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After locking the hunters in their smokehouse for the night, the siblings made their way into the lodge. Sari may have had to duck to get in but the lodge was an otherwise ideal resting stop. Invar threw a fresh log onto the fire and smiled as the night's chill washed away. Sari lay herself down in front of the fire and let out a long sigh.
"Ok. Deal's a deal. Ask your questions. Express your outrage. Do whatever you think you have to do."
"First things first; food. I don't think I've eaten since you kidnapped me." Invar rummaged through the kitchen area. "Lots of good food here. You still eat human food? Maybe I can find a carrot or some oats for you." Sari snarled to herself. "Maybe next time we go home invading we should choose a farm instead."
"Would you rather be out in the cold? We're kind of on the run here."
"No. You're on the run. I'm just along for the ride, gods know why. Besides, you owe me an outrage, remember?" Sari let out a huff and narrowed her eyes. "Next time maybe we should just stay in our own house. Mother and Father would be happy to see you after all this time. Where you even planning to see them again?"


Sari lowered her head and sat silent.
"Sari Talaus was supposed to disappear." Invar's eyes narrowed. "Life was supposed to start over. No attachments. Free." Invar let out a short huff as he clenched his fist. "I can't explain it. I don't remember ever deciding that this was what I wanted. I just remember waking up one day wanting it more than anything. I couldn't get it out of my head that this was the only way I'd ever be free of—"
"Free!? Free of what? A loving family? A normal life!?"
"What do you want me to say Invar? Yes! I wanted to be free of everything. Free to live as I wanted; no expectations, no smiling for the public, no horseshit."
"Poor choice of words, sister."
"Did you know that father was leaning on me to marry Risau?"
"The Judge's brother?"
"That one. Never mind the fact that he's been married before. Or that he's got two decades on me. Or the fact that he's a brainless fool who'd be starving in a gutter if it weren't for his brother."
"You can always say no. That's your right."
"Tell me that again after father spends a year and a half pressuring you to marry someone like Ekatri." Invar shuddered. "And like I said, I never decided I wanted this. It's like I was watching someone else decide for me. I don't even remember becoming a centaur."


Invar loosed his grip as his breathing returned to normal.
"Well congratulations. You regret leaving your family and profaning yourself. High honors to you sister." Invar said raising his clasped hands over his head.
"Save your banter. I need your help brother."
"That's why you gave me a concussion and chased me into a rapids?"
"First off, you jumped into that river of your own accord."
"Right, I definitely wasn't motivated by the masked monster wielding a knife standing over me."
"Fine. I should have taken my mask off first. Happy?"
"Not really."
"Regardless, like I said, I need help. I want to reverse this. I want to be human again." Invar paused for a moment.
"You think that's even possible?"
"It has to be. I went from human to centaur, there has to be a way back."
"If you're so confident of that, why do you need me?"
"Because I don't know where to look. Like I said, I don't remember becoming a centaur. If I did, I'd start there."
"I hate to break it to you sister, but I'm not an expert on abominations."
"No, but you can talk to one without being attacked on sight."
"So, what? We wander around until we chance upon an expert in dark magic who's not a complete psychopath? Sounds like a solid plan to me."
"It should. There's a university in Kohefsvena. There's bound to be an expert there. You just need to find one and learn how to change me back."
"And they'll just let a soldier from a rival kingdom into their capital?"
"If you can pass for a Likovan. Those hunters didn't seem too concerned. Besides, you have any better ideas?" Invar let out a sigh.
"So. Will you help me?" Invar ran his hands across his head and let out a sigh.
"There's no choice here. We'll do it your way."
"Thank you. Now, you should get some rest." Sari said as she got up and made her way to one of the rooms.
"Tri-fold hell"

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