Author's Note

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Dearest Readers;

Welcome to my second haphazard volume.  If you've stuck with me from the first, you have my deepest thanks~!!  And, if you've stumbled over this prior to finding the first, I would point you in the direction of DCA Volume 1.

My writing progress is slow and often hampered by the demands of my professional occupation, as i'm sure anyone who has actually been watching my chapters has noted.  This volume will be pieced together under the same stipulations, i'm afraid, so once again I will have to ask for your patience and understanding as I grind away at my work.

As stated in my note from Volume 1, I am by no means a big-time writer or distinguished author, and as such my musings and writings are sure to be sloppy in some places... I'm doing my best to improve both in my initial writings and in my after-editing processes.  Still!  Things won't be perfect. But I hope my wandering labor of love can bring some entertainment to you who venture into it.  The off-chance of bringing a smile to even a single person is, after all, my entire reason for putting my pen to the page. (Figuratively speaking~ <3)

My warmest regards;


DCA chapters are now also hosted on Wattpad, if that is a preferred reading platform for you.  Enjoy~


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