4338.212.3 | Raid Idea

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I wasn't expecting Beatrix to come back through the Portal, but when she did, she was carrying an armful of assorted clothes, a mishmash of sizes and styles. She looked at me with an apologetic smile.

"I wasn't sure of what sizes to get, so I just got some random stuff," Beatrix confessed, her words accompanied by a shy, apologetic smile. She extended the pile of clothes towards me with a sense of determination. "I'll get us some more."

I glanced at the pile of clothes in my arms, feeling a mix of surprise and gratitude. "Where are you?" I asked, curious about where she had managed to acquire this impromptu wardrobe.

Beatrix blushed, her cheeks turning a rosy shade, and she hesitated for a moment, clearly embarrassed by her revelation. "I've activated the Portal in the women's change room in Big W," she confessed, her voice tinged with a mixture of reluctance and admission.

My eyebrows shot up in response, my initial amusement giving way to disbelief. The audacity of her choice of location had left me in awe. “So, you didn't pay for these?" I asked, my voice laced with both incredulity and amusement.

“No,” Beatrix replied, her sheepish grin remaining unapologetic. It appeared that she had embraced the lawlessness of our new world, where survival sometimes necessitated unconventional methods.

Before she could offer an explanation, I simply shrugged my shoulders, my acceptance of the situation reflected in a nonchalant, "Oh well." A cheeky grin found its way onto my face, acknowledging the absurdity of our circumstances. It was a world where moral boundaries had shifted, and we had to adapt to a new set of rules.

Feeling relieved, Beatrix turned to head back towards the Portal, presumably to gather more ‘acquisitions' from the other side.

"Wait!" I called out, stopping her in her tracks before she could vanish once more. Beatrix turned to face me, curiosity gleaming in her eyes as she met my serious gaze. "Don't bring any more clothes through," I instructed.

Beatrix opened her mouth to respond, but I cut her off before she could get a word in.

With my mischievous grin returning, I outlined my audacious plan. "Let's wait until after the shops have closed tonight. Then you and Luke can go back through the Portal in the change room, and we can raid the entire store."

"But what about the security cameras?" Beatrix asked, her practicality shining through.

"They may see you both moving items into the change room," I acknowledged, "but there's no cameras in there. So technically, there'll be no evidence that you actually took anything out of the store." My tone was one of cautious optimism, convinced that we had found a plan that would change life in Bixbus forever.

Beatrix contemplated the proposal for a moment, her mind visibly whirring as she weighed the risks against the rewards.

"I have a flight to catch to Brisbane early this evening," she finally said, a note of excitement creeping into her voice. "I'll touch base again when I arrive."

"Okay," I replied with a nod, watching as Beatrix disappeared through the Portal once more, leaving me with the pile of 'liberated' clothes and a devious plan for the evening.

I went in search of Luke to discuss our strategy, but he was nowhere to be found. Panic crept in as I realised he was supposed to be flying from Hobart to Adelaide today to recruit our family. The urgency of the situation gripped me, and I knew I couldn't wait for his return. Time was running out. If Luke was going to imminently bring our family to Clivilius, we would need a lot more resources, and fast.

Thankfully, I stumbled upon Karen, Chris, Grant, and Sarah, all gathered together and deeply engrossed in discussion. In one of my earlier bump into's with Chris, I had briefly learned that after talks that he and Karen had had with the wildlife enthusiasts, their involvement had taken the wildlife sanctuary development in unexpected turns. They were keenly considering adding a small plant nursery and orchard to the project. Despite the fact that it would require additional resources, they had concluded that the sites would serve a dual purpose - they would provide the settlement with resources in the short term, and long term they would be expanded to be able to also supply the wildlife sanctuary.

This, it seemed, was the topic of the conversation, their loud chatter and animated pointing out of potential plot sites giving it away easily.

I approached the group, my sense of urgency still gnawing at me. "Hey, everyone," I greeted, trying to sound casual despite the pressing matter I needed to discuss.

Karen looked up, her face beaming with enthusiasm for their latest plans. "Paul, what brings you here?"

I hesitated for a moment, my thoughts racing. "I need to talk to you all about something important." I glanced at Karen and Chris, hoping that their forward-thinking approach would extend to the upcoming risky endeavour I was about to disclose.

Karen leaned forward, her interest piqued. "Go on, Paul."

I took a deep breath, steadying myself. "Tonight, we're planning to raid the Big W. We need supplies, and it's our best shot." I watched their expressions carefully, waiting for their reaction.

Chris raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the audacious plan. "A raid, you say?"

Grant and Sarah exchanged a glance, their curiosity evident. They had initially believed this place to be an officially sanctioned settlement, and I was surprised that the prospect of a raid didn’t seem to catch them off guard.

Before I could voice my curiosity about their seemingly newfound acceptance of our unconventional methods, Karen's beady eyes locked onto mine, a silent warning that spoke volumes. I nodded in agreement, deciding to keep my questions for a later, more private conversation with her. It left my curiosity levels spiking off the charts, and I was determined to uncover what was really going on.

Karen, ever vigilant, changed the subject seamlessly. "I'm feeling a bit of heat exhaustion today, so I might retire early tonight. But Chris will be there to support you.”

“We’ll be there too,” said Grant, seeking an approval glance from his sister.

My thoughts raced as I considered the situation. Karen's apparent fatigue was concerning, but I needed to focus on the impending raid.

“Fantastic,” I said, a wave of relief washing over me.

“What’s the plan?” Chris asked.

I shook my head. “I’m not exactly sure of the fine details yet. But basically, we’ll meet at the Portal to receive the goods that Luke and Beatrix bring us.”

“Sounds pretty simple,” remarked Grant.

“We’ll talk about it more later this evening at the campfire. We’ve got a fair bit of preparation to do for it,” I said.

“Preparation… such as?” Karen asked.

“Well, it’s likely to be a midnight raid, of sorts, so we’ll need to build some additional fires near the Portal so that we have some light,” I explained.

“I see,” said Karen, nodding. “Makes sense, I guess.”

“Yeah,” I affirmed, my hands moving animatedly. “Like I said, I’ve got a lot to consider at the moment, so full details at the campfire later.”

“Roger that,” said Grant, grinning wildly, as he saluted playfully.

Not being too familiar with the young man, although I sensed it was his form of humour, I still chuckled somewhat nervously.

As I was about to leave the group, Karen pulled me aside, her voice low and filled with intrigue. She began to speak of something entirely unexpected—the baby huntsman spiders she had captured in jars the day before. They had been discovered in a bag of firewood that had been delivered. She had yet to set them free and had managed to catch a staggering 137 of them.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I peered into one of the jars she held out. The tiny, eerie creatures skittered about inside, their multiple eyes glistening in the dim light. I was both fascinated and repelled but didn't want to get too close.

Karen's voice was hushed as she revealed her concerns. "I'm worried they won't survive in this harsh environment. I also want to start trying to breed a few species of insects in captivity."

I nodded, acknowledging her concerns and the importance of preserving these creatures. "I'll mention it to Luke and Beatrix. They might be able to help with getting you some aquariums.”

“Terrariums would be better,” Karen corrected with a warm smile.

“Right,” I nodded, accepting the correction. “Actually,” I said, my head snapping up with the sudden idea. “The store we are raiding tonight has a pet section. I’ll make a mental note to speak with Beatrix and Luke and make sure that they loot that section. Should be something useful in all that.”

“Fingers crossed,” said Karen, smiling as she held her jar of baby spiders high.

My body shuddered involuntarily. Creepy, I thought, turning away. With Karen seemingly satisfied with my response, her worries temporarily assuaged, I walked away. The thought of baby spiders in jars lingered in my mind, yet in the face of our impending challenges, it was just another surreal detail in the tapestry of Clivilius.

With the majority of the settlers informed of tonight’s operation, necessity drove me to find Adrian and Nial, who were still hard at work on the settlement's security fencing. They were just beginning to pack up their tools, their faces smeared with sweat and dust.

"Hey, guys," I called out as I approached, my voice tinged with urgency. Adrian and I exchanged a wary look, both of us cautious about our interaction.

Adrian wiped his brow with the back of his hand, leaving a streak of dirt on his forehead. "What's up, Paul?" His voice held a hint of caution, as if he was walking on eggshells.

Nial, equally as curious, turned to face me, his expression expectant, but tinged with apprehension.

Kain, who had been nearby, overheard our conversation and joined us. His leg had limited his physical contributions, but his sharp mind was always an asset.

I took a deep breath, trying to find the right words to convey the importance of the situation while also navigating the delicate tension between Adrian and me. "Listen, we've got a plan tonight, and we're going to need all the help we can get."

Adrian raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued but guarded. "A plan? What kind of plan?" His words were cautious, and his eyes never left mine.

I leaned in closer, lowering my voice to ensure our conversation remained intimate. "We're going to raid a Big W store tonight. It's a risk, but we need supplies, and that place is a great opportunity."

Nial's eyes widened at the audacity of the plan, but he nodded in understanding, glancing warily at Adrian. "I get it. What do you need from us?"

Kain, ever analytical, questioned, "Do you have a strategy in mind, Paul?" His voice was measured, and he seemed keenly aware of the underlying tension in the group.

I nodded, relieved to see their willingness to join this exciting endeavour, even if it meant setting aside the animosity that had lingered between Adrian and me. "Yes, we've got a plan in motion, but we need more hands to make it work. I’ll share more details at the campfire tonight, but basically, it’s going to be a midnight raid.”

Adrian's gaze remained fixed on me, and he spoke tentatively, as if testing the waters. "Sounds like a heist movie. Count us in."

Nial shared Adrian's guarded enthusiasm. "We've been working on this fence for hours. A little adventure might be just what we need." His words carried a hint of hope, but the tension still lingered.

Relief washed over me as I realised I had their support, even if it meant navigating the fragile truce between Adrian and me. "Thank you, guys. We're taking a big risk, but it's our best chance to secure our future in this place."

With a determined nod, I left the men to resume their end of day routines.

“Luke!” I called out, my voice echoing through the expanse of the Drop Zone, a place as foreboding as it was essential for our survival. The warm air bit at my skin, a stark reminder of the harsh world we now inhabited. I waited anxiously for my brother to join me, my heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

My younger brother approached me slowly, his demeanour calm and composed.

“Luke,” I said, my voice lower now, laced with urgency as I pulled him into a hushed conversation near some stacked boxes. The boxes, carelessly thrown together, were overlaid with heaping piles of clothes, remnants of a world we once knew. “Beatrix and I have come up with a plan, something that could really help us.” My eyes searched his, looking for a glimmer of hope, a sign that he believed in this as much as I did.

Luke nodded, his expression serious, urging me to continue. I could see the weight of our situation reflected in his eyes, the burden of survival that we all carried.

“Tonight, we’re hitting a Big W store in Elizabeth,” I revealed, my voice tinged with a conspiratorial excitement. The thrill of the plan sent a shiver down my spine, a rare feeling of control in a world where we had so little. “Beatrix registered a Portal location in one of the change room stalls.” The words felt surreal, even to me, as I spoke them.

“So, Beatrix made it to Adelaide safely, then?” Luke's reaction was underwhelming, his lack of enthusiasm palpable.

“Yeah, she’s fine,” I quickly replied, brushing the question aside with a dismissive wave of my hand.

Luke’s eyes narrowed at me as I unfolded the audacious plan. I could see the gears turning in his head, calculating the risks and possibilities. I would gather all the settlers to the Portal later tonight, and then Luke and Beatrix would traverse their Portals through earth to raid the Big W store for supplies. The plan was bold, perhaps too bold, but desperation had a way of sharpening one’s resolve.

“How do we know we won’t get caught?” Luke asked, his brow furrowed in thought.

“I didn’t realise that was a matter you thought much about these days,” I replied with a smirk.

My attempt at lightening the mood was met with a familiar eye roll from Luke. “That was such a typical older brother thing to say.”

I chuckled loudly. “That’s why you love me so much,” I jested, playfully nudging him. It felt good to share a moment of levity, however brief.

An air of excitement finally settled over us, the thrill of the plan igniting a spark in Luke's eyes. “When’s the rendezvous?” he asked, his voice now laced with a newfound energy.

“As soon as night falls,” I replied. “Beatrix will coordinate the Portal activation. We’ll be here, waiting.” The plan was coming together, each piece falling into place like a well-orchestrated symphony.

“Nightfall?” Luke questioned the logic. “Isn’t this shop open until really late?” His practicality was often his strength, grounding my sometimes overzealous plans.

I paused, caught off guard by the truth in Luke’s revelation. The practicalities of our operation were complex, and every detail mattered.

Luke, in his usual younger sibling impatience, gestured for me to think faster. I could feel his eyes on me, expectant and slightly amused at my momentary lapse.

The brotherly pressure had the desired effect. “I think they close at ten. We’ll gather at the Portal at nightfall, and then when the coast is clear, you and Beatrix strike at midnight,” I explained, my confidence returning. The plan was risky, but it was worth the shot.

“Midnight!?” Luke exclaimed.

“Yeah,” I replied, less optimistically than before. “We can’t be too careful, you know.”

“Fine,” Luke conceded, his reluctance accompanied by another eye roll.

“Great!” I exclaimed, slapping Luke’s shoulder a little too enthusiastically

Luke rubbed his shoulder as he retreated from the conversation, a small smile playing on his lips. I couldn’t help but grin in his wake, the bond between us unbreakable even in the face of the unknown. Our plan was set, our fate hanging in the balance. As I watched Luke walk away, I couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and hope. Tonight, our lives would change forever.

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