have forgotten us, and their descendants will continue to do so".

The woman took Alana's head into her lap, ignoring the tears leaking from her eyes as she realized she had tied her child to this beautifully terrible being. "Hush, child, relax and close your eyes, take my champion with you, back to the vileness of your kind. Care for them and you shall see good fortune, damage them and no place nor being shall protect you".

Alana's eyes started to droop and with that final warning ringing in her ears  they finally closed. When she next woke she found herself at the entrance of the forest. Panicked she took in her condition, her dress was stained and torn yet there were no wounds on her flesh. A shiver ran through her at the power of whatever or whoever had saved her.

Alana touched her stomach and started to weep bitterly for this child who would most likely never know peace. Her sweet, precious child whom she had damned with her foolishness. 

This was how and where the search party from the village found her hours later with a basket full with medicinal herbs at her side.



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