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Home Region - Boon

Description Whether it’s because you grew up there or have since learned to call it home, one nation is especially familiar to you.
Applications Choose one nation (such as Varisia or Taldor) when you purchase this boon. For the purpose of fulfilling prerequisites and Access conditions for uncommon character options, you are treated as being from that nation as well as the larger region in which it’s found (such as the Saga Lands for Varisia or the Shining Kingdoms for Taldor).    You can purchase this boon multiple times, but each time you purchase it, you lose your previous home region in order to become so familiar with a new one. Before doing so, you must retrain any options that listed being from the previous home region as a prerequisite, and any options to which you would no longer have access.    The World Traveler boon, accessible with Achievement Points, grants similar access to an entire region, providing an additional avenue to access region- and nation-based options.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Action / Feat
