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Aethyric Armor - unknown -

Traditions Components
arcane occult primal somatic verbal
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
Touch Self or Willing Creature. Concentration, up to 1 hour N/A
"The symbol within Arcanis for this protective magick is universal and one that every magister should learn. A simple glittering shield, centered over where your chest would be, forged of the appropriate manna, in the Aether. It shall be in the shape of a kite shield, tapered to the bottom to a rounded point, extending upwards and outwards equally at careful angles, before turning sharply inwards to come together at slight inclines at the top. It is simple enough in its execution that one should be able to do it from memory after merely studying the shape of such shields."

Spell-Stitch/Spell-Weave DC: 12

Upon weaving this spell-form the target is enveloped in a shroud of the appropriate elemental color. If a Shaman, or anyone else using an item or a scroll or other such effect, 1d8 to establish which element you are tapping into; Fire, Necrotic, Lightning, Radiant, Thunder, Poison, Cold, Psychic. If you are a Magister the Armor benefits are tied to the element of your Order.

For the duration, the target has Resist (2) to the appropriate damage type, and gains +2 deflection bonus to their Armor Class.

Tier -1: Fail to Cast, roll a Minor Miscast.
Tier 0: Fail to cast, no miscast.
Tier II: Becomes Resist (4) and +4 to AC for the duration. DC becomes 17 for Spell-Stitch/Spell-Weave if trying to flat cast.
Tier III: Becomes Resist (6) and +6 to AC for the duration. DC becomes 22 for Spell-Stitch/Spell-Weave if trying to flat cast.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

