
In the world of Erthos

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Portal Deal

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A warm draft came out of the door as Sly opened it. The last time he had come here, he did not go inside. He had come here to drop off a package to the keeper but had left it at the door. Now, he was getting the chance to see the portal chambers!

Although the sewers were well crafted and maintained, it was odd to see how different the chamber behind the door was. The vaulted ceilings would be more at place in a temple above ground. Artwork hung on the walls of the circular chamber depicting several scenes from the last few hundred years of varishu history. There was a winding staircase that led up to a second floor. In the center of the room, an arcane circle was etched into the stone. Above it was a light blue crystal floating several feet in the air. 

Sly stopped for a moment first as he entered the hall. He did not know what he had expected, but this was not it. His imagination thought all the sewage and trash would flow into the chambers, maybe through tunnels or aqueducts. Before entering, he had prepared himself for the stench of refuse.None of that was in the room; there was not even any water. 

"Not what you expected, hmm?" came a voice behind Sly. The rogue turned quickly, unsure how someone had gotten behind him without hearing it. Standing in the doorway was a varishu wearing exquisite blue and black robes. His grey hair was cut short, as close to the skull as possible, with still being evident. Unlike other varishu, whose skin was many shades but always had a reddish tint, this varishu's skin was pale as moonlight. There was no sign of any red to his skin; Sly would consider him one of their southern kin if he did not know that was impossible. The man's bright eyes shined with intelligence and cunning. As Sly regarded him, he caught the scent of herbs and reagents. 

"Coming to my home unbidden and unwelcome, are you a brave man or simply out of options, Sly Telmerian?" a slight snicker came from the man.

"You must be the Portal Keeper. You are correct; I am Sly, and I have come to you in the hope of aid," Sly gave the Portal Keeper a short bow, wondering how much he knew about why he was here. Of course, he realized there was a chance the Portal Keeper would know about the hunt the Morglith Clan was undergoing. He hoped that the unaffiliated man would not care for the petty dramas of the surface world. If not, the Portal Keeper could turn him in for a reward or blackmail him. Still, Sly had chosen this path so he would see it through. 

“Oh yes, the Morglith clan wishes nothing more than to capture you and torture you." Hearing these words, as if straight from his mind, gave Sly pause. This varishu had many powers under his command, and the rogue would do well not to underestimate him. "Your thoughts are known to me, young Sly, but fear not; your inner secrets are safe." 

“I find myself at a disadvantage, good Portal Keeper." Sly made sure to guard his mind. He knew that there were spells that could be used to read the minds of others, but usually there was some kind of indicator. "Well, that makes it easier; now I don't have to explain my purpose."

A soft, sardonic chuckle came from the strange elf. He moved around Sly to the center of the room, standing in the center of the arcane circle, and a chant flowed from his lips. The air in front of the Portal Keeper grew uncomfortably hot as he continued chanting. Sly blinked momentarily as he swore the air was beginning to waver and shimmer. A resounding crack echoed through the chamber as Sly watched the air split and a crack form. A portal had opened in the center of the chamber. 

Looking through it, Sly saw the road leading from the mountains. It twisted and turned, leading onto the grasslands. The massive lake to the south was close; Sly could make out the single masts of the ships out on the water. This portal would lead Sly further to the south, out of the reach of the Monglith Clan. 

"And what is the cost for this portal?" asked Sly trepidatiously; it was almost too easy for him. 

"Nothing, really; just a trifle. All I request is one day." The Portal Keeper looked at Sly, and the rogue saw a shift in the man's eyes. There was an expression that could only be described as hunger. "One day of control, where your body is mine."

 Sly knew it would be an odd request, but he was unsure what the Portal Keeper's goal could be. One day was a long time to relinquish control over one's self. Out of all the requests that Sly had considered, this, indeed, was not even on his mind. Was it even possible? The Portal Keeper would not have asked for it if it was not possible or important. There were a lot of concerns that Sly could imagine, yet if Sly disagreed, he might not have any time left. 

"If granted this, would it result in my death, mortal danger, or disfigurement?" Sly knew he could not negotiate, but he had to try. This was a risky proposition, and his mind thought about the endless dangers that it may expose him too. A better question was, what was the purpose of this boon? What did the Portal Keeper desire?

"I can guarantee you will still be you once the twenty-four hours have passed.” 

That was all Sly could hope for, and a part of him was curious about what the Portal Keeper was attempting to accomplish. "Very well, I agree!" After a beckoning from the other Varisho, Sly stepped through the portal and was one step closer to his freedom.

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