J. I. Rogers Progress Report

Cheers, all!

The Undercity

What lies beneath every Cluster City...

752 words

J. I. Rogers Progress so far

1347 words 13.47% completed!

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Sci-Fi Author & Artist

Interests & Hobbies

Old-school RPGs, writing, art, and a plethora of other things.

Favorite Movies

Serenity, Pulp Fiction, Snatch, The Usual Suspects, Watchmen, Edge of Tomorrow, Blade Runner (both), Matrix (first one), Sunshine, Moon... lots more

Favorite TV Series

The Expanse, Battlestar Galactica (new), Star Trek (original), Firefly, Black Matter, Black Mirror, Penny Dreadful (all but last season)... a few more

Favorite Writers

Too many to list here; Terry Pratchett, Barbara Hambly, Neil Gaiman, C J Cherryh... too many.

Latest Loved work


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