In Which Jurao Enjoys Being "Deceived"

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Jurao found he enjoyed helping his partner with training – blocking Braelin’s attempted strikes with his hands and arms and offering advice on his stance.

He could easily hear the nearby soldiers and Braelin’s friends and family as they practiced and found their comments… amusing.

A soldier said, “I guess that’s more realistic than outright challenging the King to a duel, even if he is your partner…”

“It’s kind of cute,” someone replied to them, “Reminds me of when we started courting.”

The first chuckled, “Me too, now that you mention it.”

“Never thought I’d see the day Braelin faked poor form so his partner would touch him more,” Beneford remarked to Minaz while Meir’ril spoke with a battle mage. Feyl had already taken his leave.

Minaz snorted in reply, “I never thought I’d see Jurao go along with something like that.”

“The King looks so excited, like a kid,” another soldier said as they jogged past the field.

Their companion sighed, “Yeah, seeing the Beast of the Battlefield like this is… something...”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Braelin put in this much enthusiasm!” Ayelma laughed to Malson, the pair taking a small break from their own training.

Malson scoffed, “He always puts this much enthusiasm into faking!”

Ayelma laughed again, “True! But he’s still actually training!”

The last was near enough for Braelin to hear, and Jurao noticed his partner’s ears turning pink as he corrected his gardener’s form again from behind.

“I probably shouldn’t keep you from your own training too long,” Braelin sighed, not falling out of his form as he had before.

Jurao hummed, then leaned down to kiss the crown of his partner’s head, “A day off every now and again is fine. And I am enjoying helping you.”

Braelin’s ears went redder as he said, “I may… not need as much help as you’ve been giving.”

Jurao chuckled, letting his lower hands rest on his partner’s waist for a moment, “I know. I’m enjoying that as well.”

“Ah,” Braelin turned to smile up at him, “Well, as long as we’re both enjoying ourselves, that’s fine.”

I want to kiss him, Jurao thought – then remembered he could, so did.

“That’s not training!” Beneford called out – but with clear amusement in his tone.

“Harsh,” Minaz laughed, “Want to help me with the Royal Guard?”

“I wouldn’t mind,” Beneford snorted.

Jurao pulled back with a sigh, “I do not think we could leave early.”

Braelin chuckled, “We could, but I don’t think Ben would appreciate it, no.”

As such, they continued their training game for another hour – though Braelin was less purposefully inattentive for the remaining time. When they arrived back at their suite, Forvi was waiting – along with Petal, the crushfern having chosen to remain soaking when they left early that morning.

“Forvi, would you mind leaving this morning,” Jurao asked, tail still swishing from his good mood.

Braelin looked up at him curiously.

The prince arched his right brows with a smile, “Of course I can – may I ask why?”

Jurao hummed as he considered, settling on, “I would like to spend some time alone with Braelin this morning.”

His partner blushed as he chuckled and looked away, “So we could work on my form some more?”

“Yes,” Jurao said, tail swishing a little harder.

Forvi laughed, “Oh, I see – very well, your highness. I will see you later today.”

“Did you have something specific in mind?” Braelin asked once the prince had left.

“I thought I would,” Jurao hesitated, undressing himself, “Return a favor.”

“A favor?” his partner smiled, also undressing.

Jurao nodded – then picked Braelin up and carried him to the nearest wall, “I thought I would attempt pleasing you with my mouth.”

Braelin’s face went a darker shade of red, his cock already partially erect as he said, “Ah, that favor. I would like that.”

Without needing more encouragement, Jurao experimentally licked at his partner’s shaft – attempting to put the knowledge he’d gained from human romance novels to use.

This bump at the end must be the ‘head’, he thought, surprised by the slightly salty taste, That was an important spot, as well as a vein on the underside – that was mentioned a few times…

Demon tongues were much longer than human ones, even proportionately – Jurao was able to wrap his fully around Braelin’s cock, wanting to be careful of his sharp teeth as he moved his mouth closer. His partner’s legs rested on his shoulders as he did, Braelin grabbing Jurao’s horns when the King tried squeezing down his length with his tongue.

“I’m, ah,” was all the warning his human partner gave him before cumming.

Jurao pulled back slowly, shifting Braelin down so they were more eye-level, “I do not think I was very skilled.”

Braelin chuckled, “Probably… no more than I… was. But it’s not… not like either of us has a basis… to compare.”

“Yes,” Jurao agreed, his own cock softly pressing against his slit. It was still at a point where he could ignore it with ease, so he would follow his partner’s lead.

“It was also the position,” Braelin added, smoothing his hands on the King’s shoulders, “It was… different. In a good way.”

“I did not think I could get low enough were you standing,” Jurao explained – as that seemed to be a popular position outside of the bed.

Braelin laughed, “No, I don’t think so either,” he looked down and hummed, “You’re not everted.”

“We can continue or end here as you like,” Jurao replied, “I wanted to make you feel good, but I am only a little aroused myself.”

His partner considered, then sighed, “Well, it probably wouldn’t be the best idea for you to try fucking me right before breakfast, after all…”

The tip of Jurao’s cock everted with a surprise swell from the statement, and he grunted at the sudden feeling of air against it.

Braelin laughed, resting his forehead against his partner’s collarbone, “Oops.”

“We still do not have to do anything more,” Jurao said, tail swishing as he tried to keep from everting further.

“I wanted to,” Braelin replied, then corrected, “I want to. Though… I may take the rest of the morning off if we do…”

“That’s fine,” Jurao replied, losing the battle to keep his cock inside his cloaca.

His partner considered, then picked his head up to kiss the King, “Would you be disappointed if I fucked you instead so I don’t need to take the time off today?”

“I would not,” Jurao said, carrying his partner over to the bed.

“I just want to plan it better,” Braelin said, shifting back so he could gently tug at the everted portion of his partner’s cock.

“I really do not mind,” the King sighed, resting his forehead against his partner’s brow, “I enjoyed last time you fucked me; I know I will enjoy this time as well.”

Braelin chuckled, “Next time, though, we’ll switch.”

“I look forward to it,” Jurao smiled.







“You missed breakfast,” Minaz stated, sitting in one of the chairs in front of Jurao’s desk.

“Yes,” the King agreed, tail swaying as he recalled his very enjoyable morning.

His Right Hand snorted – then laughed, “Honestly – I didn’t believe Feyl when he said you and Braelin had tried sex.”

“It’s very pleasant,” Jurao nodded, “I can see now why others enjoy it.”

Minaz snorted again – then picked up the book resting on one side of his desk, flipping through the pages before asking, “Oh? Is this… research material?”

“Yes,” the King replied, “It has been very educational so far.”

“Never really got the fad,” Minaz chuckled, replacing the book, “But at least you’ve gotten some benefit out of it.”

Jurao hummed his agreement.

“Did you actually ask Forvi to tell us you wouldn’t be making it?” his Right Hand asked.

“Ah,” the King said, “No, I did not intend to be absent, so I didn’t consider it. But he mentioned he’d said as much when I reached my office.”

“Do you think a lot of humans will move here?” Minaz asked, leaning back, “After you make it so they’ll live as long as we do here, I mean.”

“I imagine more will move to the Elven Realm,” Jurao replied, “It is safer, and humans have always seemed more drawn to elves.”

“The Elven Realm?” Minaz frowned.

“I’m going to Wish that all those that move to a realm where the primary residents have a longer lifespan will have theirs extended to match,” the King elaborated, “And elves still live much longer than humans do.”

“Huh,” Minaz nodded, “I mean, Feyl told me you were using your Wish for it, but he got called away before he got into specifics. Guess that is a better way to go about it, being more inclusive…”

“It was Gnene’s suggestion,” Jurao nodded, “I thought it sound.”

“Well, the Assembly is in two weeks,” his Right Hand chuckled, “You could announce your intention then. Should probably also send notice to the other cities.”

“I should,” Jurao asked, looking up from his work.

“I mean, there are some humans and other non-demons living here already,” Minaz shrugged, “They may not want to live so much longer – and it’ll give everyone else time to get settled about it before you go and do it. It’ll be a big change, you know.”

“Ah, yes, I see,” the King said, making a note, “I shall do so, then. Thank you for suggesting it.”

“So then,” Minaz said, counting on her fingers, “There’s the regular audience for requests and grievances, the motion to begin construction of an underwater garden in the city, announcing your plans to expand the back wall for more garden space, and the treasury review. Should be pretty lively this time around.”

“Do you foresee any problems,” Jurao asked.

“Nothing we can’t handle,” his Right Hand replied, “We both know Mayor Mera is kind of a hardass, but she does genuinely care about the people of the city, so I don’t think she’ll oppose us on principle like her predecessor used to.”

Jurao hummed an agreement, “Mayor Vakus did seem to make things overly difficult.”

“Well yeah,” Minaz snorted, “Once Hujur started catching his discrepancies in the treasury review and Prince Ergirri made him cut his bogus projects he was using to quietly embezzle funds through his cronies, he was just all spite.”

“Mayor Mera being the one to catch the man himself does speak highly of her character,” Jurao considered, “Especially as his daughter.”

“Surprising his kid is a dedicant of Vemera,” Minaz chuckled, rising, “Or maybe not, all things considered. I’ll let you get back to work; I just wanted to check in.”


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