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Trenchard7 Progress Report

Polaris Te'Laetheriel

Pullahari monk and Forerunner

960 words

Murandir, the Black Blade

Avelornic sword

523 words

Seer's Prophecy

142 words


Yaboni bladesinger and Forerunner

825 words

Immortal Assegai

Haranoan relic

635 words

Hexum Kraskorein

Gnomish machinist and Forerunner

482 words

Forerunners of Prophecy

Adventurers related the Seer's Prophecy

523 words

Aegis of the Crimson Queen

Religious relic

423 words

Heart of the Forest

Epinoin relic

287 words


Human warrior and Forerunner

767 words

Rhaelor Sanguinar

Broodknight of House Sanguinar

508 words

Mordicon, Master of Magic

Human archwizard

420 words

Rafe Windsong

Human wizard and Companion

473 words

The Companions

Heroes of the Kingdom

586 words

Ser Mathias Ares

Human ranger and Companion

786 words


Yaboni relic

386 words

Kingdom of Andor

Human nation on Aedrus

680 words

Kin'Saan Watari

Shogun of Harano and Companion

494 words


Northern Kingdom city

333 words


472 words


Kingdom city

518 words


331 words

House of Ares

Kingdom noble house

137 words


532 words

Clan Watari

327 words

War of the Lion

Kingdom civil war

444 words

House ConDoin

Royal house of Andor

86 words


Kingdom city

258 words

Sir Irkas II

305 words

Onishi Aiga

76 words

Sir Loric Dulaine

108 words

King Edgar I

189 words

King Garrick II

142 words

Virion Vazana

Elven ranger and Sacred Flame recruit

333 words

Professor Weirding

Human wizard and arrogant academic

112 words

Knights of the Sacred Flame

Religious military order of Lightbringer

246 words

Cult of Arc'Tun

61 words

Pullahari Order

Monastic Keshian order

105 words

Keshian Empire

436 words


Ruined city

184 words

Ethilendra, Archpriestess of Living Flame

Leader of the Arc'Tun Cult

391 words

Trenchard7 Progress so far

17821 words 178.21% completed!

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