Xetri (ZET-ree)

If secret knowledge or ancient artifacts are what you're looking for, find a Xetri. Be careful, though. They're far more dangerous than most give them credit for. I don't mean their deadly venom or strong, massive bodies. If you get one of them started on their chosen interest... they'll talk you to death.
— A Wayward Soul
  These serpent-like people are one of the oldest known races on Shira'tol. They have long, serpentine bodies with humanoid torsos and snake-like heads. Some have flaring hoods like cobras or rattles at the end of their tails, and they come in all colors and scale patterns. They are keepers of knowledge and procurers of lost artifacts. Their cities double as libraries and museums, and the people can be seen huddled around dusty tomes or broken pots excitedly discussing their finds. They spend a lot of time studying specific subjects or searching for particular objects to the point that they dedicate their lives to these pursuits. Most of them are not much in the way of combat, but they are excellent at diving into ancient ruins and pulling out the choicest bits of history.  

The Pursuit of Knowledge

For the Xetri, the most important thing is the pursuit of knowledge. The more obscure and ancient, the better. As a culture, they place high value on discovery, learning, and invention above all else. They often will put themselves in dangerous or even deadly situations as they delve into ruins or conduct untested experiments for the sake of this discovery. Many Xetri, in fact, meet their end in the process of claiming knowledge but they view such deaths as a noble and worthy end. The Black Tower at the center of the Temple of Ink, an enormous obsidian obelisk, is emblazoned with the marks of every Xetri who has sacrificed their lives in the name of discovery.   Each Xetri, as they age into adolescence, chooses a Primary Pursuit. This is their life's work, the singular discovery, invention, or piece of lost knowledge that they will spend most of their focus on in their lifetime. Since Xetri live for a thousand years or more, many of them will meet this goal within the first half of their life. Around this time, a Xetri will gain their wings. Most Xetri believe you must complete your Primary Pursuit to earn your wings, but in reality, it is more a matter of biology. In either case, once a Xetri reaches full maturity, anywhere between the ages of one hundred and five hundred years, large, feathered wings will grow from their backs. Reaching this stage is a major milestone for a Xetri and a point of pride for many.

Articles under Xetri


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